In fact, Bao Zixuan just wanted to make more friends, and used $ 200,000; he won the support and support of Paul Allen. The wealth of the other party itself and the super brain are one aspect; the most important future will enter Hollywood, and it is good to lay out in advance. In addition, I rarely come to the United States and do not participate in any management matters of Microsoft. Although Paul Allen does not participate in Microsoft Management, as a major shareholder and a company director, he will inevitably pay attention.

Then once Microsoft has any wind blowing, it will inevitably talk to himself as soon as possible. Even if it is not said, but with the personality of the other party, it will never fall down. And at that time, let Paul Allen help Fucha's platforms will never refuse. As long as you can do this, how can you not lose.

After lunch, it is time to negotiate with the underwriter. However, no one else had to participate in this matter, Bao Zixuan and Steve Ballmer would attend. For this, Bill Gates is quite relieved; at least these two people are definitely stronger than his playback.

Although the family has some strength, it is still a lot worse than the Wall Street Financial Crocodile. Since power cannot be overwhelmed, it must be relying on the real skills. In this regard, Bao Zixuan and Ballmer are indeed much stronger than him, so why not make himself so tired!

Stocks in the field of computers are basically monopolized by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley on Wall Street. It seems that there are no two, and no one can do it, and this time is no exception.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming over in person, the two knew that it was not good. Last time Apple was listed, Bao Zixuan did not participate in the whole process, but it was missing at the end of the celebration meeting. What does it mean this time?

In fact, Apple, Jobs is very stubborn. I feel that I am strong, so the matter of listing is handled by myself. Not to mention suffering, but it cannot be said to take advantage. However, being able to start from the garage, it has become a billionaire in just a few years; it can be regarded as a small miracle, and no one will blame him at present.

Both Goldman Sachs and Morgan-Stanley are also acquaintances, so there are a lot of trouble left. At least the links introduced to each other can be canceled.

Bruce Bowers has become the president of Goldman Sachs Group, and it is definitely the Lord who calls the wind and rain on Wall Street. But in front of Bao Zixuan, there is really no advantage at all. As for JP Morgan-Stanley's William Morgan, it does belong to the Morgan family; but the richest man in the bag is not even afraid of the old Morgan bun, let alone him.

The two exchanged their eyes and knew that things were not so simple. After all, Bao Zixuan came forward in person. If he couldn't satisfy the other party, he would probably be able to collect all the issued stocks. Microsoft looked at a lot of market value, but it was just relatively speaking. In front of Heiyun Group, it is really nothing.

Bruce Bowers laughed and said, "Mr. Bao, I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't say it in advance in New York, so that we can do our best to do it."

Hearing the other party to talk to Bao Zixuan so politely,

It was a lot of differences in the tone of talking with myself before. Maybe this is the gap; the huge gap in identity, status, and wealth.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Powers laughed. I came here yesterday. I haven't had time to visit. I didn't expect to meet here, it seemed really a fate."

Both sides are polite, after all, the relationship is not so familiar; the friendship between the visiting and do everything can be said to be very false.

After simple communication, start to enter the topic. After all, they are busy people, and there is no need to waste time here.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I did not participate in the prospectus before, but I was not very satisfied with the valuation of the two to Microsoft. If you just point the valuation, you don’t need to go out of the horse. You can pay for it and buy all the stock. "

Hearing this, the two looked at it again; what was worried about happened.

As a underwriter, of course, he wants to be as stressful as possible. When the stocks rose so much, they made more. However, once the valuation is too high, the profit space is inevitable, which is not in line with the interests of underwriters. But there must be a degree of everything, which requires both parties to balance.

In other words, find a suitable price that both sides can accept. After all, the underwriter will not live in vain, and you can't just earn a handling fee; then no one will work hard to help you work.

At present, Microsoft's total shares are 150 million shares, of which 30 million shares; that is, 20%, will be listed and circulated. The previously agreed price was $ 10 per share, which means that Microsoft's valuation was $ 1.5 billion. This price is definitely not low, after all, there are not many people in Microsoft at present.

If you calculate at this stock price, then Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer will become a billionaire; Charles Simonny will become a millionaire. It can be said that they will definitely be very satisfied with them at this time.

But Bao Zixuan didn't think so, he didn't want to cheap Wall Street. At the same time, there is also a careless interest, and it cannot be shrinking.

But let him increase the holdings of Microsoft's shares and can't do it yet. After all, it has 22%of Microsoft shares, and the third largest shareholder is a veritable; if there are more, it is estimated that Bill Gates will definitely have opinions.

William Morgan said with a smile: "Mr. Bao's strength, we all know. And under your bonus, then Microsoft's stock price will naturally rise. However, we must start from actual, after all, Microsoft has not yet belonged to its own core technology . If it is the Black Cloud Software listing, then we can accept it by 10. "

Hearing this, Steve Ballmer was a little unhappy, and there was such a big gap. But think about it; Wall Street is a group of vampires, and they will not deliberately raise their stock prices because they are; everything is based on interests. So that is, a single black cloud software is much stronger than Microsoft. It is no wonder that Bao Zixuan is the world's richest richest competitors. It seems that people do have that strength.

Perhaps I saw that Steve Ballmer was a little unhappy. Bao Zixuan said directly: "Now talking about Microsoft, don't involve others."

Then a gesture, Steve Ballmer immediately understood what it meant. Taking out the documents that buy off the black cloud software, this is a huge increase in price.

Although the two are engaged in the financial industry, as a listed underwriter in the computer field, of course, understand what this document represents. Before I felt that Microsoft did not have its own core technology, and once it was in trouble with the Black Cloud Group; then it would inevitably go to decline, so there is a lot of risks here.

But with this document, all concerns do not exist. Microsoft can do any improvement and upgrade in software technology, and legal issues have been resolved.

Although there are competitors, Heiyun Group is a closed -loop system and is only used inside. Then that is, only the Microsoft system on the market can be loaded to other computers.

Bruce Bowers said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Bao's support for Microsoft, and he really spared no effort. With this document, Microsoft's valuation can also float 30%."

Hearing this, Steve Ballmer was even more calm. Because he is a relatively impulsive person, not to mention being young. Why do you suddenly float up 30%of them suddenly, it is really necessary to learn from others.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Everyone is a businessman, there are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"Don't 30%, double up. If necessary, blackstone can mobilize funds and raise the stock price. For Microsoft, it is not difficult for Microsoft; just the beginning, it is not difficult to exceed 100 billion US dollars in the future."

Hearing Bao Zixuan to double the stock price to double up, all three people next to them were incredible. However, as the other person, you must be responsible for what you say.

The two exchanged their eyes, and William Morgan said with a smile: "Just do it according to Mr. Bao, and the issuance price is set at $ 20/share."

They well understand Bao Zixuan's personality, if they do not agree; they may really raise funds and raise their stock prices. So whether it is JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs, is there still face on Wall Street!

People are looking for you as an underwriter, and now they need to spend money to raise their stock prices. How can there be that truth in the world, I can do it myself in the future.

Therefore, this is no longer a matter of ordinary business, but a proof of credibility and strength of the two corporate companies. Now they can only come according to Bao Zixuan's request, who makes investors stronger than their underwriters. In the face of absolute strength, occasionally compromise and not shame.

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