After spending more than a month in Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan must pass the United States. As for Xiangjiang's matters, it is not concerned. The focus is on one aspect, the most important development is relatively stable, and the staffing is more reasonable. Moreover, he didn't want to participate in competition and disputes, and the purpose was to let both parties look at it, he would not go. But increase investment scale and do not do it in the short term.

Even if the scale of investment is not increased, the current volume of Heiyun Group; the black cloud town is about to be put into use, combined with the continuous expansion of Hutchison Huangpu. At least in the next few decades, Bao Zixuan is definitely the first person to invest in Xiangjiang.

As for the reasons for the United States in the past, there are sufficient reasons; Zhang Youran, as his wife, expressed support and could not pick out any problems. Microsoft is about to be listed as a major shareholder, and it must be a platform for it. In fact, the original plan should have been listed for a long time; but Bill Gates is not very satisfied with the price of the underwriter. In addition, Microsoft's performance has not achieved the ideal effect, so it must be pushed to the present.

There was only an Apple company in the previous life and competed with them. Now the market is occupied by the Heiyun Group, and many Microsoft technology needs to be authorized by Heiyun. When Wall Street makes a valuation of the company; a large part of the reason is not to look at the current sales. After all, it is not meaningful for technology companies.

More importantly, it depends on the company's development prospects and how many technical patents have been mastered. There is technology in your hand, which means that you have everything. At present, although Microsoft has a lot of market share; there are not many core technologies for their own. Even Apple can't keep up, the underwriter is worried that the market will not be particularly recognized.

But thinking about Both Black Cloud and Apple are closed -loop management, that is, other computer manufacturers will use Microsoft's operating system in the future. If the Black Cloud Group does not come out, Microsoft is still a very promising company.

The arrival of Bao Zixuan is relatively low -key. After all, he does not have to propagate himself through other channels. There are too many halo itself. And this time it is mainly to the Microsoft platform, not to grab the limelight.

Direct flights to New York, Microsoft Headquarters in Seattle;

Without letting Microsoft personnel welcome, John Chambers appeared at the airport. Originally, he did not need to come over to welcome this level of senior executives, but the situation was special this time. Several core staff of Microsoft are waiting for him in the hotel, but now the specific situation of Microsoft is not very clear; as the head of the U.S. branch of the Black Cloud Group, it is necessary to report on the car.

After the two got on the car, Bao Zixuan first said: "I was very sorry last time, and the matter was urgent; and the exchange was still exchanged, so if you didn't come, you communicated in advance."

When I heard the boss coming up, I apologized, which made John Charles be flattered. After all, the whole company is from others and can do anything. It is not necessary to apologize at all; coupled with the acquisition of Ferrari, it is also a perfect supplement to the model of Black Cloud Automobile. You need to know that even Ford II did not do it. Now the boss can easily convince Enzo Ferrari,

This is a great achievement in itself.

John Chamber: "Boss, don't say that. Acquisition Ferrari cars is a perfect supplement for Black Cloud Automobile; at least we have surpassed other American car companies in the field of high-end sports cars."

"You don't know. After the news came back to the United States, Henry Ford II crushed all the exquisite crystal cups in the office. Of course, I just heard that I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Knowing that it is beneficial to the development of the company, but since the company is handed over to others, we cannot follow their own ideas. Doing so is not conducive to establishing the authority of professional managers. The company's employees believe that this kid is a decoration, and the boss does not trust him at all.

Now I may be okay, but when the successor is not enough, the final result can be imagined. Therefore, the professional manager system must be resolutely implemented. Without that dynasty can continue, after all, no one can guarantee that his descendants will always be savvy.

However, if a person is hired around the world, the possibility of continuous development of enterprises will increase.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "The old boy is too true. It feels that they have been doing cars a few years earlier than others; they are the most authentic car dealers, so it is not good. If according to his logic, then we are people. Isn't it a goodbye to Karl Benz. "

Hearing the boss's humorous evaluation, John Chambers laughed. The longer you have contact with Bao Zixuan, the more he can feel, the more he can get along well. It is not as big as some super rich. As long as it is done well, it is still very approachable.

John Chamber: "At present, the US branch is developing well, and the sales of military vehicles continue to grow. Not only are the U.S. military and some countries in the Middle East; even European countries have also begun to order military vehicles."

"But the U.S. military requires that we are exported to military vehicles in other countries; they can only be a low version, so the price is not easy to sell too high."

Americans are still ignorant, even a military vehicle. This is the current situation, and Heiyun Group dare not break easily. But there are policies and countermeasures. You can put some special parts to the country; then send engineers to assemble.

Even if the Americans know, they don't say much. After all, a military vehicle is mainly to facilitate transportation and increase the probability of soldiers' survival. If it is an offensive weapon, it is estimated that Bao Zixuan dare not do so.

After seeing the boss nodded, John Chamber continued: "To say that various branches in the United States, the fastest growth rate is an online company. The White House requires the United States to take the lead in connecting the Internet. Began to buy equipment desperately; after all, the government has a large subsidy in this area. At the same time, major universities do not want to be backward. "

"Therefore, you can get the equipment, and you don't even care about the price. Make Heiyun Network Company's growth in the past year. The sales of each month can be increased by 50%on the basis of the previous month; It has already adjusted and expanded production capacity, and it is still in short supply. "

As an old man who has worked at Wangan Computer for many years, John Charles are very familiar with computer equipment. He was CEO of Cisco in previous lives; it was under his leadership that Cisco became the number one company at that time.

Obrak is still a little tender now, but it is better than young; and the understanding of computer software and hardware is better than many professionals. Coupled with Cisco's founders and CEOs, they are working under their own hands; core patented technologies are in hand. I believe no one can shake the status of Black Cloud in the field of network equipment.

Bao Zixuan: "Just implement it according to the plan, but pay attention. The White House will not want to see a company's unique, or even occupy all the market. If necessary, you can authorize multiple protocol routers. If Motorola wants to enter this field, We are warmly welcome. "

Hearing the boss said that, John Charles certainly understood what it meant. The government will never allow a foreign company to hold the core data exchange terminal in the United States.

Since the boss already has instructions, just follow the command.

John Chambers then reported the situation of several other branches, and the overall effect was good. However, some products have been unable to go up because of positioning problems. This is also the meaning of the wealthy wealthy. After all, Americans do not want to see Xiangjiang companies that dominate the market, and they appear on their own land. Sometimes it must be compromised, otherwise it will be difficult to end.

Seeing the same time, John Chambers continued: "At present, Microsoft's main personnel have been waiting for you at the Hilton Hotel. It is very confident in the bell on the market the day after tomorrow. Software authorization. "

"After all, Microsoft's most profitable software is authorized by Heiyun Group. If the contract expires, they are worried that the group will change or unwilling to continue cooperation."

"You are Microsoft's shareholders, but the underwriter wants to see the contract. Only in this way can shareholders be assured."

If there is a change, it must be my own identity. In case of sanctions on the Black Cloud Group, it will become illegal about software authorization; it is normal to be able to think so. It seems that Americans are ready to do, otherwise how can Bill Gates worry about this. As for why there is no action now, it is likely that you still have usefulness, or there is no chance to find.

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