The plan of the plan in my heart is still perfect, at least not more suitable than this. Even if the Roschild family discovered, it didn't matter. Give them some benefits, but the big head must be on their own side. Coupled with their planning of the Temple of Solomon, the time continues; there are no windy walls in the world, and it is estimated that other Jews have already discovered. It's just because of love, suffering from no evidence. Avoid night dreams, things must be accelerated. If the time is longer, the easier it is to leak the wind. Li Ergou, nicknamed pangolin. In the Huaxia's grave robbing industry, it is definitely known as the first figure, and it is particularly sensitive to ears and nose. A group of Xiangjiang people found him and gave 100,000 yuan directly. The condition is to walk with them, and there is no way to refuse at all. In the 1980s, 100,000 yuan, what concept. Enough in Kyoto or Shanghai, buy 2 real estate. It is definitely a huge sum. Since the job, I have not earned so much money. But he also knew that this may be the money. But since doing this, people can find him again. It shows that the details have been investigated clearly, and there is no right to refuse. I don't know how long, Li Ergou was taken to a place where the climate was particularly dry. From a geographical point of view, you know that there should be objects below. After all, the architecture here is very old, and it is known that it has been destroyed many times. But if you want to know if there is room for underground, you need to use thunder. But this place in Jerusalem is not easy to hear thunder. But entering modern society, artificial thunder is still very convenient. And want God to do n’t know, ghosts do not feel the things out; it must be used by external forces; what may not be missing in Jerusalem is contradictions and conflicts. Palestinian conflict is a conflict between Palestine and Israel. Because Palestine belongs to the Arab country, and Israel has disputes with other Arab countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. Or Ayi conflict. The Palestinian conflict has a profound historical source. As early as the 13th century BC, the ancestors of the Israelites came from the Arab desert to Palestine and established the country here. Later Invasion and destruction, the occupation of the Romans in the 1st century caused a large number of Israelites in exile. Most of them migrated to Western Europe. Later At the end of the century, the Jews in exile were oppressed and excluded by the local nation. During World War II, this discrimination and persecution had developed to the extreme by Germany. It can be seen that the Jews wandered for thousands of years, and they were oppressed and bullied.

By the end of the 19th century, there was a trend of "re -stateism" among the Jews. Britain and the United States and other countries used their own interests and used this trend. Therefore, a large number of Jews scattered around the world have returned. So land, Palestine.

However, the problem has emerged, and the Arabs have long lived here; and the living time has been for thousands of years. The Jews forcibly immigrated to Palestine with the support of Britain and the United States, leading to the exile of Arabs in a large number of Palestinians. Because of his exile, he is required to be exile; because his ancestors lived first, you have to live here. This is obviously unreasonable, but because of the Bible as a basis, it has historical emotions; with a sense of worry and support of a great power; the Jews must reverse their tragic destiny anyway, so the "re -stateism" is popular.

In order to solve the problem, the United Nations passed the "No. 181 resolution" in 1947; it is stipulated that Israel and Arabia are established in Palestine. It can be seen that this resolution can be reluctant to accept it, but the Arabs in Palestine seem absurd. Moreover, this resolution is not fair to the Arabs; not only half, to accurately speaking, most of the land allows the Israelites with a total of 32%of the total; and these land concentrate a large amount of fertile plains and freshwater resources.

Because the Arabs were only six at the time of the UN General Assembly, it was impossible to recover at all, and the resolution passed the manipulation of Americans. As a result, Israel was established in 1948. Subsequently, the Middle East war started;

It was the Romans who expelled the Jews out of Palestine that year. Later, the Jews were persecuted by the European feudal forces and religious forces. All this is not done by the Arabians, and the Arabs of Palestine have not only lived for nearly a thousand years; they also have a special confrontation with foreign people to keep this area. The tragic encounters of the Jews are worthy of sympathy and understanding, but this should not be the reason why another nation suffers a tragic encounter. Based on the entanglement of religion, land, resources, and history; the Pakistani -Israeli conflict has continued to find a suitable solution so far.

As for the worst conflict between the two countries, it must be Jerusalem. Jerusalem is Christian, *** religion, Jewish holy place, and these three major religions have other branches in addition to Judaism. For example, Christian branch Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestant, etc.; *** scores are transformed into Sunni and Shiites. Jerusalem is so amazing.

According to the Bible, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in Jerusalem after her pregnancy. Later, Jerusalem suffered a place where Jesus suffered, buried, resurrected, and ascension. Jesus was sent by God to save the world. Jesus was the incarnation of God. Can you say that Jerusalem can not be sacred? When Jesus was crucified, it was also what happened in the outskirts of Jerusalem. Also, the manuscript of the Bible was discovered in Jerusalem. It is still treasured in the Jerusalem Museum today. It is conceivable that Jerusalem is in Christianity. The specific sites left are Christian Tomb Church and bitter path.

For *** teaching, many people think that Mecca is a holy city, in fact, Jerusalem is the first holy city of ***. This is recorded. The 7th century AD, the founder of the *** teachers Mohammed was in Mecca; due to the separation of the Mecca faction, the conflict continued. *** Education was also excluded and threatened.

One day, when the prophet Muhammed meditated, he came to Jerusalem. Here, Mohammed appeared on the seven days, and saw that the people had never seen Allah Musa and Ala. He also begged for nine times and changed his prayer from 50 times a week to 5 times a day. In other words, to see Allah, Jerusalem is the closest place, not Mecca or McDonal. Heaven to see Allah is the sacred mission of every *** Christian life, and it is also the only belief of every Christian. Leave the famous dome mosque and Yaksa Mosque.

The Jews originated from the Mesopotamian Plateau, the birthplace of early human civilization. When the Mesopotamian civilization gradually declined, one of his chief named Abraham, in accordance with God's will; led the tribe to the land of Canaan, and the land of Canaan is Jerusalem today.

In the 14th century BC, under the leadership of Moses, he escaped the pursuit of the Egyptian army; overcoming heavily grinding difficulties, walked out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and arrived in the Sinai Peninsula in the early days. On the Sinai Peninsula, Moses was under the test and baptism of God. Forty years later, his descendants led the Jews and reached the place where the ancestors had lived; this was the promise of this "milk and honey".

However, remember that the blessing of this God; there are already other gods and prophets. In order to seize the "promise" that God said, the war has never stopped, and it is afraid of today's thousands of years later.

In this way, Jerusalem is basically divided into three areas, Christian Parisions, *** districts and Jewish Diocese. The wall of the *** Jiao Yaksa Mosque is the site of the Second Temple of Judaism. Christianity later blossomed in Europe, and churches were spread all over. *** In the Arab world, there is a world in the world, and Michael is gone. However, Jewish religion has the meaning of root only in Jerusalem in Palestine. Therefore, the religious pilgrimage of the Israeli Jews is only Jerusalem in Canaan.

To this day, Jerusalem still has not escaped disputes. Israel set the capital here in 1950, and Palestine announced that Jerusalem has always been their capital. This is a magical place. A city is the capital of two countries or two countries with different religious beliefs. Can you say that this can coexist peacefully?

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