The four Microsoft group did not know that when they were staring at the stock trading screen, Bao Zixuan was in the next big chess. Everyone is silent in the joy of hundreds of millions, after all, this is indeed a huge achievement.

William Morgan was shocked. What is the relationship between Baozi Xuan and Fucha Ila. This is not a secret in the high society. It is not known, but it is almost the same. It is reasonable to develop the local economy. But I did not expect to find Goldman Sachs directly to help them build stock exchanges.

If the black cloud company is willing to go public in Fucha Ila. So how much sensation it will bring, it is estimated that it only knows it. It can be said that as long as there is no war, the political situation is stable enough, which is definitely a sale of stable earnings. And what a huge amount of a country's stock market is unimaginable.

The most important Bao Zixuan specially mentioned that well -known enterprises in the Middle East really ignored the market before. It seems that the Middle Eastern people are useless except oil. But think about it; so many countries in the Middle East, many places are rich in oil. They used to have no financing channels before they were picked up by European and American countries.

In recent years, more and more oil and minerals have been recovered by the state, or they are handed over to the designated mining merchants. Petroleum companies in the Middle East will inevitably increase; but they all have one thing; lack of funds and technology. What is the purpose of listing; isn't it a company with very good prospects, do you want to get capital development!

As long as there is funds, mining technology will inevitably be purchased. Where to put a large amount of resources, the profit of the oil company must not worry. And there are black clouds companies, how can it be considered a steady earning and profitable sales.

Although it was very exciting, Bao Zixuan didn't give a chance. Not to mention whether strength allows, it is estimated that you can't grab it. This matter must be reported to the family, and it has exceeded the scope of its own power.

As for Bruce Bowers, it is also analyzing the advantages and disadvantages; however, no matter how analysis, Goldman Sachs will not suffer. It can be said that this is to give him money, and this kid will be so kind. Suddenly thought that the other party was very sincere, at least in the financing field, Goldman Sachs must be stronger than the Black Cloud Group.

Goldman Sachs has been operating on Wall Street for so many years. As Bao Zixuan said, Goldman Sachs could not be better than the Black Cloud Group in the field of mechanical manufacturing and aviation power. However, it talks about the use of funds and financing channels; then compared with Goldman Sachs, it is definitely a younger brother.

Bruce Bowers said with a smile: "Thanks to Mr. Bao for his trust, Goldman Sachs is of course interested. But this is a big business of a Zhuang, and it has even surpassed the scope of the authorization. Therefore, he hopes to give me some time to come up with a specific plan. "

Now you must not refuse. If you refuse directly, with the character of Bao Zixuan, you will inevitably come out without your face. But I didn't dare to agree immediately, but also take a look at the specific plan of the boy in front of him, involving those companies.

William Morgan said at this time: "Mr. Bao, Morgan, JP Morgan is also very interested in the Focus Ila's stock trading market. Maybe we can cooperate in this project."

Even if you know that the other party will refuse, he must express his attitude. It was not terrible to be decided, so he did not even have the courage to take the initiative.

People came to the door, plus the current occasions; Bao Zixuan was not good at transitional stimulus, so he said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Morgan for your recognition. If you have the opportunity, we can cooperate."

Goldman Sachs took the initiative to invite, and it was Morgan-Stanley's turn to have a chance to cooperate. Whether the gap is too big, it seems that the boy does not want to cooperate with the Morgan family at all.

But this is normal, after all, Lao JP Morgan was also very ruthless.

Bao Zixuan just wanted to go through Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley out of the wind. He wants to establish a stock trading market in Fucha Ila, and Wall Street must be interested in investment banks. This group of people's sense of business is absolutely unusual. As long as they are profitable, they will definitely pass.

It takes a long time to want the project to land. At least before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was not very mature. Fucha Irala needs enough self -protection ability, and no country dares to come to find trouble. This goal is not yet achieved. It must be accumulated first; if the strength is not enough, and the country develops well, it will inevitably be remembered.

