It was not until a month that Bao Zixuan sent Li Yulin to the airport. Come out for too long, there is still a lot of things at home; it must be going back, and the two are not at home, and daughter -in -law will have doubts. But Bao Zixuan couldn't go back, and Fucha Ila had many things to deal with. Zhang Zhan called and found a treasure on a small island of the former Oman Haijiao in Persman. And it is likely to be related to the same legendary figure, and now I don't know how to deal with it. I hope that the boss can come back and settle in person; and ensure that the news has been completely blocked, and there will never be leakage. After fully took over the Alman to fly, Musrandham province, Zhang Zhan started survey; mainly to find mineral resources. Because this involves planning problems, it must not be sloppy. Moreover, Heiyun Group survey, the most advanced equipment is all used. Therefore, on a small island of Persia, underground space and a large number of metal products were found. When Bao Zixuan learned the news, he immediately rushed back to Fucha Ila. In order not to be conspicuous, take a speedboat to the island at night. The area of ​​the entire island is not large, only less than 5 square kilometers; similar to this island, there are still many nearby. Bao Zixuan has long been preparing to develop or build some necessary facilities, but the conditions and the surrounding environment are not allowed. But the early survey must not be delayed, and then I found the so -called treasure. After Zhang Zhan saw the boss arrived, he said excitedly: "The Arabs have no secret channels; just make a natural cave into a treasure trove. If you don't have the most advanced equipment, maybe we can't get it. Some of them buried some of them. Deep, and the hole is very secretive. But in the face of modern equipment, all this is not a problem. "" The most reliable person who came here, but none of us knows Arabic text very much. Even I see some of them are Arabic, I was worried about leaking the wind, and I could only let the boss come over in person. "Although Bao Zixuan did not understand the life of the treasure, the text was no stranger. The caution of Zhang Zhan also expressed understanding and support. After all, they just occupied this place; if it is a well -known Arabic cultural relics, it is estimated that neighboring countries will definitely ask you. Coupled with the Persians and Jews next to it, they may really be more troublesome. Although Zhang Zhan did not understand, it was only a word in the treasure, and the translation may be related to Saladin. Saladin-Ayub, Kurds, the outstanding militaryist and politician of the Middle Ages, the founder of the Ayub Dynasty in Egypt. In his early years, he went to the Zanji dynasty with his father, and once followed his uncle to Egypt. In 1169, Vizil, who was the Fatima dynasty.

In 1171, the Fatima dynasty Harry was established and established the Ayubu dynasty; in 1174, Sudan was called Sudan.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was committed to unifying most of Syria and Mesopotamia, so that the regions of Egypt and West Asia returned to the rule of the same regime. In 1187, he defeated and captured the leader of Jerusalem and the head of the Temple of the Temple of the Temple in the battle of Hardin, and then forced the surrender of Jerusalem, which caused the third Crusades to conquer. During his reign, he acknowledged that the Aza dynasty Harry sent Harry as a religious leader, and replaced the senior positions of the Shiite aristocracy in Egypt in the military and political aspects of Egyptian elders, and opened a religious school in Cairo and Alexander to promote Sunni doctrine. Lifetime mainly used the war to fight against the crusader's east invasion, diligent and honest, developing economy, respecting scholars, sponsoring academics.

Generous, honest and praise. Because of the military talents and leadership of the Cross -Cross -Army's eastward symbol, it is famous for Christians and the *** world. Western scholars are reputable for "monarchs with knights"; Egyptian and Arab people give him a "national hero" award.

But why a Saladin rulers can expand the maximum strength to Syria. How could the treasure buried on the Persian Gulf Island, how could it be so mysterious. However, Zhang Zhan only knew about one, let's take a look first.

Bao Zixuan walked into this cave that had been in the past tens of thousands of years, and was also said; although it was an island, the climate was very dry. It feels very strange, it is estimated that this is the reason; the ancestors of the Arabs will bury the treasure here.

After walking in, it was found that although the treasure house was very simple, the space was far greater than expected. Seeing a variety of jewelry and gold and silver utensils; Bao Zixuan finally understood why Zhang Zhan dare not let the Arabs come here. If the news is leaked, it is estimated that it must be fighting.

Because there are not only precious Arabic cultural relics, but also many utensils have obvious Jewish style. Two candlesticks aroused the interest of Bao Zixuan, how could it be so like the candlestick in the Solomon Temple in Solomon during the transmission.

After Angella Rothschild talked about the Treasure Temple of Solomon, Bao Zixuan was curious and studied carefully for a few days. The clever head is good, and it is fast to learn everything. And as long as you look at it, you can basically remember it. Now he is familiar with the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and will never lose to any well -known Jewish expert.

