Recently, the richest man in Bao's richest man in the United States has declined. After all, it has not come here for so long; and it is the Soviet Union in the past and doing things in the Middle East. Americans do not want to increase his popularity. Besides, a person who is not related to reports is always reported that readers will not buy it.

For a person who has never seen and has not been reported recently; as a high -end restaurant waiter, it will not pay special attention. Even if the other party is the richest man in the world, what does it have to do with you?

However, good professional literacy makes beauty waiters dare not have any refutation. Being able to come to the store to consume, itself explains the economic level of others. The most important thing can also be so laughing, indicating that I don't care about many things.

The beauty waiter quickly replied: "Sir said laughed, I didn't mean this."

Seeing the expression of a few people next to me, I know what I think.

Also, it is a bachelor, especially Paul Allen. Although cancer was detected, it did not die so quickly.

Paul Allen was born in 1953 and is two years older than Gates. Allen's family is ordinary, her mother is a teacher, and her father is a library administrator. So that when he went to Gates for the first time, he "felt a little bit awe." However, Allen's dad has always supported him to do what he likes.

Allen has liked electronics since he was a child, and he has a strong self -learning ability. His parents tilted all to let him go to a private school lakeside middle school and became Bill Gates's classmates. The two came together because of their common hobbies and faith.

In fact, Gates dropped out of school and was affected by Allen. When he graduated from high school, Paul Allen easily scored 1600 points in the SAT test, and then entered Washington State University. But just two years later, he dropped out of school and joined Honeywell in Boston as a programmer.

In Boston, Allen met Gates studying in Harvard. Allen advised him to drop out of school and co -founded a software company. As a result, there is "Micro-Soft" in the world, which is the original name of Microsoft and Ellen.

In 1975, Allen and Gates achieved the first success: Basic program language compiler. After that, it is taking off: DOS operating system.

When his career began to take off, Allen was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for the first time in 1982, when he was less than 30 years old. Despite the control of chemotherapy, Allen's career in Microsoft was basically over. For a long time, he has been the second largest shareholder of Microsoft.

However, Paul Allen did not get married throughout his life, and he was children without daughter. In the end, he left more than $ 20 billion in inheritance. Although he was left to his sister, in Bao Zixuan's view, this was not what he wish.

After all, everyone wants to leave money to their children,

This is the same in that country.

In 2012, foreign media commented on the top 10 talented people in the world today. Paul Allen ranked ninth in the world with a 170-point IQ level. It would be a pity if such a good gene is not left for offspring.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Beauty, how do we play a game. Of course, it won't let you lose. If you win, I will give you a tip of a year's salary."

Hearing the game, and then tipping for one year's salary.

At this time, the restaurant chef came here. Why is it a restaurant chef? That's because the boss is not in China; otherwise it will definitely come over.

The restaurant chef smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, and you; hello! I am the chef of our shop, I am very happy to serve you."

Beauty waiters are not stupid, hearing the chef's title and combined attitude; immediately think of who is the man who played with himself in front of him. Xiangjiang's richest man Bao Zixuan, no wonder you can also enter the restaurant. It turned out that people have this confidence and strength, and they no longer need to decorate themselves through others.

Bao Zixuan: "We have five people, you just look at the arrangement. After all, you have never been here to eat here, as a chef; presumably it is more appropriate than those of us."

Hearing Bao Zixuan said so, the chef immediately understood what it meant. People want to eat well and make themselves arrange. Then things are easy to do. I believe the other party will be satisfied.

And there is no need to consider checkout, at least the richest wealth is not bad at all.

After the chef went to prepare, the beautiful waiter apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bao, I haven't recognized it before it was you."

"I don't know what game you want to play. Together with your super rich, you will definitely not let me suffer."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since you say that, we are embarrassed. I am married, but the four of them are single; if you let you choose one, you see who is more suitable; or which one feels the most pleasing to the eye. "

Hearing this game, the beauty waiters were a little bitmons. What kind of game is this and why it suddenly pulls this; the answer should be right, after all, there is no standard answer. But think about it and understand what it means. Is it a tip that allows you to accompany him at night and pay for his salary for one year.

It doesn't suffer, after all, he can eat with Bao Zixuan; show that his identity is definitely not low, and you can describe it with youth talents.

The beauty waiter said directly: "If it is me, it should be this gentleman."

After talking about Paul Allen, this is exactly what Bao Zixuan wants. Because of these four people, Paul Allen is indeed the most attractive to women.

After hearing this, a few people at the scene were here, after all, they felt that they were not bad.

Bill Gates said with a smile: "Beauty, you are really sad, but you need a reasonable explanation."

The beauty waiters were not tangled, but said with a smile: "I graduated from the same school with this Mr. Allen. Although he was a few sessions than me, and he dropped out of school halfway. ; But no one knows, no one knows. "

Washington State University has forged countless knowledge and achievements in the long history. It has a well -known professor, excellent students, and community environments for multiple cultural views. For "high -density research university". The school leads the world in small grain genetic breeding, and has helped Washington to become the world's highest -yield wheat production area.

A restaurant service staff was an alumni with himself, which made Paul Allen incredible. However, it also shows that this restaurant is indeed a high -end place.

Bao Zixuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly signed a check of $ 200,000. At the same time, I said with a smile: "You answered, I am very satisfied; at least make people can't pick any problems."

After the beauty saw the amount, she was very emotional. I also understand what it means, but this opportunity is also good. Although Paul Allen dropped out of school halfway, it was because there was nothing to learn at the university; not because of their performance.

In addition, the company is about to go public now. With such a man, you don't suffer at all, at least you don't have to come to work in the restaurant.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Everyone has a good drink tonight, and the status will be adjusted tomorrow.

They are all young people, so there are not so many scruples.

I just heard that Bao Zixuan had a good amount of wine, but never seen it. Now it is possible to feel whether there is no legendary evil.

So a few people began to drink, and it was called a hearty.

Paul Allen knew that he was not good at his health and would be controlled at the beginning. But in the end, I didn't care so much. After all, I saw a few people drinking with Bao Zixuan and never drank each other; how can I see it!

Where is this the best restaurant in New York? After all, the five people drank that feeling, making people speechless. However, this feeling is very good, in a strict sense; everyone is a science and engineering man and does not want to be restrained. It is not important whether the restaurant is high -end. As long as you can be happy and can do whatever you want, it seems more important than anything.

Seeing a few people drink almost, a well -known photographer wanted to take a picture of a few people.

Everyone did not refuse this, which made the photographer overjoyed. Because he knows that the day after tomorrow is the day of Microsoft's listing; this photo will inevitably represent extraordinary meaning in the future.

Sure enough, the photographer disappointed, 40 years later; his descendants found the photo after sorting the relics.

Seeing the five people in the photo, I was surprised. After all, the five people were so young at that time, and the final photo was taken to auction. It is just frying to $ 10 million, and it is enough to see how much influence of five people is.

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