Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1513 The ambition of young people

Everyone knows Bao Zixuan's financial resources. For them now, Ferrari sports cars may be luxury. For this one in front of me, the kung fu may be in the chat; the money of the four cars has made it back. Everyone was polite, thinking about looking for opportunities in the future and make up for it. Of course, I can only think so at present, otherwise I am embarrassed to accept such precious gifts.

Now that you have met each other, and because of the gift, the atmosphere has become harmonious; it is necessary to enter the topic. After all, this time coming here is for Microsoft's listing platform.

Bill Gates: "Bag, as an investor, you are indeed the best I have ever seen, and you can't find which one is better than you at all. But although Microsoft is about to go public at present Thinking about you can push Microsoft. "

This kid is so polite that he must have something to ask. And as a shareholder of Microsoft, Yu Yu Li must also help one or two.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "We are similar in age, everyone is the same; therefore, what can be said. As long as I can do it, I must spare no effort. For Microsoft, I always adhere to a principle; Participate in specific management. And when you need it, I can sell or increase the shareholding. "

It can be said that Bao Zixuan's answer makes people unable to pick a little problem.

Bill Gates said with a smile: "I know you must have no problem."

"Microsoft wants to buy out several softwares currently authorized by Heiyun, that is, Microsoft can develop at will in the future without paying any patent fees."

It turned out to be waiting for him here! After software buying the right to use, then Microsoft is not worried about any disputes with the Black Cloud Group; even if the black cloud will be sanctioned in the future, it will not have much impact on Microsoft.

This kid is really smart, but this is not much lost to the Black Cloud Group. If you can take more shares, it is not unacceptable.

Seeing Bao Zixuan thinking, Bill Gates continued: "You can't let you lose, so we will take 2%of the shares to pay for the software to buy the price."

This price cannot be reflected, but how much it will be in the future, it is hard to imagine.

It can be said that Bill Gates is full of sincerity, and of course he understands; if you do not use stocks, pay cash directly, Bao Zixuan will definitely not agree. After all, they are tied to one, and no one has money.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since it is for the development of the company, then according to what you said. I have no opinion on this, I just hope that everyone can work carefully and operate the enterprise well."

After getting Bao Zixuan, then a lot of things will be done.

The underwriter is to see Microsoft's most profitable software, and it does not belong to himself; it is considered that the stock price should not be too high.

Wall Street's worries are not unreasonable, and software updates are fast. But it is basically based on previous software research and development, without the authorization of Black Cloud Group. On the basis of this, Microsoft develops new software, then people sue you to infringement, but it is accurate.

If you buy it directly, there are no these problems, at least there are no disputes in the law.

Bill Gates said with a smile: "I know that the bag will never be disappointed, then that's it."

"We will also meet with the underwriters tomorrow. We may still be able to engage in technology. But business negotiations, that is, Steve is okay, others are far away."

"Therefore, you will participate tomorrow, the underwriter who wants the price of Wall Street; if you see the bag, you may know how to do it."

In this regard, Bao Zixuan did not oppose it, as a company shareholder; occasionally dealing with it, it was reasonable.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You are the chairman and CEO of Microsoft. Now I am just an ordinary director. Therefore, you are responsible for all work arrangements. Since you come here, you must contribute to the company, so don't have any scruples."

They didn't have much contact with Bao Zixuan before, and never expected that the other party would speak so well. No wonder people have huge influence and popularity throughout the world; that is, this is approachable, and most people cannot do it.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also has his own ideas. In the future, these four people will be super rich. Although they are Americans, they do not prevent Facha Irah's investment in the past. Even if you go to leave every year, you can bring some promotion to the local economy.

It is no better than before. If you want to build a Fucha Ila, you must have a good relationship with elites around the world. It is best to invest in Fucha Ila to invest.

Bao Zixuan: "Cutting and chatting, you haven't eaten yet! Let's eat a meal together, don't be polite what to eat, today I invite."

It is a gift and a petition; it can be said that Bao Zixuan has perfectly made investors perfect.

To say that New York is currently the hottest news, Microsoft is about to go public. As an international financial city, companies may be listed every day; this is not new. But Microsoft is different from other companies, the number one company in the world's operating system software.

And there are still not many, the operating system authorized to be authorized to other computer manufacturers. Of course, there are other companies in developing operating systems, but their technology, as well as the use of Microsoft at all.

Therefore, when Baozixuan, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer, and Charles Simonny appeared in front of the public, everyone was incredible. I heard that Bao Zixuan was a shareholder of Microsoft, and now it seems that the rumors are true; otherwise how could he come to New York at this time.

Even if you come over, you will not be with these people. Investors who were still worried that Microsoft's stock price was too high before, and now I regret it. Unexpectedly, Bao Zixuan would be so supportive, and thought that a few young people were flicker. It can only be adjusted from newly adjusted, otherwise this feast has nothing to do with them.

Martha Restaurant, located in the center of New York, USA. The consumption here is the most expensive in the United States. Since you are invited to dinner, of course, you ca n’t be stingy; now these people have just started and feel very luxurious. If you wait for future generations, there is no problem if they want to buy such restaurants.

It is also good to be able to bring them a deep impression, at least you can remember yourself.

Originally, I needed to be positioned in advance, but who made Bao Zixuan come in person. And still with several core figures in Microsoft, which is about to be listed, the restaurant can be described as extremely important.

This is a good opportunity to increase popularity, which can bring huge traffic to the restaurant. At the same time, the propaganda plans were available. Before Microsoft went public, several core figures celebrated in Martha's restaurant.

These people are very young, at least compared to other listed companies; they are really young, and they can even be said to be the representative of the American dream.

Young means infinite possibilities, although they can't let them do anything. But talking about it must be a good publicity point, who would dislike the restaurant's reputation!

Except for Bill Gates, several other families are not so wealthy; they all enter prestigious schools through their own efforts. Now seeing Bao Zixuan brought them here, he suddenly felt flattered.

IT men, basically do not pay attention to their own dress, which makes the restaurant service staff incredible. After all, the people who came here were basically dressed in formal clothes, and which one was sang today.

In fact, Bao Zixuan does not attach great importance to it, after all, no need to decorate himself through clothes. Unless you encounter special circumstances, or on the occasion. Usually in the company, they are basically work clothes; so they are dressed like young people.

They are all T blood shirts with jeans. Seeing other people in the restaurant, five people laughed.

After sitting down, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It seems that our lives have not fully integrated into this so -called high society, but what can I do if it is really integrated!"

Seeing that a restaurant service staff was a little disdainful, after all, he hadn't seen who the person was.

No one would think that men who had the opportunity to compete for the world's richest man came to eat together with a group of young people.

Seeing the expression of the beautiful waiter, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "This beauty, seeing your expression does not seem to recognize what I just said."

Being able to come to the restaurant to eat is bound to be rich or expensive. And watching the man in front of him is a little familiar. I did not see the right face because of the light angle factors.

It can feel free, indicating that the Asian popularity in front of you is high; why can't you remember anyone for a while! At this time, the beauty waiters were very puzzled, and they were a little disappointed with their memory.

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