Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1523 Wall Street Vibration Four

Regarding the Rayman Brothers, Stolfbeg-Lehman at this time really regretted it. Especially when I saw several founders of Microsoft the day before yesterday, after Nasdaq knocked on the bell, I didn't know what to say. Although I lived in the life of Jinyi Jade since I was a child, I always felt that the situation at home was very good. But when I really took over the company, I found out that it was not the case at all. The Lehman brothers at this moment did not say that the illness was into the cream, but it was not worse. The company's employees are very confused and often invest blindly; the return on investment is very low, and even losses often occur. That is, the accountant is more powerful, and it can flatten the account; but how long can this operation last! In fact, this kid also has a dream since he was a child, that is to leave the family and start a business like an ordinary person. However, the reality did not give him this opportunity at all, and became the CEO of the five major investment banks Wall Street at the age of 30; it can be said that in history, it is unique. It looks very beautiful and high. However, media reports are more reflected in his appearance conditions and family worlds; as for their own abilities, it seems that it has never been recognized. After all, Stolfalg-Lehman had no dazzling results before he served as the CEO of Lehman brothers. The only position to hold is the period of studying in school. However, the results of the school period can not represent anything at all; even from the view of Wall Street, they are almost the same as their families. It was such a person who suddenly became an executive director of a tens of thousands of people, which was really difficult to accept and understand. In fact, of course, members of the Lehman family are not stupid, just pushing Stephenberg to the front. The main decision is to control them; this is also to prevent problems before they occur. After all, young people are prone to impulse, in case of doing things, they can't brains; things that are not easy to end, but the company is the company. This is why Stolfberg envy Bill Gates and others. What the company created by myself, I want to make in place for the first time. But on the other hand, he looked at the high weight; but the command may not even go out of the president's office. What does such a CEO mean? Fortunately, in the recent time, the family members have not been so strict for him. After all, the situation of the Lehman brothers is almost the same. Before he thought of lonely, he had invested in Japan in the past. Stolfberg is a bit good, knowing how many pounds. Since ability is not particularly outstanding, then learn with the strong. Can the Blackstone Fund step on the point every time, isn't it enough to explain the problem! Bao Zixuan basically abandon the US market, and the whole people enter Japan; it must be very optimistic about the development of Japan's economic development, at least there is room for investment. Otherwise, the degree of savvy of the other party will never do hard work. The Lehman brothers can follow up at all. Even if they eat meat, he drinks soup. But the family did not fully agree in the end,

Fortunately, in order to take care of the young man's emotions; allow him to use 500 million US dollars to try. It is the return on investment of 500 million US dollars, which has now exceeded 1.5 billion, but it is said that less than two years, and the assets have doubled. This is even more determined with Bao Zixuan, but the Japanese market is too crazy; even Wall Street Capital does not dare to blindly enter the venue.

At this moment, I finally had the opportunity to cooperate with Bao Zixuan. It can be said that God sent money to his hands.

Stowberg-Lehman persuaded family members yesterday, and today he couldn't wait to convene a board of directors. In fact, you can't tell family members, because everyone is optimistic about this project. Even if he does not introduce, he will remind him. After all, the Fucha Ila's stock trading market has caused the entire Wall Street; it is estimated that no investment bank and fund can be indifferent.

Stowberg-Lehman was sitting on the CEO position and said first: "The content of the conversation of Baozixuan, President Buns, Baozixuan, Baozi Group, should be clear. Knowing; then it can only show that you are not suitable for Wall Street. "

After being authorized by the parents, the boy tone was a little different. Not to mention very arrogant, but it is definitely domineering.

In fact, this is also normal. I was suppressed for so long before, and I finally felt a bit over today; of course, it was necessary to show my domineering side. The family members still think that they are too young. This time, it may not be necessarily. Then it is necessary to prove his ability in the board of directors, as long as all the directors support him; even if the family wants to oppose it, it is useless.

Investment in Japan has allowed directors to see his ability and vision. Now that it is, the turn of Facha Ila's stock trading market is the best opportunity.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Stolfbeg Lehman continued: "At present, everyone is very clear about the situation of the Lehman Brothers. Continue to believe in us; we must come up with sincerity, or a project that everyone recognizes. "

"Facha Ila's stock trading market is a very good project. Many oil companies in the Middle East country lack funds development. We can provide them with these funds. We may not believe us before. Listing. Then it is equivalent to opening up the financing channel; what you want to invest will become very easy. "

"And Bao Zixuan is very ambitious. The scale of the stock trading market he established will not be small. If it is too small, it will violate its original intention. Although this is a threat to the US stock market, the whole world is developing. The incident is inevitable. Not only is Fugu Ila, but the score stock market in any region in the world will become competitors in the US stock market. "

"But this is a good thing for our investment bank. Only when we enter more stock trading markets can we have more choices. Moreover, Fugu Ila's stock trading market is still in the start -up stage. Endless possibilities."

"Goldman Sachs can enter, we must participate in. This is the most important job of the company at present, and everyone needs to cooperate unconditionally. At the same time, the family also means. I hope everyone can unite and make Lehman better."

The family has agreed, so other directors do not dare to say anything.

The first four investment banks have already acted. Of course, Bearsen, one of the five major, will not miss it.

Belsden, founded in 1923, headquartered in New York, the fifth largest investment bank in Wall Street, USA. It is a world -leading financial service company that provides services for governments, enterprises, institutions and individuals around the world. The company's business covers the sales and transactions of corporate financing and mergers and acquisitions, institutional stocks and fixed income products, securities research, private customer services, derivatives, foreign exchange and futures sales and transactions, asset management and custody services. At the same time, it also provides financing, securities borrowing, settlement services, and technical solutions for hedge funds, brokers and investment consultants.

Although the comprehensive strength is not as good as the previous one, it is enough to explain that the strength is good.

Mike Steen Bell, a heir who is absolutely rooted in Miao Hong. This boy's identity is very special, even when he is in power; none of the company dares to question, or any opposition.

The founders of Belsden are Joseph Bel and Robert Stenden; Mike Steen Bell, listening to the name seems to have something to do with them; it is true.

He is the grandson of Joseph Bell and the grandson of Robert Steve. This identity seems to be inherited by Belsden; there is no one in the two, which is more suitable than this kid.

He has been trained as a successor since he was a child. At the age of 12, he is eligible to listen to the board of directors. It is rare in the world.

At this time, Mike Steen Bell looked at the directors of the company and said very formally: "Baozixuan of Black Cloud Group, throw a big cake, and then ignore it. I heard that it was MIT in the past. ","

"But we are not qualified to ignore it, at least let customers see Barston's professionalism. I hope that all colleagues can work together and come up with a solution to satisfy customers."

"I will contact Goldman Sachs later. Such a huge project will not be sure even if the Goldman Sachs family must be. I definitely need other investment banks. This is our opportunity."

It can be said that Mikes Steen Bell is absolutely calm enough, at least clearly clearly where Barston's advantages and disadvantages are. In some projects, you must not eat lonely; and with the strength of Barston, you can't swallow it.

At this moment, Bao Zixuan has mobilized the entire Wall Street; the purpose of proved to have achieved it. Next depends on which solution is better, which is more beneficial to Facha Ila.


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