When the richest man in the United States was inspected, He Xiaobo, who was far away from the Soviet Union, called the Soviet Union; an accident occurred in the Chel Nobeli nuclear power plant, and the current situation was unknown. Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that he could not change history, and what happened still happened. Although it will be delayed, it will never disappear. Some things are by no means human beings, at least mortals are difficult to change history. Even if it will be delayed, what happens will still happen! Chel Nobeli Nuclear Power Station accident; or the "Chel Nobel Incident", a nuclear reactor accident that occurred in the Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station in the Soviet Union. The accident is considered to be the worst nuclear power accident in history, and it is also the first major accident rated as the seventh incident by the international nuclear incident grading table. The entire city of Pripia is abandoned. The fourth reactor at the Cripiaje's neighboring Chelnor Nuclear Power Plant exploded. The continuous explosion triggered a fire and emitted a large amount of high -energy radiation substances into the atmosphere, and these radiation dust covered a large area. The radiation dose released by the disaster was more than 400 times that of the atomic bomb exploded during World War II; economic losses were more than 100 billion US dollars, and even the Soviet Union accelerated the pace of disintegration. Regarding the cause of the accident, there are two contradictory explanations of each other. First, the responsibility of the accident shirk to the nuclear power plant manipulator. The second one is that the accident is caused by the design defect of the slow boiling water reactor of the pressure tube, especially the design of the control stick. Both sides' investigation teams have been lobbying in many ways, including reactor designers, staff and government of Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station. But now that it is not concerned about this, Moscow senior management may not know the seriousness of the matter. But as a person who came, he was clear. At this moment, I have not continued to inspect the company's mood. After all, knowing how serious the nuclear leak will bring. But now I dare not remind the Soviets, otherwise they will have different explanations, and they will doubt that you have no intention. Even if you thank you at the time, it would be inevitable to doubt afterwards; whether the Heiyun Group inserted spy staff in the Soviet nuclear power plant. During the Cold War, this kind of thing; the Jedi cannot be sticky, otherwise it will be easy to ignite. The Soviets cannot be told, but there are still some remedy. In fact, in 85 years, I have intentionally or unintentionally started preparing. After all, the Soviet Union can reduce some damage and reduce personnel casualties. Bao Zixuan can only let He Xiaobo pay close attention to the development of the situation. After all, he dare not leak any news to Moscow. No matter how good the relationship with the little Uznov is, it can't be too direct in terms of this national interest. Essence But also know,

The United States cannot stay. Moreover, many materials are in Fucha Ila. Before, the top nuclear radiation protection clothing set by the Soviet Union was worried about the name of nuclear strikes. At this moment, it can finally come in handy.

In fact, after the first Fugia War, Bao Zixuan deliberately ordered a batch from the Soviet Union, the highest level of nuclear protection clothing in the world. And not only in the Soviet Union, but also in the United States also ordered a large number of batches. At that time, the two countries did not think much, but they just thought that the boy was worried about being hit by nuclear and prepared.

And this nuclear protective clothing itself does not belong to offensive weapons. Except for the real hostile country, it will export normally. It is just that Bao Zixuan ordered a high level and a small number. But think about being so rich, and it is normal to be wayward.

In fact, whether it is the United States or the Soviet Union, he does not know that he is preparing for the Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station.

Without any stay in the United States, he flew directly from Flying to Fucha Ila. If the Soviet Union needs it, you can transfer materials from Fucha Ila to the first time. And the journey is not far away, and large freight aircraft only take 6 hours to reach.

Of course, Americans knew that the Soviet nuclear power plant leaked, but did not care. After all, even Moscow does not know the danger level.

Bao Zixuan made a decision to make a decision, all staff members on the air station of the nuclear power plant; immediately evacuated. In fact, at this stage, except for the Nicholaev Shipyard, other places; there are not many people in Black Cloud Group or Fucha Ila's past Europe. It cannot be said that there is no danger at all, and it can only be said that relatively low.

I don't know why the boss issued such an order, and European staff immediately began to evacuate. Either Black Cloud Group or Fucha Ila! Bao Zixuan is absolutely authoritative. His order must be resolutely executed.

The command does not need to understand, as long as it is executed.

The staff of the Swedish FK nuclear power plant just went to work and found that many abnormal radiation particles were sticking to the clothes. The power plant was about 1,100 kilometers away from Chelnilet. According to Sweden research, it was found that the radiation was not from the local nuclear power plant; they suspected that it was a problem with the Soviet nuclear power plant. At that time, Sweden asked the Soviet Union through diplomatic channels, but it was not confirmed.

This makes them very puzzled, but the Swedes still take countermeasures seriously; after all, so many radiation particles in the air are not trivial.

Moscow did not reply, but France and Italy; after receiving a report on the existence of nuclear radiation particles in the air in Sweden, they began to pay attention to it.

After all, it is so close to Lao Maozi, even if it is not a nuclear power plant problem, it may be a problem with the new weapon experiment. During the Cold War, these were very normal. Although they were secretly touched the experiment before, there were nuclear weapons; how easy it was to control, it was better to be careful.

France and Italy stipulate that some crops are prohibited from eating, which can be said to cause panic to a certain extent.

At this time, the senior management of Moscow also felt wrong, and immediately sent a working group to enter the Chernone Nuclear Power Station to check the situation. Other European countries have informed the Soviet Union through diplomatic channels; even if the other party deliberately finds things, they will not make a kidney radiation.

Not only did European countries ask the Soviet Union's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also exceeded the phenomenon of nuclear radiation; it was reported to the international atomic energy agency. The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Blix, at the invitation of the Soviet government, and took a helicopter to see the nuclear power plant from 800 meters high. He believed that this was by far the worst nuclear accident in the world.

There was nothing wrong with Hisyov, but Moscow's senior management asked him to sit on the scene to conduct the scene; then he could only hold his head hard. If the country is difficult to reflect the important value of a person.

The Soviet nuclear experts reported to the little Uz Jenov and Blix: "According to the current situation, it is more serious than we think."

"At the time of the accident, the No. 4 reactor plan was closed to do regular maintenance and testing, and took this opportunity to test the capacity of the turbine generator of the reactor -check whether there is still sufficient power supply to the safety of the reactor under the condition of power loss. system."

"The reactor design has a pair of diesel generators as a spare power supply, but the diesel generator cannot start instantly. At this time, the reactor uses the rotated turbine as the source of energy. When the diesel generator has not started, whether the turbine can still supply energy to the pump at full power at the stage of power reduction. This type of test has been successfully implemented in other units, but the results are unsatisfactory. "

"When the energy output is already lower than the specified minimum value, the engineers choose to remove the control lever of the reactor and keep the 6 of the 211 control rods to speed up the operation rate of the reactor. The operators who think that they are extremely experienced are convinced that the six control rods are enough, so this major tragedy is caused. "

"Due to the control stick insertion mechanism and design structure, the control of the bottom of the stick is designed with graphite; the contact rate of the reaction reaction in the contact of the cooler and the water coolant will increase. I was stuck; the reaction could not be effectively stopped. "

"So radioactive pollutants entered the atmosphere after the steam explosion and rupture of the main pressure container, and combined with oxygen inflowing with extreme high -temperature reactor fuels and graphite chronic agents — causing graphite fire. Fire caused radioactive substances to spread and pollute wider pollution. ","

Little Uzinev didn't understand what it meant, but Blix was a top expert in nuclear energy. I immediately knew the seriousness of the matter, and combined with the specific situation I just saw on the plane; if it was not dealt with in time, the consequences could not imagine.


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