Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1521 Wall Street Vibration 2

Goldman Sachs Investment Bank knew the news and discussed the meeting; of course, the Morgan family did not fall behind. Although he knew the grudges between Lao JP Morgan and Bao Zixuan, if he did not report, it would be his serious negligence. Therefore, William Morgan reported the situation; Lao Morgan decided to hold an internal meeting of the family. Even if JP-JP Morgan Bank is separated, not to mention 3 copies, it is divided into 30 copies; controlling equity is still in the hands of the JP Morgan family. In this regard, the US rich man has firmly controlled the company in his hands through some complicated means such as cross -holding shares. Even if the Rockefeller family's standard oil company is divided into 37 companies; but the largest shareholders of each company are still the Rockefeller family. For these routines, they can be described as light -car. For Bao Zixuan, the old JP Morgan's heart is very complicated. If it was not stubborn at that time, the Morgan family may not be like this. But he didn't regret it. Although young people have super ability, they are very good at their daughter. However, if the two are combined, they will inevitably make the entire world jealous, and they will be a little careless; they will bring the JP Morgan family into the abyss. Therefore, he can't afford it, after all, no one dares to guarantee what the future is; as for the complicated people's hearts, he dares not to spy easily. Even if the daughter doesn't understand, she has to do this. But as the patriarch of the Morgan family, no one knows the current situation of Wall Street than him. Highly leveraged acquisitions, trash bonds run rampant, something happened sooner or later. But whether it is JP-JP Morgan Bank or Morgan-Stanley; it is necessary to expand its territory. If you eat it here, then the family will definitely fall. Contradictions belong to contradictions, business belongs to business, and the two must not be confused. Moreover, if Bao Zixuan really does not want to participate in the JP Morgan family, it will not be possible for the noodles of William Morgan's kid; say that he wants to establish a securities trading market in Fucha Ila. To put it bluntly, he wants to ask him for him or find him by himself. Old Morgan has been fighting on the rivers and lakes for so many years. It's no wonder about these things. But I still want to see what other members of the family are. The main thing is what my son has. It is said that my son has grown in recent times, and he wants to know what is going on. Old Morgan convened a family member of the family to meet, and no one dared to absent for no reason. After all, this is the absolute authority of the JP Morgan family, unless you want to leave the Morgan family or leave Wall Street; no one has that guts. Today, her daughter did not give him face, and she hadn't returned for several months. I heard that people are not in the United States. In the past, Hawaii pioneered the market. Where to build a transit station, I didn't ask for an old JP Morgan. And I was also worried that her daughter was not good, after all, it involved Bao Zixuan. There is also a woman in Facha Ila, her daughter will inevitably be sad when she hears it. In case of being stunned and calling Bao Zixuan to leak, the Morgan family will inevitably be very passive. I heard the housekeeper come over to report,

The core members of the family have arrived in Qi; Old Morgan came to the conference room from the room. With his identity, you must not wait for them. This is the rules.

Seeing Lao Morgan's arrival, everyone stood up; including his son. It is now a family meeting, and it is necessary to maintain the authority of the patriarch.

After Lao JP Morgan sat down, he motioned for everyone to sit. Other talents sat down one after another, but they dared to sit down after seeing Xiaoliang's sitting down.

A gesture, William Morgan immediately understood what he meant, this was to let him report first. But I didn't dare to delay, so I sorted out my thoughts and started to say, "On the day of Microsoft's listing, I was in the room of the Nasdaq Exchange with Heiyun Group Baozixuan and Goldman Sachs Bruce Balls; To establish the stock trading market in Fucha Ila. And asked Goldman Sachs if he wanted to participate, but when I proposed that Morgan Stanley was also interested, the other party performed very plain. ","

"As for the reason, you don't need to introduce it. But I think the other party is likely to show me; if I really don't want to cooperate with JP Morgan, or not let us participate. There is no need to say this in front For Bao Zixuan's meeting; Bruce Powers will never refuse. "

"Even if time is tense, such a major project can definitely squeeze out time. Just want to let Morgan-Stanley take the initiative to find him, and then sell it for the price."

Lao JP Morgan: "William has already made things clearly, what is everyone's opinion."

At this time, everyone looked at Xiaoliang, which meant that you said first; otherwise we dare not show opinions randomly.

Those who can come to attend the meeting belong to the elite elements of the JP Morgan family; if they do n’t even understand such superficial truths, then do n’t stay in the family. Everyone is afraid of saying wrong, it is very dangerous. No one's thoughts were guessed, so they all wanted to get some useful information from Morgan.

Although I don't want to make the first speech, I can see it from everyone's eyes. This is to let myself say first. Xiao JP Morgan is not stupid. Of course, knowing what the family is, he doesn't have any kindness in his heart. Then you must not be the first bird, because the previous mistakes; at this time he has seen everything very clearly.

I don't want to make people empty, especially on myself.

But everyone looks at you as a family heir; I ca n’t say anything, so Xiaomorgan said very formally: "I have just heard of this matter, William has met with Bao Zixuan; at the same time, I am in charge of the investment banking business. We still listen to his professional opinions. "

At this time, William Morgan was also a guilty conscience, and when Xiao Morgan respected him so much. It seems that people are for their own interests, and this kid is really mature.

What Xiao Morgan says, maybe ignore it. However, William Morgan did not dare to be indifferent. So he said: "Bao Zixuan must be hoping to participate in the JP Morgan family. First of all, the project is huge. The funds and resources required are very much.

"Bao Zixuan just wants Morgan to find him in the past, so he will say this in front of me. But I feel that for business, I can earn profits. All of this is a problem. . As an investment bank, where there should be a profit space; where can I make money, I will invest in the past. "

"As for the so -called contradiction, there is no need to consider too much."

"Palmson once said that the British Empire has neither an eternal ally nor an eternal enemy, only eternal interests. This sentence is basically applicable in any field. Therefore Eat alone. "

In fact, the Goldman Sachs family alone is definitely unbearable. But afraid of Goldman Sachs and several other investment banks, then Morgan-Stanley will fall into passive.

It can be said that William Morgan's analysis is still very reasonable. But now the right to decide is not in his hands; at most one suggestion, as for whether it is executed, it depends on what old JP Morgan means.

When it comes to Bao Zixuan, it must not be treated so according to other customers.

Some people express their views, so there is not much problem with XiaojPrones. It can be said before, and it is definitely not possible now; and even if you say it, everyone will not believe it.

Xiaogen Morgan: "Business belongs to business, contradictions are contradictory; they must not be confused. And even if the two conflicts in the future, as long as they can intervene in advance; it is equivalent to laid a landmine in the Fucha Irara stock market."

"If it is said that in the field of technology, the JP Morgan family may not be as good as the Black Cloud Group. But in the financial industry, Bao Zixuan is definitely not our opponent. In the past, we lost. There is a chance to make him so uncomfortable. "

At this time, the family of the family said in a mouthful: "It should be cooperated, not to let go of opportunities or the like." Hearing this, Lao Morgan thought about it, "Since you all think that the JP Morgan family should not give up, then William Morgan goes to the same Baozixuan."

"The Morgan family has not yet fallen, we are the king of Wall Street. Therefore, we don't have to whisper, and cooperation must be based on fairness."

Until now, Lao Morgan still refused to put down the shelf; but it was normal to think about it. As the patriarch of the JP Morgan family, he must have his own pride. If it is not tough, the family will not be convinced.


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