Since there is such a deep national and religious contradictions, it can be used well. And Bao Zixuan can basically confirm that Solomon Treasure is still hidden in Jerusalem. There were no relevant reports about finding the whereabouts of the treasure, whether it was the Egyptian or the Solomon Islands; or there was no clue where everything possible. With the savvy level of Jews, treasures are not so easy to be easily snatched. It's just because of various reasons, there is nothing to find. After all, there are too many benefits, as well as historical issues. Coupled with a city, the capital of the two countries; at the same time, the two countries are still hostile countries. The timing of looking for treasures has not been mature. Nasser is a radical member of Jerusalem, and he was very uncomfortable to see the Arabs suffering. Therefore, I always want to look good to the Jews, and be sure to trouble them. Although there is a high prestige in the clan and some people hand, it is seriously lacking funds. Therefore, in terms of weapons and equipment, the Israeli army is not comparable at all. But today Nasser feels either a liar or his lucky day. There is actually a self -proclaimed organization of Arabia, finding him; showing his willingness to provide weapons and equipment to let him fight with Israel in Jerusalem. I have never heard of the so -called Arabic rich organization. However, there is no need to doubt what organizations are newly established. Israel is known as the Middle East Pingtou, and his strength must not be underestimated. Therefore, a new organization will be set up everywhere in Arabia; although it is not conducive to unified ideas and the development of the organization will grow and grow. However, it may also be very good to avoid Israel's recovery. After all, the trees are great, and many things should prevent problems before they occur. Although the opponent is obviously the characteristics of the Arabs, many things have to be guarded. In case the Jews planned behind, then they had to suffer a lot. Israel has not been done, and Moshard has played with this set. But the first meeting of the other party dispelled this idea. The rifles and rockets he needed were all shipped; there was no perfunctory or discount at all. This Arabic Rich Organization may really help Palestine. Even if the Israelites fish for law enforcement, they will not make such a big capital. The other party promised to give them the second batch of weapons and equipment, and the number was absolutely sufficient. But there is a prerequisite, that is to fire Jerusalem. I do n’t know what the Arab Fuqiang organization has the ability, and it really transported three 155 -caliber howitzers. You know this is a big guy, and here is still the capital of the two countries. It is suspicious to be able to transport heavy fire to the city under the eyelids of the Israeli military; what is the origin of the Arabic rich organization in front of it. The opponent's strength is recognized,

And the request is also in the middle of the middle, then the sleeves are finished.

Therefore, that night, the three -door 155 -caliber howitzer fired at the marked coordinate point. It can be said that it was very sudden, and the Israeli army was caught off guard. Such a heavy firepower must be a large -scale offense. But it is destined to let it use. After the artillery fired a tricycle, there was no movement.

But one thing has to admit that the Israeli army's response is really fast. The artillery position was quickly calculated. But when the army came, all the personnel had evacuated; there was no nostalgia, and no clues were left.

This shocked the high -level Israeli high -level, how the three -door 155 -caliber howitzer was transported to the city. If there is no inside, no one will believe it.

At the same time, for the Palestinians who lack of guns and less medicine, how can such a heavy firepower be easily abandoned. Is it just to open a few *** in the city to be comfortable, what is it for, it really makes people understand, just simply destroy. But is it too much at this price, and there are too many mysteries to be solved.

Li Ergou did not expect that the so -called thunder of the other party was a shelling. Although the effect is worse, the principle is basically the same. And so many shelling echoes; with his ears, the space below has long been familiar with the chest.

According to judgment, the underground space began to draw. The drawings are rough, but this is a general; it is mainly to get treasures, and it is not repaired for the palace. It does not need to be too precise.

At the same time, the core engineer of Heiyun Group; began to optimize the drawings of Li Ergou. At the same time, system analysis of the surrounding environment and geological structure. Now that you want to do it, you must ensure that it is all lost.

Israel was very annoyed, and the shell was too sudden; the murderer did not worry about weapons and equipment at all, which made them not caught alone. Could it be cleared directly to the Arabs now, or looking for it from house to house; it is necessary to make trouble. The most important Arab technology is really not good. Although it was fired at the Jewish holy land, it all fell on the open space, and it had little impact.

In fact, this is also related to the use of medicine, and the purpose of using the power is a little yellow gunpowder; the purpose is to not want to shake the foundation of the Solomon Temple. Li Ergou only needs a loud voice, and can hear echo, not high requirements for other aspects.

If the power of the shell is too powerful, it is likely to cause damage to the geological structure; if it is really bombarded by the Joya, the treasure really has nothing to do with Bao Zixuan.

The Israelites did not start a crazy revenge because of the shelling, in their opinion; the primary task is to understand the situation clearly. Who is so capable of being able to transport the three -door artillery to Jerusalem. If the root cause is not found, it will inevitably suffer from endlessness. As the capital of a country, even in nominal. The head of the country will inevitably come over, otherwise it will not be able to say at all.

If at this time, it will inevitably lose heavy losses. In order to find exact intelligence, Mossad was almost all dispatched in order to find out the shells. And the matter must be carried out in secret, and the other party can unknowingly transport the heavy weapons. If there is no internal ghost in Israel, no one will believe it.

However, Nasser's move made the other side incredible. After all, in their hearts, there seems to be no forces except for themselves, and they can make such a big movement in Jerusalem.

*** Resistance is a radical organization established on Palestinian's occupied territory. It is referred to as "Hamas", which is made up of "***", "resistance", and "sports". It may be because of the relationship between Bao Zixuan, the organization that was originally established next year, and it has been established last year. The richest man in the package may indirectly rewrite history and may become normalized in the future.

"Hamas" is both a religious organization and a political organization. From a religious point of view, Hamas advocates the traditional thoughts, belief *** doctrine and rules. Politically, it advocates terrorist violence struggle and completely liberated from Jordan with force. The "All Palestinian" land from the west bank to the Mediterranean achieves the goal of establishing an independent Palestinian country with the capital of Jerusalem as the capital, and refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to survive.

Hamas's leading agency is composed of the seven -person committee, which is in charge of politics, military, security, organization, propaganda and prison. The composition of Hamas personnel is "open", "secret" and "military". The open parts include people with legal status. The secret part refers to leaders who are responsible for organizing, mobilizing marches and struggles. The military part is a terrorist who trains well and specializes in violent activities.

After the establishment of Hamas, he planned a number of demonstrations and attacks against the occupation forces, creating multiple explosions. From time to time, residents who attacked border guards, kidnapped or assassinated Jewish settlements caused extreme panic and anxiety in China.

At this moment, Hamas founder Yasin was very strange. But the shell occurred in Jerusalem. In addition to Hamas, who has such a big ability.

Being able to use heavy artillery indicates the strength of the other party, but it is not weak at all. This made it very curious, and at the same time, there was a total of glowing.

At this time, Yasin wanted to know the good guy bombarded Jerusalem. The shot location is so -called Jewish holy land. From this point of view, the other party can be regarded as Arab hero.

It is believed that Israel will start a crazy revenge, and at this moment, members of the Nasser family are very low -key. Almost all of them are hidden, for them; perhaps today is the most successful day for life so far. Deep in the heart, you will also be grateful for the country that can provide weapons and equipment. After all, it is these countries that give yourself the opportunity to become the pride of the country and the people!

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