Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

1526 people for help and rescue

To say that the world is focusing on the focus of the world at this moment, it is the accident. If it is not handled well, it may not be suitable for humans throughout Europe. It can be said that every news is holding the nerves of this earth. When everything is in progress, the dangerous tasks are coming. One of the most dangerous tasks is to clean up graphite blocks scattered on the top of the plant, which is the most radiating place. At this time, the Soviet Union enlightened the lunar cars in Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, but the system was paralyzed by radiation before the machine. During the Cold War, it was impossible for the Soviet Union to bow to the United States. In desperation, Liecev suggested that the "bioplasm robot", that is, manually clean up. However, the protective service is a bit insufficient. If the soldiers wear ordinary clothes, it is tantamount to letting them get to death. At this time, the assistant said to the little Uznov: "Minister, do you remember, Baozixuan of Heiyun Group ordered a large number of top protective clothing; at the time you said that he had too many money. It should not be used, after all, Facha Ila nor Black Cloud Group has not carried out nuclear physical research and development. "Hearing this, Little Uskinov immediately set up his spirit. Before, my mind was a little confused, how could I forget this matter. At that time, it was really a joke. Now it seems that people are masters; they can really be prepared! Then I took the phone and called Bao Zixuan. Hearing the voice of Xiao Uznov, Bao Zixuan knew what the other person wanted, but now it can't be said that that in that case, he seems to know the same. Hearing the rapid voice of the other party, Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "We are friends, we can say that there is any need. No cornering. I have no relatives and there are not many friends. In this way, I just don't take me as a friend. "I saw the true feelings, and it was not fake at all. Europeans are playing balls. Bao Zixuan can have such an attitude, which is really rare. Little Uskinov was not polite, and said directly: "At present, I need a lot of protective clothing. I heard that you ordered some before, how much money, the Soviet Union will recognize this account." When he heard the other party's money, Bao Zixuan was very very very very very good. Seriously, "At this time, everything is for rescue; I will give you all the protective clothing ordered protective clothing ordered from the Soviet Union and the United States, and there is a special lead can. Nobelley needs to be led by Iraq and Turkey. "" Iraq can communicate, but I am not familiar with Turkey with them! "

Little Usinev immediately promised that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs would communicate. Turkey is disagreed and agreed.

To say that Turkey's contradiction with the Soviet Union or Russia has a long history; it can even be traced back to a thousand years ago. If Bao Zixuan said he wanted to transport materials to the Soviet Union through Turkey; it is estimated that the other party would definitely not agree.

After the First World War, both Russia and Turkey established a new country. In 1919, Turkey repelled foreign aggressors under the leadership of Kemal. In March 1921, Turkey and the newly established Soviet Union signed the "Soviet Treaty Treaty" in Moscow. The treaty reflects the principle of equality and reciprocity between the two parties. In the treaty, the Soviet government completely abandoned all the unequal clauses imposed on Turkey in the past, and eliminated all debts that owed Tsar Russia. In general, the Turksu relations have maintained a harmonious and friendly relationship before World War II.

In 1939, World War II broke out. Turkey announced neutrality in name, but in fact Turkey has sent a lot of resources for Germany. After the Soviet -German war, Turkey placed more than 200,000 troops on the southern border of the Soviet Union. The intention of Turkey is obvious. If the Soviet Union wins, everything is good. If Germany wins, Turkey is likely to enter. The Soviet Union did not know about such practical threats.

After the Russian Empire collapsed, a strong Soviet Union was established on its ruins. At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union grinded Hoho, preparing to calculate the old accounts and new accounts, and prepared to get the black sea out of the black sea that has been coveted for hundreds of years. The Soviet Union dispatched troops on the Soviet border, ready to force Turkey to fight. This has caused the vigilance of the United States and Britain. Under the tough intervention of the United States and Britain, the Soviet Union did not succeed. Subsequently, the United States attracted Turkey into NATO. Now Turkey is the second largest military force in the NATO framework. Turkey plays an irreplaceable role as the crossroads of East and West.

Therefore, if you want Turkish Moan mouth, it is not so easy. In fact, it is also possible to go from other parts of the Soviet Union, but the required range and time cannot be delayed.

Since the little Uznov said that the Soviet Union can do it, it is easy to do. However, Bao Zixuan also left a heart, and did not suppress all the time.

Instead, he came to the Focus Ila military airport. At this time, the four Il-76 transport aircraft were loading rescue supplies. Two of them have been installed and can take off at any time.

Bao Zixuan came to the pilot and solemnly said: "All the time to serve in the Soviets before, and also made a hard work for the country. Although it has now retired from the Soviets, it belongs to the Fugcha Iraq combat sequence."

"But your roots are not broken, and the blood on your body is still red. These supplies are the rescue materials I donated to the Soviet Union for free.

"Now you need to drive the plane and go to Chel Nobel. I can't promise you how many bonuses, which is an insult to you. Therefore, you can choose to exit, I will never stop it."

"What I promised, I will definitely do it; therefore, even if you refuse to fly, I have to drive the plane myself."

An outsider, when the Soviet Union encountered crisis; they could come forward, what else did they dare not. And this time the boss did not withdraw bonuses, but he was in charge. Everyone likes money, but there is some money; it is not necessary to kill, that is the insult to their personality. Bao Zixuan's words are definitely in their hearts.

The Soviet pilot said very firmly: "Boss, we used to travel to and from Iraq and the Soviet Union before, so the route is very familiar. Although we are now a national nationality of Fucha Ila, we are still proud of serving in the Soviet army. We want to thank you. "

"You gave us the opportunity to become a hero. No one can be snatched from us in this flight."

The attitude of pilots can be said to be very resolute.

Bao Zixuan immediately called the second son of Iraq and explained the situation here. Iraq said it would open a route for Fugu Ila transport aircraft.

On the one hand, Bao Zixuan, the other is the Soviet Union. Unless the Iraqi has a sick head, I dare not have any ideas.

But Turkey is reluctant. After all, they have a bad relationship with the Soviet Union, otherwise they will not have to join NATO. But now the Soviet Union has informed that it is to mobilize rescue supplies from Fucha Ila.

The Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Station accident is not a secret in the whole world. If it was before, it must be considered the conspiracy of the Soviets. After all, they still need to buy rescue supplies from the Middle East country. But everyone knows the specific situation of Fucha Ira. Heiyun Group has absolute strength to help the Soviet Union.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the Turkey decided to open up. After handling the nuclear leak accident one day, they can rest assured one day. And at this time, I dare not embarrass Lao Maozi. If the other party really launchs a fire, the consequences will be difficult to imagine.

Turkey and Turkic mean, they are the descendants of Turkic; although people are sturdy, they are not stupid. What is the state of the Soviet Union now? At this time, the other party must not be unhappy. And this is still strategic rescue supplies, which must not stop that.

After the two Il-76 transport aircraft had just entered the Turkish airspace, the other two aircraft also shipped the supplies; they took off immediately.

Bao Zixuan is also playing a time difference. If Turkey really dares to rush the world, then there is a good emergency measure. If all four planes have an accident, they may be too late to cry. Fortunately, Turkey knows the depth and dare not do things.

When the first two planes entered the Soviet Union, they immediately escorted fighters. The two transport aircraft in the back entered the Turkish airspace, and the Soviet Air Force had been monitoring; the transport aircraft was Calnor's most urgent need for rescue supplies, and dare not make any errors.

In fact, at this time, all countries will cooperate at all. I really dare to move my mind, Lao Maozi will definitely make your land; nuclear radiation appears.


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