Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1520 Wall Street Vibration

Just when the wealthy wealthy to inspect various branches and meet acquaintances. The major fund companies and investment banks in Wall Street, but they are too busy. At least two days of meetings, but they did not open. To say what age Wall Street Capital is the craziest. At this stage, it is definitely on the list. In order to be able to get profits, it can be said that there is no thing that this group of speculators dare not do. In the 1980s, it was hailed as the era of greed and flashy; the brutal and ruthlessness of capital, and the paper drunk gold fans on Wall Street were rendered vividly. At this stage, the wave of leverage acquisition has the deepest economic root. The decline in economic downturn and the company's profits, the agency issues of management and the problem of corporate governance, the underestimation of the company, and the flow of money are the most critical factors. In the 1950s and 1960s after World War II, it was called the "golden age" of the US economy. The year -on -year growth rate of GDP in the United States in 1950 was 8.7%. In the next 20 years, the US GDP growth rate exceeded the 6, 7, and 8 mark many times. But good times can't keep it. In the 1970s, the US economy began a "turbulent journey". During the period of Nixon's administration, it was announced to the outside world that the Bretton Forest system collapsed with gold -centered Bretton forest system, and the US dollar dominant status was not guaranteed. As the stimulus of the war gradually disappeared, the United States faces tremendous downward pressure on the economy, and deficits are beginning to appear on account. After the Vietnam War, the United States was carrying huge fiscal deficits. Coupled with the outbreak of the Fourth Middle East War, the Organization of the Petroleum Export National Organization announced that the oil embargo and the skyrocketing oil prices have caused the demand to shrink. The number of bankruptcy of banks set a post -war record. During the same period, the US consumption price rose more than 10%, and the more severe inflation caused the United States to fall in stagnation quagmire. The profit of corporate profits has fallen sharply, and the economic downturn and the decline in corporate profits have begun to appear; After the tide of mergers aimed at "dispersing risks" in the 1960s, the United States produced a large number of giant companies that "diversified operations". For example, I have acquired ITT companies of more than 350 companies and Lyton Industry Corporation, which is promoted by diversified strategies. Among these diversified enterprises with scattered equity, the agency issues of management have become more and more prominent. Investment in low -efficiency, blindly expanding the company's business landscape; even the profits of shareholders, more and more problems with corporate governance have been exposed by the media. In the case of weak internal governance, the pressure of mergers and acquisitions is considered a means of external corporate governance. After the 1970s, some giant companies were restarted and returned to their main business. At the same time, the macro credit environment also provides soil for the prevalence of leveraged acquisition. In the 1970s, the stagnation caused the credit to continue to expand, and the monetary policy was extremely loose. On the eve of President Reagan on the stage, the actual negative interest rate in the past five years; the US federal fund interest rate and inflation rate once inverted. Even in the late 1970s,

The garbage bond market has expanded sharply, and funds are looking for opportunities. In the past two years, investors have invested US $ 18 billion in funds to the garbage bond market, allowing the king of leverage to acquire KKR to receive great benefits, and their 13 large -scale acquisitions have the participation of junk debt funds.

During the downturn in the market, high -yield leverage acquisitions have become the goal of marketing for market tourism. At this time, Wall Street was found to have good projects. Bao Zixuan wants to establish a securities trading market in Fucha Ila, combined with the huge volume of Heiyun Group; and the huge oil resources in the Middle East, how can it be considered a profitable buying and selling.

The most important thing is not stupid, investing in Baozi Xuan and oil; it must be much stronger than increasing leverage acquisitions. Not to mention that it is stable or not, but it is really difficult to find the reason for failure. And the profitable profits are not less. So when the news was released, the entire Wall Street was shocked.

I want to share a cup, but now I can't find Bao Zixuan directly to negotiate; but let the other party see their professionalism.

The first is Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, after all, Bao Zixuan first found them; Bruce Bowers was reporting to the directors.