This is the most unwilling to see Bao Zixuan. After all, no one wants to make a wedding dress for others.

At night, when Microsoft's stock was closed, it had reached $ 43/share. The first day was more than doubled. Although it was common in Nasdaq; but to know that Microsoft's stock price, it was doubled before the market opened. If this is calculated, it has been four times today.

Microsoft is the best stock in recent years, and it is definitely a great success.

The successful listing of the stock price has also reached expectations; it must be a celebration meeting. This may be the best praise for yourself, and it can also encourage the company's morale.

Although there are only four people knocking on the bell, there are a lot of core team members. These programmers who do not repair the border are becoming a millionaire; the degree of joy in their hearts can be imagined.

Seeing this, Bao Zixuan thought; although Heiyun was not listed. However, it is still necessary to let the company feel the feeling of listed companies. At present, you can only buy Hutchison Whampoa shares, but after all, it seems to think about other methods. At this moment, when you don't consider these, you can only put the problem first.

Bao Zixuan talked with a few big guys, and they could only envy. After all, the strength is not recognized and needs to continue to work hard.

Paul Allen now has beautiful women around, even if the celebration will be the same. Bao Zixuan did not expect that the boy was quite dedicated. But this is good, maybe it can really produce love. If there is no woman around, rely on a man alone, but there is no way to conceive.

Bill Gates came to Bao Zixuan and said excitedly: "Bao, thank you very much. You said that I would be successful at that time, and now I finally did it."

"Let's do a cup", after speaking, I drank it, very bold.

For drinking, Bao Zixuan never counseled and directly drank the wine in the wine glass.

As for the staff of Wall Street Investment Bank, it seemed very calm. After all, this kind of scene is for them; it is not surprising that you may be staged every day.

After all, people are people who are Zhuang, no matter how they calculate, they can make money.

Paul Allen knew what was the situation of his body. He didn't want to see the entire team being lying down by Bao Zixuan the day before. So today is just to point out, to say that if he lives out of the realm, he is definitely one.

Bao Zixuan: "Why don't you together with them, it does not meet your current identity and age."

Hearing this, the beauty Ruth was also stunned. After all, Baozi Xuan is 5 years younger than Paul Allen. Are they not peers, but they didn't see anything, and it seemed that there was no problem.

Paul Allen said with a smile: "I am not the same as them, but I have to cherish my body."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You are right, but the man occasionally indulge."

"Microsoft's listing should be able to achieve freedom of wealth, but I advise you not to sell stocks. As a director, you have salary and charging patent fees, you should be enough to spend. If you need an airplane, I can provide you with one. The world is so so. Big, don't you want to go out! "

Hearing this, Paul Allen really didn't know what to say.

Although I don't understand why Bao Zixuan is so good to him, even if he is clever, he doesn't understand. After all, the value and wealth of Bao Zixuan really don't need to remember his steel sturgeon.

Seeing Paul Allen's meditation, Bao Zixuan joined the drinking team.

When the enterprise is listed, it must be celebrated; plus it is about to pass the Middle East immediately, there is no drop of wine for drinking. Be sure to drink enough in the United States.

So one night, Bao Zixuan did not talk about the sky in the Goldman Bruce Balls and Morgan Stanley's William Morgan. The information has been leaked, and then it depends on what they think.

However, this matter must be reported to the board of directors, so the entire Wall Street will know. Fucha Ila wants to build the stock trading market, Bao Zixuan discusses cooperation with Goldman Sachs.

Although Goldman Sachs has taken the lead, it is estimated that no investment bank will let go of this opportunity. There are currently no professional stock markets and stock exchanges in the Middle East. If the Fushara's stock trading market is completed, it will become the only one in the Middle East. The influence around it can be imagined. This is a big business, and it can even be said to be a unique business; no one can miss it.

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