Another month of dark wind, the so -called Arabic rich and strong organization; found Nasser the next time, showing that if you want to get more assistance. It is necessary to attack Jerusalem, and the bottom line is in Israel's occupation area to create chaos. In order to achieve the goal, the richest wealthy is also worthy. The weapon is transported from the outside to Jerusalem, and the freight is higher than the weapon itself. That is to say, he is rich in wealth and regardless of cost; if you change to others, you will never dare to play like this. Although I do n’t understand what the other party means, it can be troubled by the Jews; it can also get a large number of weapons and equipment. For Nasser, there may be nothing more cost -effective than this. As for the purpose of Arabic's rich and strong organization, Nasser also doubted. But his IQ couldn't think of it at all. It is not as good as it is now, and do things according to others. The equipment that they dared not think of it before can be easily used now. It is not difficult to see from this point that this organization really has the ability. And it is definitely a category of friends, otherwise who would spend money to find trouble. You know, it is Jerusalem, the strictest place to check the Jews. If you can do this, your ability is a little worse, you will never do it. This time, the first richest man was ready to play a big one, although the mouse moved fast. But it is still easy to be discovered, after all, there are many earthquake monitoring equipment now. Therefore, if you want to enter the Solomon Temple Palace, Jerusalem must be chaotic; of course, there is nothing more confused than armed conflicts. As long as the Jewish attention is attracted, then doing anything will become very convenient! Through hundreds of batches, the combat mouse was finally transported to Palestine. That is, the inspection here is not very strict. If you put it in other countries, you can't imagine it. A huge cave that had been prepared a long time ago, large cranes began to hang parts into the ground. After all, this thing is too big, even if Americans do not care about it, there are many military satellites on it. Maybe when, there is one passing by on the head, which can be regarded as preventing problems. One week before and after, all jobs are ready. Bao Zixuan also came from Saudi Arabia to Palestine. In order to hide people's eyes, I stayed in Saudi Arabia for two days in Fushara. In the eyes of Americans, this boy is Princess Assha who has just given birth to a child. This allows the monitoring agents to only be envious. Who makes people so richer and can get any woman who wants. I can only say that I don't have that ability, maybe this is the gap. For Bao Zixuan's romantic affairs, it is a public secret in the Middle East. Everyone feels nothing about this; men who have both abilities, wealth, and face value are the most important and so young; is it that my wife is pregnant where she is pregnant, and it is estimated that no one can do it. Perhaps the capable men have all kinds of excuses! Although people are now in Palestine, American agents also think he has been staying in the villa.

It is mainly pretending to be very good, and even the Saudi royal family does not know that Bao Zixuan has left.

After 3 months before and after, everything is ready. Look at whether Nasser's chess pieces are powerful and whether they can create opportunities for action.

But a little lucky, Palestine's climate is too dry; 60 meters deep underground, no water sources. If elsewhere, it is impossible.

Get the money, and there are weapons and equipment in his hands; Nasser at this moment has confidence. Not to mention that making chaos in Jerusalem is to attack Tel Aviv and feel that he can do it.

However, for the sake of insurance, I told Hamas leader Axin before the action; after all, one more person, naturally, would have a chance to succeed. And the armed forces in Palestine are also ready. As long as Jerusalem is chaotic, they are ready to support the past at any time.

Whether it is daytime or at night; Israeli soldiers patrol the streets of Jerusalem. If the global city security factor ranking, Jerusalem is definitely on the list. It is estimated that either the penultimate or the penultimate. After all, the relationship here is too complicated, enough for the United Nations to have a headache.

Although the Palestinians are not strong, they often have sneak attacks and then create chaos. Therefore, the Israeli army is invincible. However, this also exercises the combat ability of Israeli soldiers in disguise, which is worthy of their single soldiers; it can definitely be ranked at the forefront of the world.

I did not expect this time that there were so many advanced weapons and equipment in the hands of the Arabs. The last three -door howitzer was very old -fashioned; it was produced in Germany during World War II. And there are obvious buried traces, maybe the weapons and equipment left by the Germans that year happened to be found by the Palestinians. After investigation, I found that there were no clues, and I gave up.

Buying advanced weapons and equipment requires a lot of funds. Although there are no shortage of rich Lords in Arab countries, they will not support armed elements vividly. If you do the same as Israel, there will be no good end. It's just that no one would think that this time supported militants were a local tyrant who was not bad.

At the agreed time, Nasser immediately organized his men to attack the Israeli soldiers who patrolled in the city. I just want to hit the other side by surprise.

This kind of thing often happens, and the Israeli troops soon began to fight back. However, this scene is staged throughout Jerusalem, and it will be confused in the city.

The Israeli side also found that the army seems not enough. However, the Jews had long plans, and the army stationed in the surrounding area gathered in the city. Although the Palestinians suddenly launch an attack, they are puzzled. But the enemy has already hit the door. If you don't fight back violently, it is definitely not the Jewish style.

In this way, the two sides began a melee in various cities in Jerusalem, and the scene was very large. And because it is a lane battle, I dare not use heavy fire.

The sound of guns and rocket explosions can still be a good cover. The plan to allow Heiyun Group to implement smoothly.

He Xiaobo personally led the team to control the combat mouse. No one is more familiar with this stuff. Lao Maozi's engineer did not have any private hidden, and the fighting mouse started smoothly and quickly advanced.

One day, the combat mouse finally opened the channel.

As for why it is so slow, it is not because of the slow speed of fighting mice. Mainly take the sand below to the ground and waste some time. If you do not clean the following; then the people inside the mice must be buried.

A Fuli Madam Palace appeared in front of everyone. Bao Zixuan did not go on. In case of collapse, everyone could not live. Therefore, for the people, as long as they participate in it, everyone can get a basic bonus of $ 100,000, and the rest will be contributed. In short, many people can make a lot of money after doing it this time.

In order to be able to achieve fast transportation; engineering and technical personnel began to laid track and set up lights in the tunnel. Many gold and silver products need to move. Cai Cai was prepared for the rail vehicle for a long time.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan was also feeling that the Soviet Union technology was really not to be underestimated. Combat rats are definitely a dedicated tool. If you want to make bad at this time, it is estimated that Jerusalem will be very dangerous.

As for the battle in the city, it seems that there is a trend of intensity. Although the Israeli army has higher combat literacy, it does not seem to dominate the number. How to say that the Arabs are the most existence on this land.

Before the use of heavy fire, the two sides were evenly matched.

Bao Zixuan couldn't control what the situation was in the city. Although he didn't know if he wanted it, it was for no reason whether the war was right. , Will make me of all bones, not to mention the contradiction between the two sides itself, it just intensifies it in advance. At present, you can only keep comforting yourself, and there are no other good ways.

The excavation work still has to continue, otherwise it will really toss.

For safety, Zhang Zhan also came down to Palestine with his confidant; people's hearts were separated by the belly. In case someone thought about it, then there was no chaos. In fact, Bao Zixuan was also worried that someone leaked the news, and finally it must be unlucky. It is not realistic to kill everyone.

Unless you are invincible, you can't do it; you can only try to control it at present. Participants will leave them all. You can continue to serve in the Fucha Ila Army. Anyway, Israel will not stay, I just hope to reduce the risk of leakage as much as possible.


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