When I went back at night, I saw where the beauty waiters had changed their clothes to wait for them. At this time, only the five people were sober, and the other four had already lay down. However, when the richest man Bao went out, there were a lot of bodyguards, and there was no problem to bring people back.

The beauty waiter took the initiative to take care of Paul Allen, which made Bao Zixuan very pleased. It shows that this woman is really possible, knowing to take money.

The beautiful waiter said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, how do you know that I will choose Mr. Paul Allen."

In fact, the beauty is very curious about this. Is this man fortune-telling, otherwise how do you know that Paul Allen is an alumni with her. Even at the beginning, she didn't pay attention, but when Bao Zixuan asked her to see people, she observed it carefully.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I don't know, but the other three are definitely not a type of girl like. Although Paul is not a handsome guy, there are still some literary youth temperament. It should be a type of girl like.

"So if it is a normal woman, I will basically choose Paul Allen. I hope you don't let me down, and I don't want my friends to leave regrets at the same time."

"Paul is a cancer patient, but I can assure you that it is absolutely not fatal. And with our financial resources, it is not easy to die. Maybe it will become a wealthy man. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your own ability. "

"If you can make him fall in love with you, or have a child; then you don't have to worry about money for money next life."

"$ 200,000 is enough for you to live easily for a while, you can accompany Paul. If you get married, I will definitely give a gift."

Hearing Bao Zixuan so straightforwardly, the beauty really didn't understand. What does this man mean, is it very important to say that Paul Allen is in his heart!

The beautiful waiter said with a smile: "I know what it means, and the senior Allen is indeed very attractive."

After Bao Zixuan sent them back to the room, the beautiful waiter began to undress Paul Allen.

After taking off Paul Allen, the beauty came to the bathroom to take a bath. At the same time, I also soberly sober, mainly because I have not made up their minds.

Recalling that Bao Zixuan said when he left, this man's IQ reached 170; it can be said to be one of the smartest people in the world. The children born will definitely not be bad.

The beauty who wants to understand immediately starts to act. Go straight to the bed and start doing things according to your own thoughts.

Although Paul Allen drinks a little bit,

But after all, he joined the end; therefore, he was sober. The body is very comfortable, is this the feeling of drunk. And this is the case all night, thinking that good wine is good wine; after being drunk, it is different from other wine.

It didn't feel right until the next morning. The body seems to be hollowed out, mainly a beautiful woman lying next to her; take a closer look, isn't it the beautiful waiter who claims to be an alumni!

Suddenly, my mind was a little messy. What is going on, is it so charming.

Paul Allen was very embarrassed at this time, after all, he has not yet entered Hollywood. I never thought that suddenly one day, such a fragrant scene would happen to myself.

The two only met for the first time last night, and the woman's name was unclear.

Seeing Paul Allen's expression, the beauty waiter immediately understood what. Yesterday, those people were science and technology men, and IQ were very high, but their emotional intelligence was very low. It seems that I have picked up the treasure, and I must cherish it.

The beautiful waiter said with a smile: "My name is Ruth, my friends call me like this."

The beauty is not embarrassed, and she is also a big man; Paul Allen knows what to say, otherwise the atmosphere will only be more embarrassing.

Paul Allen apologized: "What happened last night?"

Hearing this, the beauty waiters were speechless for a while. It's all like this, isn't it clear. It is impossible for the body to feel at all, not!

Lux: "Don't you feel! Rest assured, everyone is an adult, and I have never thought of making you responsible. And this is voluntary, and at the same time, I also get paid to the previous thought."

I heard it was voluntary and paid. Although Paul Allen was smart, there were still some hair. What is going on?

Ruth also saw Paul Allen's doubts, so he then said, "In fact, Mr. Bao Zixuan seems to see that I will choose you. Although he doesn't know that we are alumni, it is still accurate to see people's vision. As long as it is a normal woman, you will make the same choice. "

"Therefore, I gave a tip of 200,000 US dollars, and of course it also meant to take care of you. But don't think of me so cheap, if I don't want to; it doesn't matter if you leave directly, there is no hard rule in this regard."

"It is your temperament that attracts me, maybe this is fate!"

Now my mind is still a bit confused, and the beauty is even more dizzy. Still get up first, otherwise the two are lying like this, nor is it a matter.

Paul Allen said firmly: "I'm not the kind of irresponsible man, but my body is not very good, so I dare not promise you what."

Hearing this, Ruth laughed. And said directly: "In fact, these Bao Zixuan told me, and it also clearly shows that it is not easy to die with your financial resources. It is said that you are a man with high IQ. It's a waste. "

Hearing this, Paul Allen really didn't know what to say. It turned out that all this was in the Bao Zixuan plan, although I didn't understand what the other party meant; why was so concerned about a patient. But as the other person's status and status, it will never be because of money. After all, the wealth owned by others may not make money for a few life.

Paul Allen is also a literary youth, but he has been controlled; he was drunk very hard last night and did not feel much. Now the beauty is in front of it and naturally responds. Although the body is sick, it is young after all. In addition, it has been restrained recently, and it is normal for a sudden outbreak.

So it was a toss, which was very cooperative about this beauty.

Until twelve noon, the two came out of the room; I was very embarrassed. I also knew that Paul Allen's physical condition was before, so they did not arrange for him for any specific work; just let him come over to knock on the bell.

Unexpectedly, this boy came to New York once, and it was really blessed. It turned out to be a girlfriend and was still an alumni, which was really enviable.

Seeing that the two had already been in pairs, the other three were envious. But at the same time, he is also happy for Paul Allen. Even if the woman's money has something to do, as long as it is happy.

Bill Gates said to Baozixuan: "Bao; you can't be so thin, you must also introduce to us."

Hearing this, the other two were also interested. It doesn't matter if you work, it doesn't matter.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Paul can attract girls because of the youthful temperament of literary and artistic youth. The three of you are not flattering, or work well; use other achievements to make up for the shortcomings of their appearance."

Hearing this, the three were speechless for a while; was he so bad!

Paul Allen walked in front of Bao Zixuan and said very formally: "Thank you, Bao!"

This sentence is really from the heart, and from Bao Zixuan, he said that with their financial resources; it is not so easy to die, it means that people really treat him as a friend. And this time back, I also brought back a beauty. Regardless of the purpose of the other party, it is always right to try to associate first, and it will not suffer anyway.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Although everyone is a partner, it is more friends. You should not go to your heart; adjust your mentality, and wait until you get married, I will give you a gift. If you can, I am willing to be you Child's godfather. "

Hearing Bao Zixuan's commitment, Paul Allen really didn't know what to say; what he said from the world's richest man was too much.

I haven't thought about marriage and having children before, and now it seems that it can be considered. Bao Zixuan promised to be a child godfather, just wanted to tell the world that the child was covered by him. Anyone who wants to hit the child's property must consider it well, whether he is hard enough.

At present, I really don't know what to say. You can only put this emotions in your heart. When you have a chance, you must go back.

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