Although he heard it in the clouds, but what he said; Little Uskinov was also a military professional. It is also the Minister of the Soviet Union's Weapons and Equipment, so it is no stranger to nuclear weapons. Of course, knowing the exception of nuclear radiation is the degree of harm to the environment and the human body. Little Uskinov said, "What kind of supplies do you need and what work should be prepared; immediately sort out!" As the chief commander, even if you don't understand, then listen to expert opinions. After all, no one can ignore the degree of harm of nuclear radiation. Hearing this, the Soviet nuclear experts were finally assured; I was really worried that Moscow sent a two -knife. I do n’t understand anything, and then I will be blindly conducted. The one in front of me looked at the high weight, but knew what she was going to do and what they could do; this was much stronger than the average person. The Soviet nuclear experts said categorically: "At present, we need a lot of high -quality protective clothing, and we must prepare immediately. At the same time If you are not careful, you will cause the collapse, which will increase the disaster; and it will also pollute the groundwater resources nearby. "" Fortunately, it is remedied by firefighters, pilots, and protective forces; It is necessary to build a giant cement sarcophagus. Only by fully closed the No. 4 reactor, can the next step can be performed. " We are the sins of the entire human. "While doing other jobs, we must also have a serious and serious nuclear radiation garbage. The required protective clothing is to distribute to the staff. After the accident, after receiving a fire police call, the first batch of firefighters arrived at the scene of the accident within 6 minutes. They wearing simple protection equipment from the beginning, and they realized that the fire was not a simple fire in less than half an hour at the arrival scene. Some people in firefighters began to have headaches, nausea, vomiting and other phenomena -this is the early symptoms of the human body after receiving strong radiation. After being aware of the existence of radiation, some firefighters and trustees gave measures to close the doors and windows to the families in the city of Peripia, near the Nuclear Power Station, and then returned to the fire field and continued to invest in the fire extinguishing rescue. A group of firefighters were replaced, and the other batch of them pushed up again ... The fire was successfully controlled and did not spread to the adjacent No. 3 reactor; after the fire was extinguished, the superior issued an withdrawal order. Some rescue workers left the scene, while some wounded ran back to the power station after being sent to the hospital to continue their rescue. Most of the 28 rescue personnel who were injured at the beginning were firefighters; the huge amount of radiation far beyond the human body was sacrificed in the following month. Although the Minghuo was extinguished,

However, the nuclear fuel in the No. 4 reactor is about 180 to 190 tons, and the explosion has thrown 8 tons directly to the air, and then the high airflow spreads it to Europe, and even the world. In order to control the spread of pollutants, the Soviet Air Force took the burden of firefighters. They want to put 80 kg of sandbags from the air and lead blocks, 6000 tons of borax and concrete, to be closed and naked.

The Soviet pilots already knew before departure that this task was to face invisible, dead radiation, which was more dangerous than any battlefield they had gone before. In order to set the accuracy, the Soviet Air Force Major Antoskin flew to the edge of the fire field of high temperature and radiation limit.

Although they are at a height of 200 meters, the radiation there is at least 1,000 Lunqin, and it is enough to be fatal for half an hour here. Every time the pilots go, they absorb 5 to 6 Lunqin. Some drivers fly as many as 33 times a day. After several tasks, the pilots started to vomit. If they stay a little longer, radiation will erode muscles and burn their bones. This group of Soviet soldiers took turns in turn, 110 sets of 110 sets on the first day, and 300 sets on the next day ... In the entire rescue; so far, 3,000 times have been flying.

The same is true of the anti -chemical troops. In the actions of the degree of nuclear radiation, the Soviet anti -chemical commander Commander Pacorov took all the areas of suspected severe nuclear radiation pollution. He said at the time, "I'm already old, maybe only a few years of life, and the hope of life is left to young soldiers! Paying such a heavy price, the reactor's explosive hole was completely blocked.

It is just that these outsides do not know yet, and even the little Uznov is aware of it. After all, the special system of the Soviet Union determines that the outside world is difficult to get their information.

Since you know what you need to do, then things are easy to do. Moreover, the Soviet Union could not continue to hide, after all, Blix, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency at this moment. If they continue to conceal, then they will really become the sinner of the entire human.

Little Usinev: "Immediately mobilizing the protective service, requires the highest level."

Hearing this, the people below were a little embarrassed. After all, in the Soviet Union, the highest level of protective clothing has not really reserves. This stuff is basically not used. In their hearts, it is estimated that there is no one; after eating the bear's leopard, they dare to throw the original bullets on the great Soviet head. And the protective service has a life life. The higher the level, the more expensive.

At present, the highest level of protective clothing on the market does not exceed 5 years. The high cost, coupled with a short life span, is really not accepted by the great powers. But the subordinates can only be on the scalp. After all, Chelnobelli is now 100,000, but it can't be delayed.

Immediately ordered other departments to cooperate with all the work; it must be completed according to the prescribed time.

The coal industry minister who received the order was very reluctant, but at this moment he had to do the work of the miner.

Then he found 400 miners and dug a tunnel from the ground, and installed a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger to prevent the reactor fuel from penetrating into the ground.

The surface is magma, and the underground tunnel has a high temperature of more than 50 degrees. They could not use any cooling equipment, and almost all miners took off their clothes and worked barely. This is equivalent to exposing themselves in the environment of nuclear radiation, but they don't care, because the parents are mining.

At first, the Minister of Coal Industry did not tell them what kind of work was to do.

The captain of the miner immediately said: To deal with the miners, it is best to tell the truth, because "those people work in the dark, they can see everything."

10,000 miners have responded to the call of the Soviet government to dig underground cooling channels. They endured the nuclear radiation that was hypoxia, high temperature, and height, and finally dug a 150 -meter tunnel to the bottom of the No. 4 reactor. Among these miners, more than a quarter did not live 40 years old.

Hero miner Vladimir Nicholaevich-Nalov recalled: "We have been given severe and important tasks, and there are few people who know it in general. The people of Ernarie are all excellent excavation workers and volunteers strictly selected by the party committee! "

They knew that they were dangerous, but they were willing to do it, and they were more frank than anyone. The Soviets have both individualism and their sacrifice.

It can be said that this is a very amazing group of people, which is very admirable.

Little Usinev immediately reported the relevant situation to Moscow; when he learned that the nuclear power plant accident was the highest level 7; the Soviet senior management could not sit still. Immediately mobilized national supplies, and strived to minimize the harm of the accident.

At the same time, they were ordered to evacuate the local people and inform other European countries; and to report to the entire world. European countries are even in panic, after all, no one dares to guarantee; whether nuclear radiation will float to its own country.

Therefore, in addition to humanitarianism, they dare not provide too many protective supplies to the Soviets. People are selfish, and they are worried that in case of their own country, the protective clothing is definitely not enough.

At this time, it is not the spirit of justice and the hero; when the disaster is coming, life may be more important than anything.

This made the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs very stressful. On the one hand, Cylinelli continued to urge various materials; on the other hand, European countries refused to come up with strategic reserves for self -protection.

You must know that every day, hundreds of people will die. However, even if the simplest protection measures are used, the Soviets are still reckless; this spirit is very rare.

At the same time, the little Uzinev was very anxious, after all, the rescue staff who could rush to the front; they were the most brave soldiers of the Soviet Union. Their lives were precious!


You need to consult a lot of historical data, otherwise I really don't know how to write it, I'm sorry!


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