Putting fate to outsiders is definitely not the richest man. It is necessary to be hard to hit the iron. At present, the situation of Xiangjiang can't expect it. Then I can only work hard from Facha Ila. Although they are very careful, when they touch the interests of Americans, they will still try to clean up you.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Bill Gates wants to do, everyone knows what to do. Just after wanting to eat a reassinual pill and talk about the price of the underwriting price. Although the current stock price has been basically determined, if it is more favorable before listing, it will be more favorable. When the news is released, then the institution and shareholders will naturally scramble to buy it. "

"Then we give him this peace of mind, after all, I am also one of Microsoft's major shareholders."

When I heard Bao Zixuan refused, John Charles knew what it meant. But the boss did not say that he was not good at guessing.

When I came to the Hilton Hotel, I saw four people waiting for him. Although they knew both, two after all, after all, they met for the first time, and they were embarrassed to go up. And as the founder of the company, Bill Gates still wants to introduce each other.

For the investor Bao Zixuan, there is really no problem. Never interfere with the company's specific operations, and even the board of directors does not participate. At most send one representative to handle it; but when you need to use money, when you increase capital and share the shareholding, the other party will prepare the money and never drag.

The most important Black Cloud Group has developed new software, as long as Microsoft has demand; always authorized at low prices, and support is really unable to find a problem. I would like to ask such investors where can I find it; at least ten years of Bill Gates who has operated the company has never heard of it.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Bill; Congratulations, although I am a shareholder, the company is running. Finally, it can be listed. It can be said that we have made a lot of money for us; as a shareholder, you must not be stingy."

"The four of you are the core figure of the company. I should say it." After speaking, I handed over 4 keys, and then said, "I stopped 4 Ferrari sports cars downstairs, which was a gift I gave to you."

There are two people here for the first time to see Bao Zixuan, and they can receive gifts; and the Ferrari sports car that men dream of, it is too generous!

Bill Gates didn't have a surprise, he already knew before he came. And after asking him for his opinion, he finally chose a Ferrari sports car.

Bill Gates said with a smile: "Steve, Charles; I have said that they will definitely surprise you. Before, you were a little worried about the company's stock price. Now it is a headache for the people in Wall Street. "

The name of the richest man in Xiangjiang Bao can be said to be ringing all over the world. If he can't get it, it is estimated that a few young people are sake.

Bill Gates went on to say, "Let me introduce it to you,

Paul Allen, you already know, this is our company's vice president Steve Ballmer; this is the head of the technology department Charles Simonny. "

Hearing these two names, Bao Zixuan really didn't know what to say. They are all super bulls in the future, one is the top ten super rich in the world, and the other is one of the greatest programmers in history.

Steve Ballmer was born on March 24, 1956; Ballmer joined Microsoft in 1980. He successively served as Vice President of Microsoft Sales Support Executive Vice President and President of Microsoft. He is the first business manager hired by Bill Gates. Ballmer grew up in Detroit. He graduated from Harvard University and received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and economics. Ballmer's father is Swiss, and his mother is a Russian Jewish descent. His father, Fleld Ballmer, came to the United States after World War II. He was the translator of the tribute chief of the war criminal court. He later wrote a bookkeeping in General Motor Company, and finally started the accounting from Ford Motor.

In 1974, 18-year-old Ballmer met the founder of Microsoft and the world's richest man Bill Gates when he was in the second grade of Harvard. In 1980, in the Stanford campus, Bill Gates found Ballmer and persuaded Ballmer to join Microsoft who was still incubating.

As for the reason why Steve Ballmer was more famous in the later generation, not only because he was the former CEO of Microsoft; more importantly, he purchased the Los Angeles Clippers. This team with the Zijin dynasty in a city, shared a team without presence.

His financial resources were talked about in NBA and quoted $ 2 billion; he paid a one -time, without any loan, which showed his extent.

Charles Simonny, born in Budapest, Hungary, formerly known as Simonny Corolley, an inventor of software development experts, Hungarian naming law. Microsoft's product development director is one of the core staff of Microsoft.

Most genius programmers are particularly smart but introverted in their childhood. They are not interested in the rules of the adult world. Instead, they live in their closed small world. They are accompanied by science and technology. Simonny's childhood is somewhat different. Simone's childhood spent in Budapest, Hungary in the late 1950s, and his father was a professor of electronic engineering. His father has always encouraged Simonny to bravely express his views and communicate with others. As a professor of electronic engineering, the father has always believed that solving the problem is an indispensable part of personal growth. This view has a great impact on Simonny's growth, because the main task of computer program design is to solve the problem.

Simonny has begun to contact computers and programming at high school, thanks to his father's professor identity. The kid was a chance to give a computer engineer as an assistant. You must know that there were only five computers in Hungary at that time.

With this opportunity, Simonny completed his first program and the first professional program in high school. The first program written by Simonny is to fill the fantasy recipe to allow the sum of each row, column and diagonal lines. His first professional program was a compiler written for a very simple, high -level language similar to Fortran. Simonny sold the compiler as an innovative achievement to the government department and got a lot of money; however, he didn't spend a point, because he left Hungary soon.

After graduating from high school, at a trade conference in Budapest, Simoni met several Denmarks engaged in computer work. After fully understanding their company's new machines, Simonny took one of them to bring the applets they wrote to Denmark for their supervisors, and the program can accurately feedback any part of the machine is analyzing the long expression at any time. The company's supervisor likes this program and provides a job to Simonny. Simonny left Hungary.

One and a half years after Danish programming, Simonny used his salary, coupled with the bonus earned from government departments, to study at the University of California, Berkeley, and was a major in engineering mathematics. During the school, Simonny entered the Berkeley Computer Center as a programmer, and his income was used to pay tuition.

In November 1980, Simonny, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer conducted in-depth discussions. Although Gates was very young at that time, his views on computers were very visible. Simonny only talked with them for 5 minutes and decided to work at Microsoft.

It is said that the boy left Hungary that year, but his father was hurt enough, and it was definitely a cheating master. You must know that Hungary is a Huojo country, but Denmark is an out -of -the -box Western developed country. Dare to do so during the Cold War, and it was still daring; it is estimated that there seems to be no other person except him.

Moreover, the boy will be invested in private in the future and ascended to space twice; it can be seen that the genius brain is indeed different from others.

Bill Gates continued: "Mr. Bao Zixuan is also our major shareholder of Microsoft. You have come to the company for six years and have never seen a member of the board of directors."

Everyone is young, the largest Charles Simonny is only 37 years old; Paul Allen is 33 years old, Bill Gates is 31 years old; Steve Ballmer is 30 years old. And there are famous school backgrounds, which can be said that communication is still very convenient.

After shaking hands with the two people, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I am a shaking shopkeeper, and the time and energy are relatively limited. Therefore, Microsoft's future development requires you to continue to work hard."

"This time in the past Italy, I just acquired Ferrari sports cars. Thinking about congratulations and sending gifts. Bill said that you like to drive, so everyone should not be polite. As long as you wait for Microsoft to go public, you find that you can buy anything, you will become there, you will become there. It's simple. "

When he heard Bao Zixuan say this, everyone laughed.

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