The negotiations made Steve Ballmer happy at the same time. As the vice president of Microsoft, the person who claims to be the most negotiated by the company; for so long, the other party does not move. I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to come over; less than an hour, it was better than what he expected. Is he really unsuitable for business negotiations, or because of the huge power gap; at this time, he still has a little circle.

Perhaps I saw that Steve Ballmer was a little frustrated, and Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Steve, Wallki, this is the case, bullying and fear. In fact, this requires a process. There is no less breath. But this will not be in the future, because you are about to become a billionaire, and wealth will only be more and more. "

"When you are happy, let girls in the United States see a different Microsoft executive."

Hearing this, Steve Ballmer didn't say anything.

After returning to the hotel, I heard the stock price doubled, and several people immediately cheered. As for Paul Allen, he went out with a beautiful woman, and everyone had no opinion on this. It is not easy to find a girlfriend to find a girlfriend. As a friend, we must have strong support.

The next morning, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer and Charles Simonny were rare to wear formal clothes. Although I want to be different, today's occasions are not allowed to be willful.

As for Bao Zixuan, it still did not appear. At this time, he was watching the four people who were in a strong man in the VIP reception room of the Nasdaq. Next to the President of Goldman Sachs, Bruce Bowus and Morgan-Stanley, the head of the head of JP Morgan, Morgan Morgan. The more big, the more you don't go out to grab the limelight at this time; because for them, it may be more important to make money than anything.

Bruce Bowers laughed and said, "Mr. Bao, I heard that Microsoft has just been established, and you participate in investment. The vision is really admirable."

In fact, there is no secret at all. As a underwriter, we must know everything about the company; if not even the shareholders' situation is unclear, then I dare not have any next action.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "In fact, I'm just optimistic about the field of computers. Not only Microsoft and Apple, in fact, I also invested a lot of computer -related companies. However, some success and some failed. Not acceptable. "

"The early investment in venture capital is not large, as long as there is a company listed; even if the other 99 have failed, they can make money. Both of them are Wall Street crocodiles.

In fact, everyone understands everyone, but there are not many people who can really do. They are different from Bao Zixuan, and they must have a bright performance to the board of directors.

Many venture capital,

Although the return rate is amazing, time may take a long time. As a professional manager, the board of directors cannot give you too long. Therefore, when investing, you must be cautious, or you can see the return in the short term. Only in this way can they do it longer in their positions.

This is why they use all resources to become a underwriter for the listing of enterprises. Because this money is the fastest and relatively risky. A company is preparing to go public; it is certainly not a big problem to indicate that his situation in all aspects.

After listing, the handling fee for the sale of stocks and other profits are very considerable. Therefore, Wall Street Capital Large prefers to do this kind of work.

Of course, there are investment, foreign exchange, and stocks that can see benefits.

William Morgan: "Mr. Bao is more free and wants to invest. We don't compare to you. Even if you see good projects, we dare not start easily."

How much Bao Zixuan himself is on the Wall Street company; but those who have nothing to do with themselves, and they can't change.

At this time, the time for listing has arrived. Four people began to knock on the bell, which is a tradition, announcing the official listing of the enterprise.

Microsoft's stock is still very sought after by the market. The original purchased institutions; when they saw the opening, they were 20 US dollars per share, and they were overjoyed. In other words, they didn't do anything, and they had doubled their profits. Although I don't understand what is going on, it is always good to make money.

In order to prevent accidents, the wealthy of the Baozhi is still called Blackstone Fund's staff who stayed in the United States and always follow Microsoft's stock price. If fluctuations occur, buy a part. He must not be cold, but he can't afford that person.

Fortunately, Goldman Sachs and Morgan-Stanley did not disappoint, and took out the funds to raise the stock price, at least to give Bao Zixuan an explanation. After all, this is about face -to -face problems, they can't afford that person.

Seeing the stock price rising all the way, Bill Gates was very excited, and the efforts of ten years were finally recognized; this mood is estimated to only be clear.

In an hour, the stock price has reached $ 30. Seeing this, Bao Zixuan was very satisfied. So he said with a smile: "I don’t know if Goldman Sachs dares to continue cooperation."

I heard that Goldman Sachs was only mentioned without JP Morgan-Stanley; this made William Morgan beside him unhappy.

JP-Morgan first founded the famous investment bank JP JP Morgan. In the 1930s, the Great Depression broke out. The US government believes that super banks are the cause of the Great Depression.

In this context, Morgan Bank is divided into three, JP Morgan has become a pure commercial bank, Morgan Stanley has become an investment bank; a JP Morgan was responsible for overseas business and was acquired by the German bank in 1990.

Simply put, Morgan Stanley and Morgan are all "J.P. JP Morgan". Although it is split, the largest shareholder is the JP Morgan family. It's just that Morgan-Stanley has always been management, and it is also a checks and balance. Thinking of the complex relationship between Bao Zixuan and the JP Morgan family, William Morgan immediately understood what it meant. This does not want to cooperate with himself, or exclude Morgan Stanley.

Of course, Bruce Bowers knows that the dog's blood story of the little boy and the Morgan family is not a time to speak of righteousness; if you can get on the line with the Black Cloud Group, you won't suffer. Bao Zixuan's strength is one aspect, and the business reputation is impeccable.

It is said that there are contradictions in the JP Morgan family, nor can it blame Gao Sheng to eat alone. If it is before, maybe we must have some scruples; but now they are doing their own business, and they can cooperate with the opportunity. In addition, the partner is dissatisfied with the JP Morgan family, and it seems that there is no reason in the world.

Bruce Bowers said with a smile: "Mr. Bao wants to find someone to cooperate, I believe no one will refuse. I don't know what business is, and want to take care of Goldman Sachs."

Although uncomfortable, I still want to hear what business two people talk about. Bao Zixuan was able to speak in front of him and wanted to cooperate with Goldman Sachs. So it is definitely not just stimulating him, but also the Morgan family behind it. Maybe it will be a trap, but at this moment, I can't care about so much.

Just be shameless, and continue to listen.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Goldman Sachs, as one of the most well -known investment banks in Wall Street, thinks about giving a stock underwriter every time. When will you make money? Earn all the pensions in the next half of your life. "

Bao Zixuan's business that wants to cooperate will never be small. And it can make all the pensions in the second half of life, which is enough to explain the richness of profits.

Bruce Bowers said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, you are a little confused with me; what business can earn the second half of life pensions. Although I don't look like you, there are still a big family to raise."

The meaning is obvious, his appetite is not small, at least more bigger than expected.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Focus Ila must be clear; what's the relationship with me, let's not say more."

"I want to build a stock exchange on Fushara; the goal is that well -known companies in the Middle East can go public in the past. Where is it still a virgin land that has not yet been developed, so it has unlimited business opportunities."

"To be honest, I must be proficient in industrial manufacturing and aviation power. But when it comes to securities transactions, Mr. Powers is an expert."

"If you have an idea, Goldman Sachs can participate in the construction of Fucha Ila Stock Exchange. In fact, I don't look at Goldman Sachs's capital strength. After all, I am not short of money. It is mainly your professionalism, and Goldman Sachs' connections and channels. The place where people are most impressed. "

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