Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1519 Do not want to repeat the same mistakes

Early the next morning, Bao Zixuan left New York, and he was going to inspect in various branches in the United States. After all, I couldn't waste time. And there is also a worry, that is, as the identity changes; the number of times in the United States will only become less and less. Worried that the Americans would not talk about martial arts; detained themselves, but there was no place to reason.

They have done a lot of things in history, and their riches are worried about going on themselves. It is very important to prevent presence, and no one wants to be prisoners.

The publishing of an economic book "American Trap" made international public opinion uproar. The author of this book disclosed the inside story of the US government's anti -corporate competitors with its own experience. It exposes how the United States provides "protective umbrellas" for US companies through public power and state power or direct or indirect indirectly.

And in -depth analysis of the French Austo Company by the United States to suppress the story behind the insidious means.

The United States General Electric finally acquired Alston's power equipment for $ 17 billion; it received its core technology and achieved mergers and mergers on the acquisition of Alston's power business.

A French business giant with a history of nearly a century; a French business giant that spans the global power and rail transit industry; eventually falls down under the "disintegration" of Americans. Make Alstom no longer glory in the past.

French Austo is proud of French companies, with a long history and dates back to the 1950s. Under the continuous development and growth, it has become a leader in the field of global rail transit, power equipment and power transmission infrastructure. The history before it was hit by the United States was not glorious.

Alstom's business is located in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, with the number of employees of nearly 100,000 people; the total orders are about 20 billion euros per year.

This is a real business giant, a multinational enterprise with powerful power. But as the so -called "Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind", its strong limelight eventually led the United States to sanction and destroy it.

In the eyes of Americans, Alstom's momentum is too strong. Although American GM is constantly developing; it has always been stabilized by Alston. In order of order, General Electric was defeated in Als Tong.

In the United States, Piyaqi bribed with Parliament of Parliament and national power company in Indonesia, and successfully bid for the power plant project in the Traham area of ​​Sumatrah and the Tamsui River Power Station 5th phase of the Tamshui River Power Station near Jakarta. The lawsuit violated the United States' Anti -Overseas ** Law, and issued a huge penalty of $ 772 million in Alston.

I want me to say that this is not a pull, even if people bribe, it is not bribing towards your national officials. Isn't it that the "dog takes the mouse" for such a big gossip?

However, the United States has a "Overlord Terms" legislation such as the "Anti -Overseas ** Law".

Whenever you have a relationship with the company with a little relationship with the United States, I will control it. It is not difficult to see that Americans have a long conspiracy.

Pipyei, who was caught in, was very depressed at this time. You said that I had come to the United States to travel happily, and I could appreciate the great scenery of the United States. It's okay now, I caught me into the game, and said that I was suspected of bribery. This is even if it is; I will have the crime of money laundering, and if the lawsuit is established, it will face a period of at least 125 years. I have continuously asked me to admit my crimes through various trial methods.

During the time when Peroyei was arrested, Americans were naturally not idle. They were not naive enough to think that the arrest of Pyeya could make Alston obediently.

So he used the same crime during this time; he arrested four Alston executives including Lawrence Hawkins, vice president of Asia, which was in Asia, which was arrested. Not only that. The United States also bought a business spy to sneak into Alstom and collect Alston's commercial secrets.

Similar to this kind of thing, Americans did not do less. If you really come to him, press the previous one who does not have to be charged, and then crying is too late. Fortunately, Heiyun Group is relatively regular, and he is not worried about the crime of bribery in the previous US dollar. But I really want to find you trouble, and I must find it; it is better to be careful and low -key.

Taking advantage of the current Americans do not have any ideas, look at various branches in the United States; it is estimated that this opportunity will only be less and less.

New York and Boston are very close. As the headquarters of Heiyun Computer Corporation, Bao Zixuan certainly wants to come and see.

Yokoi Junping saw the boss coming, and his heart was very emotional. With his study in Massachusetts Science and Technology in the past two years, he had a personal experience; Bao Zixuan's status in Massachusetts and his achievements was really unimaginable.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "General Manager Yokoi, still get used to it in the United States! Are you all arranged?"

Heiyun Computer Corporation is one of the key companies in the group, so Bao Zixuan does not want to use all Americans. It's not believed, just to prevent it. Now that a Japanese comes to restrict, I believe it can play a good balance.

Moreover, the richest wealth of Bao fully believe that the ability of this middle -aged man in front of him, the skills of the hardware field is one aspect; the most important person's unconvinced personality is worthy of recognition.

I did n’t ask for jobs, but I was related to myself and my family. This kind of boss was really hard to find!

Yokoi Juni said with a smile: "It is very good here, at least the climate is much better than Japan and Xiangjiang. And my child also come to the United States to study and can receive good education. Wife takes care of our life at home. satisfy."

Heiyun Group pays a full -time wife of each executive and pays a salary of 3,000 US dollars. This is unique in the world, so the lady's recognition of the company is very high.

As for taking care of the family and husband, there is no problem.

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan is more assured; if the family is stable, men can devote themselves to work.

Yokoi Junping then said: "At present, our laptop computer sales are relatively stable, but large computers are not as ideal."

"IBM price reduction is one aspect. The most important thing has used a lot of disgraceful means. Do we want to try?"

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan really scared a cold sweat. I was still considering this problem, but I did not expect that it really happened to my company now.

If this is grasped, it is estimated that Americans can wake up and will never let go of this opportunity.

Bao Zixuan said very firmly: "It is better to do this kind of thing, and you can't do such a thing. Especially in the United States, it must be us in the end. IBM is doing their business. ","

"And I already have countermeasures about large computers, ready to establish a global data center in Fucha Ila; never worry about orders at that time, don't worry."

"I often walk around the river. There are no wet shoes, in case of being caught by the Americans; the loss of the group will be very large, even beyond your imagination."

Yokoi Junping never saw the young boss, and his attitude was so resolute. I have worked for such a long time in Heiyun Group, and there are still eyes. It shows that things must not be done, and they must be considered in the future; they can't even mention it!

After that, Bao Zixuan met some old friends, and he personally helped MIT of his teachers to send some gifts to MIT. This must not be considered a bribe, but the normal communication between teachers and students.

On the way back to New York, Bao Zixuan said to John Chambers: "General Manager Chambers, the U.S. company in Black Cloud Group in the future, and compete for any projects. The principle problem is also for everyone to think safely. "

"If the government wants to clean up us, just find a reason. Do not let people seize the handle, otherwise the entire group will be very passive. The business can be talked about, then talk about it. Order or project to others, don't be jealous. "

Although I don't know why the boss suddenly said these, but from the point of view and expression, it has been found that things have been unusual. At the same time, he also understands that although the boss is not in the United States, the channels for mastering information are much wider than him. Still follow the command, after all, he is an executive of Heiyun Group, holding Bao Zixuan's salary.

In fact, the richest man in Bao also hopes to worry about it, but this assumption may not be established. There are too many similar incidents in history, and he does not want Hei Cloud Group to appear on the list.


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