At this time, the president of Goldman Sachs was full of energy. After all, the other party took the initiative to find them, so that Goldman Sachs had taken the lead.

Bruce Bowers: "On the day of the listing of Microsoft, Mr. Bao Zixuan found me. I hope to cooperate with Goldman Sachs Investment Bank to establish a Fochara stock trading market. No need to emphasize. "

"The other party is full of sincerity and the attitude is very clear. If Goldman Sachs Investment Bank wants to participate, it will definitely give us a seat. At the same time, although Bao Zixuan did not directly reject Morgan Stanley, he analyzed it from the tone; the other party should not choose the same the same as Cooperation of the Morgan family. This is our opportunity, at least much stronger than investing in garbage bonds. "

For the goodwill released by Bao Zixuan, Goldman Sachs must not be indifferent. If that's the case, then the boy's personality is estimated that there will be no cooperation opportunities in the future. Lao JP Morgan is too stubborn, making it increasingly cooperating with Heiyun Group.

Even the National Iron and Steel Corporation was almost kicked out of the Black Cloud Automobile Supplier. You must know that this is the world's largest automobile group, and people would rather import steel from abroad, and did not want to buy them from local. National Iron and Steel Corporation's products are definitely not bad. It can be said that this kid just wants to take a breath.

As for Apple and Microsoft, it is because they never participate in any management. Even if it is listed, it is to come to deal with the errand. It can't be regarded as cooperating with the black cloud enterprise; these two companies, Bao Zixuan is not the controlling shareholder.

At this time, a director said: "President of Powers, if it helps Black Cloud Group to build the stock trading market in Fucha Ila, how much profit can Goldman Sachs get."

Hearing this, Bruce Bowers was disgusted for a while. It is precisely because of this director that Goldman Sachs entered the field of garbage bond underwriting. This will not only harm the reputation of the company, but also bring serious hidden dangers to the future.

But these people, for short -term interests, ignore it at all. There is no cooperation yet, and it is precisely any details. It is just a preliminary concept that requires Goldman Sachs to come up with the plan. Ask how much profit can be, how this makes people answer.

But now it is the board of directors, and it must not be able to play with a child's temper.

Bruce Bowers said very seriously: "I have no way to answer you at present, after all, this matter is still planned. As for how much profit can be made depends on Goldman Sachs' attitude and dedication."

"Bao Zixuan has clearly stated that he is not very professional for the stock trading market; so he hopes that Goldman Sachs can come up with a overall plan. That is to say, the Fucha Ila stock trading market is Goldman Sachs planning. While reaching the maximization of interests, it is satisfied with customers. "

"Therefore, I will lead the team, investigate in person, and give the final plan."

"Directors, there are currently no professional stock trading market in the Middle East, but there are many large oil companies in the Middle East. They lack technology and funds, but they have huge oil and natural gas resources in their hands."

"As long as it is raised in the stock market, it is easy to develop. If Goldman Sachs puts the funds of junk bonds into the oil and natural gas company; then it will not only make the asset benign, but the future income is inestimable."

After hearing that Goldman Sachs was able to participate in the construction of a national stock trading market, all directors were interested. This is not only the issue of profit; the popularity and influence are difficult to measure with money.

The Fucha Ila project is successful, so other countries who want to build a stock trading market will definitely choose Goldman Sachs first. This is an intangible advertisement, which is more useful than any propaganda.

And can also replace garbage bonds with oil and natural gas companies, fools know how to choose. This is a good opportunity to find the lantern; you must not miss it.

This company's largest shareholder Chris Gogman firmly said: "Junk bonds cannot be long-lasting, so we should get out from here as soon as possible. Since Baozixuan takes the initiative to find President of Bowers; then you work hard and make a customer for customers Satisfied plan. "

Chris Gogman, as a representative of the Gaoman family; his words are still very important, which is considered to conclude for this matter. In other words, the entire company must cooperate with the Fucha Ila shares trading market project unconditionally.

As for other directors, I definitely dare not say anything, that is to find myself.


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