Looking at the three -dimensional structural drawings drawn by the engineer, Bao Zixuan understood. Now everything is ready, only Dongfeng. And the so -called Dongfeng is the Soviet combat mouse. Because of the rescue of the Chel Nobeli nuclear power plant, the Soviet authorities owed themselves a great relationship. Now I hope they will provide a combat mouse, and it is estimated that there should be no big problems. The grave robbing industry is one of the oldest industries. Bao Zixuan will not doubt their technology. Without this ability, it is estimated that it is difficult to find underground tombs. After all, the ancients, especially the ancients with identity; they were also worried about being disturbed after death. The design and construction of the mausoleum are painful. If there are no skills in the grave robbers, how can you easily find the tomb. Bao Zixuan passed a phone call, and Little Uskinov suddenly came to spirit. Since the Chel Nobel incident, the two have basically not contacted. Perhaps Bao Zixuan didn't want to make any excessive demands, maybe simply to avoid suspicion. In short, the two parties are very tacit, and they do not mention the compensation and gratitude incident. Any merchant and a successful businessman. It is impossible to have no desire. If this is the case, it is estimated that the business will not be done. Bao Zixuan is not a savior, and he will definitely not sacrifice such a great benefit for no reason. This human affection first remembers that the other party only wants the other party not to be too much. Now call him actively, indicating that he needs to use him. Then things are easy to do, as long as you finish the matter, you may still get a benefit. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I have encountered a trouble now. As a friend, you don't need to conceal anything to you. You need to use your country's fighting mice. I don’t know if this matter is good." The name of the mouse, Little Usinev understood. Bao Zixuan's understanding of the Soviet Union, especially weapons and equipment may be more comprehensive than he thought. The name itself is a top secret. Except for the engineering and technical personnel who participated, it is estimated that only a few high -levels are clear. If it wasn't for the Minister of the General Equipment, he would not understand the fighting mice before. Little Uskinov thought about it and said, "Although this matter is troublesome, it is not impossible. I hope that the Black Cloud Group can take out a sum of funds. After all It is simple to Bao Zixuan. But this time is not better than before, but you have to prepare in advance. Bao Zixuan: "There is no problem. At the same time, I hope that the Soviet Union will be able to transfer some weapons from active equipment and deliver them to Fucha Irah in advance. Now the situation in the bay is very complicated, and it must be prepared well." For the powerful Soviet Union ,,

The adjustment of some weapons and equipment does not have much impact at all. And they can get funds in advance, and Mino Nonov did not refuse.

He Xiaobo, who received the order, immediately led people to find the Soviet relevant personnel; to excavate in Israel, it would definitely not be allowed to let the Soviets know. You must be able to use the combat mouse proficiently. The more people know, the greater the risk of exposure. If the Israelites find evidence, it shows that Fucha Ila has excavated the Solomon Temple; it will definitely retaliate, which is undoubted. It will even make the two sides become an enemy, causing irregular contradictions.

In 1964, the Soviet Union's nuclear -drilling ground weapon, code -named "Fighting Mouse" in the Village of Groorova, Crimea. The drill of Mi, the head No. 2 is a large drill, the two "mice" themselves carry a nuclear power generation equipment. There are 5 members of the crew and can carry 10 to 15 meters infantry.

After testing the "combat mouse", it can be excavated underground at a speed of 7 kilometers per hour. The "combat mouse" at the bottom layer can even move forward at a speed of 10 kilometers. The nuclear bomb is carried to the target underground.

In theory, "combat mouse" can also drag 2 armored carriages, which increases the combatants to 50 people. Khrushchev feels that the name of the mouse is not good, so he wants to rename it "Thunder Hammer", and and also It is planned to build 20 units for military purposes in the first phase of. In fact, engineers who are responsible for designing "combat mice" are not optimistic about this project. The main reason is that the "nuclear power" power supply equipment of "combat mouse" is not stable.

However, Khrushchev had a lot of hidden dangers, and he asked him to complete the test and shape of the "combat mouse" as scheduled. The names have already been done and it can be given up like this!

The second test venue was near the Orto Teng Mountain in the middle of the Ural Mountains. However, the unfortunate thing happened. The second machine accident occurred during the test. The severe explosion will kill all the engineers participating in the test. Due to this tragic accident, the follow -up test of "Fighting Mouse" all stopped. The abrupt end of the secret project caused a lot of speculation. At that time, the mainstream fantasies of European and American countries fought a war with the undergrounders and ended up with the defeat of the Soviet Union. Of course, this was just a legend that people liked to see.

At present, the Soviet Union can only provide No. 1 machine to Bao Zixuan, but from the technical indicator, it is enough.

He Xiaobo took the personnel to conduct secret training under the professional teaching of Soviet engineers. Although I don't know what the boss means, some things may not know that it may be better. There is no doubt that Bao Zixuan's task must be performed unconditionally.

After staying in the Soviet Union for so long, of course, I know what the Soviet engineers are; therefore, the cost of public relations has really paid a lot.

For Little Uzinev, it is very cost -effective to repay Bao Zixuan with a project that has been sealed; it is still very cost -effective. Moreover, he has clearly stated that the combat mouse is very unstable; it can still be used twice at most, after all, it has been idle for so long, and many parts have been aging. Fortunately, when the design was designed, there were some spare parts; otherwise it would not necessarily let it start.

As for the weapons and equipment needed by Bao Zixuan, Losyov brought the position of minister of the Development Department to the extreme. Whether it is owned by that unit, it will be tuned. Some are the Soviet strategic ace troops, who are responsible for the task of combat. This was dissatisfied with some Soviet generals, but under the huge amount of money; from dissatisfaction to active cooperation.

After a month, everything is ready.

As for the fighting mouse, He Xiaobo personally escorted from the Soviet Union to Palestine. In Israel, it is definitely not so convenient. And for the sake of things smoothly, Bao Zixuan has prepared everything in advance. From Pakistan, digging into the Solomon Temple Palace; the straight line distance is 5 kilometers, and the ability to fight mice can be easily done in an hour.

As long as it is tacit, I believe that one night can take out things.

It was said that Israeli sand was good at first, and it was the best basic raw material for producing chips. Unexpectedly, this lie can one day in handy. Israeli sand consumes a lot, so it is very close to Israel; even Palestine in a country, of course, the sand will not be there.

In order to cover people's eyes, Heiyun Group also built a raw material mining base in Palestine. For foreign companies to build sand and gravel mining bases in their own country, Palestine still has a welcome attitude.

The least lack of yellow sand in the Middle East is the yellow sand, and Palestine itself has no industry, let alone say any economic source. It is a bit popular internationally internationally. After all, this stuff is very burned, and the technical requirements are high; general companies do not have that strength at all.

And the price given in Palestine is not low. I dare not offend this God of Wealth; I dare not scare away. Therefore, various armed organizations in Palestine have reached an agreement internally; no one can go to the sand field to make trouble, otherwise it is the enemy of everyone.

Although this kind of thing is to do such a sand field, it is easy to expose the goals; there is no better way at present. If you do n’t wait for someone, the less successful, the smaller the chance of success.

The Roschild family has been staring at there, and some things have to be guarded. There is such a large space under the Solomon Temple, and it is so deep. If there is nothing in it, Bao Zixuan will definitely not believe it. If you want to increase the influence of Fucha Ila, you must have a little movement. Even if you get it, the golden cabinet must not stay in his hands; but what price the Jews have to pay depends on whether they know how to be a man.

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