It can be said that there are many cultural relics here, all from the Solomon Temple. This made Bao Zixuan very strange, and there was any hidden feelings in it.

Fortunately, they are more familiar with the text of Arabic and Hebrew, and I have deliberately studied it; After finding the literature and data records, I finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that this treasure is really related to Saladin, but the relationship is not great.

They are all divided from Samsin's sects from Saladin, or they are grabbing treasures.

When it comes to the Association sect, you will first think of a well -known person. The name of the old man in the mountains Hasan-Sabach is a Persian. The reason why it is called "the old man in the mountains" is derived from the Arabic translation. He created the frightened extremist organization at the time, the Assistor.

Hassan was born in Iran's Kum. When he was young, he was diligent and easy to learn, proficient in astronomy, mathematics, and theology, and enjoyed a certain reputation in the local area. Later, Hassan went to Egypt again, where he got the reception of the Fatima dynasty Harry; then he swore to loyalty to the Fatima dynasty and taught learning in the Cairo court.

Many years later, he returned to Persian mission again; but he contradicts with the Persian prime minister Nizam Mulles, so he was somewhat separated in life. But at this time, he harvested a large number of followers. In 1090 AD, Hassan led the believers to capture Abao Modelburg, near Gazwin, and used it as his own stronghold; also known as "Eagle Nest".

By 1094, the Fatma dynasty in Egypt died of Harry, and serious inheritance problems later, and Hassan was involved in it. The original heirs he supported Niger was overthrown, so he decided to fight against the Fatima dynasty.

However, Hassan's forces are limited after all, and there is no chance of a positive battle; therefore, he is mainly assassinated and set up a special assassination organization Assassin. At this point, an assassin empire that enlightened between East and West appeared.

In 1124 AD, Hassan died of Anta Mo Fort. However, the history of "old people in the mountains" is not ended; this title can be inherited, and the history of Association is not over. The Hasan Assassin Empire has passed eight generations in total, and the rule time is nearly 200 years.

The most famous after Hassan is the leader of the Association branch Rashdding. At the same time, he also has the title of "Old Man in the Mountain". In some literature, he often confuses him with Hassan. During the heyday of the Crusaders, many Arab countries still listed Assin and some of its branches as the primary threat.

At this time, Saladin had been on the stage of history, and he was determined to destroy the Assassin Assassin Group after establishing the Ayubu dynasty. Later, he sent the army to attack Agie Modelburg, but with its geographical advantages, the assassins successfully repelled Saladin's army. At the same time, he assassinated Saladin many times, because the defense was too tight and failed, but it was also scared to Saladin.

In 1189, the European countries organized the third crossed army. The Assassins of Assincer turned their heads to form an alliance with Saladin and began to send assassins to the Crusaders and European countries.

In this way, the Assassators of the Association continued to deal with between the Crusaders and the Arab countries; many forces wanted to eradicate it, but they did not succeed, and they did not change until the Mongolians came.

The reason why the Mongolian army was the first Western Expedition was because the caravan was attacked; but after the Western Expedition, this situation did not change, because Association also stared at the Mongolian business team. Not only that, the Assassin Assassin also tried to assassinate Mengge, but it was still not successful because the defense was too tight.

The above behavior is tantamount to the fire and burning. The Mongolian army again westward. One of the projects is to retaliate against the Assassin's organization, and this time the leader is Xu Liewu.

Seeing that the Mongolian army struck, Association wanted to unite with the Crusaders; but was rejected. At this time, Azarin also had chaos internally, and then the old man in the mountains Aladdin was overthrown, and his son Ruklein succeeded. The old man in the last generation was very timid, so he chose to surrender out of the city.

However, this move was not in exchange for kindness, and Abao Modelburg was flat; many assassin was killed, and Assisily, who was running around, received a fatal blow. However, because of the huge power before, after encountering the catastrophe; Assassin still has a certain foundation, and these people have now regarded the old people in the mountains as their goals.

When the old man in the last mountain, Luci Ding went into the Meng Meng brother, and was killed by the Assassin of the Assassin who was left; at this time, the history of the old man in the mountains ended. As for the remaining forces of Association, it was swept out of the historical stage by the Maruruk dynasty that appeared later.

And some treasures are destined to not be placed in the so -called burg. It is not far from Persia here. It can be said that it is the most suitable place to put treasure.

If this treasure is announced to the world, it will inevitably cause a sensation. But Bao Zixuan wanted to play a bigger one, ready to move the flowers. The treasures in the Solomon Temple also transferred here; then invite Arabia, Persia, and Israeli scholars to study; I believe it will be able to maximize benefits.


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