Regarding the treasures in the Solomon Temple, it can be said that each piece is a treasure in the hearts of the Jews. Therefore, when you carry, you must be very careful; and for the sake of people's eyes, you cannot leave any fingerprints. After all, it has to be placed on the small island that discovered the treasure, at least disguised; otherwise, so many Corolon Temple cultural relics appear, but it is not clear. At present, the balance of war has been inclined to Israel. If there is no external force to join, it is estimated that the Palestinians will not last long. In fact, this is also normal. There have been many Arab countries to fight Israel. But even so, every time the Arab country was defeated. Moreover, this time it was just armed conflict in Jerusalem. If it wasn't for the Jews in the city, it was estimated that the war would have ended. When a lotus porder with lotus appeared, Bao Zixuan knew that he had found the right place. Although gold is valuable, the meaning of these cultural relics is even more common. This is the most important treasure of the Golden Cabinet in Solomon Temple. These days, I have done a deep understanding of Solomon Treasure; of course, what is buried inside. After 5 days of transportation, the staff finally discovered the legendary golden cabinet at the top of the palace. He Xiaobo personally took people to handle, for fear of a problem. He has half of Russian descent and has a short time in Europe. There are also many Jews in the Soviet Union, of course, knowing what this cultural relics represent. Bao Zixuan was also very curious, and wanted to see what the legendary golden cabinet looked like. It was not until it was taken out that it was not different in the records in the same book. The cabinet, also known as the "French cabinet", is the relic of the ancient Israeli nation. "Yue" refers to the contract set by God and the Israelites, and the cabinet is the cabinet where God and Israel are placed. This contract refers to the two tens of the Ten Commandments from the Jehovah on the Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai. The cabinet is a cabinet wrapped in gold wrapped in inside. It contains two stone boards engraved with the Ten Commandments, a germinated cane that has been used by a Moses, a jar made of gold, and a jar made of gold. Inside Is there a hidden in the pre -table Christ? On the cabinet, there are two angels created by gold -Kelu Bo. These two angels surround a space face -to -face with wings. This space represents the place where God is located. There are God with God. In the minds of the old Testament, the Boychen was the symbol of the same as God. And when the golden cabinet was opened, there was no involvement in the description of the same book. Coupled with the foundation of the Solomon Temple, it is enough to prove the authority of the utensils. Although the legendary cabinet is magical, it is very ordinary. It's just that many relics are the same,

Just myth.

However, for the sake of safety, let the men open it. Seeing the items in the inside, the same record in the book, Bao Zixuan is more assured of the true and false of the utensils.

The staff carefully took out the Moses Ten Commandments stone board, and Bao Zixuan looked at it carefully. I have learned some of the ancient Hebrews. After all, if you want to find something here, it is definitely impossible to help Jewish scholars. Throwing people's ancestral graves, they also need to participate in others; they will definitely tell you.

Bao Zixuan looked at it seriously. For so many years, it has been sealed and preserved. In addition, the climate here is dry, not to mention the same as the new one, but it does not have any impact.

The Ten Commandments are the ten provisions of God's promulgation to the Israeli nation by the Prophets of Israel and the leader of the tribe to the Israeli nation. The Jewish guidelines are also the initial legal provisions.

The Ten Commandments have a wide influence on the life of the Israelites. Since Augustine, the Ten Commandments have lived in an important position in Christian theology. In the fifteenth century, people were accustomed to writing the rules of the Ten Commandments into rhythmic words to recite. This method has been used to this day. The church's teachings often explain Christian ethics in the order of the Ten Commandments. In history, the division and number of the Ten Commandments have changed. Augustine's division has become the tradition of Catholicism and Protestant. The division rules of the Orthodox Church and the reform church group are slightly different.

The first commandment; except me, you must not have other gods.

The second commandment; do not engrave idols for yourself, nor can it be made of all things like heaven, downward and under the ground, and water. Do not kneel to worship those images; you must not serve it, because my God, your God, is the god of avoiding evil. I hate me, I will recover his sins, from my father and son to the third or fourth generation; who loves me and keep me, I will send them loving until Chi Dai.

The third commandment; the name of the Lord your God; because the name of Jehovah is known, the Lord must not be guilty of him.

Fourth commandments; when you remember the Sabbath, keep it as holy day. On the sixth day, we will do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord you. On this day, you and your children, servants, livestock, and passenger travel in your city are not available anyway; because within six days, Jehovah builds heaven, earth, sea, and all of them, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing, the first thing. Seventh -day rest, so the blessing and Sabbath of Jehovah and Sabbath are designated as the Holy Day.

Fifth commandment; when you respect your parents, make your days be on the ground you gave you in the Lord.

Sixth commandments; do not kill.

Seventh commandment; do not treacherous.

Eighth commandment; do not steal.

The ninth commandment; not to be fake to witness the framed person.

The tenth commandment; the house of not greedy; the wife, servant, cattle donkey, and everything he cannot be greedy.

3000 years ago, I could have such a state of thought, which shows the greatness of others. It is no wonder that Jews will be so smart, which is really an ancient and intelligent nation.

The cabinet is based on the Jewish sacred objects, symbolizing the coming of the Lord; according to the Moses law, only the Levita talents as a priest can carry the covenant, but no one can touch the covenant. According to the Bible, Usa's law of violating God's law during the transportation of the cabinet was executed without authorization.

At this moment, the richest man was regretted, and it was just because of curiosity. From this point of view, the golden cabinet is definitely a hot potato. If the Jews know, he dug out from the Solomon Palace and touched it himself; you are definitely looking for you, but now these are late. It is definitely impossible to put it back, that is to find trouble for yourself.

Now that the Golden Covenant is in his own hands, the Roschild family will definitely think of something. At this moment, you can't take care of so much. You can use Solomon Treasure to exchange the well -known cultural relics of Huaxia with the other party.

Golden Covenant may be more important than the Jewish heart of the Jews. And it is also incompetent with religion and God.

I believe that they will definitely do all costs in order to get the golden cabinet. And dare not come directly to snatch, in the event of the scrambling process; if there is any loss, the cry is too late.

The objects that should be found have been found, so how to deal with this palace; Bao Zixuan thought for a while, just didn't do it, and endlessly. Fill all the palaces with sand directly. Only in this way. The Jews do not doubt. Fortunately, here is the Middle East, and the sand is still not lacking.

The amount of engineering is indeed a bit large, but for safety. There are no other ways. Fortunately, the tools are absolutely lacking, and in order to make the plan smoothly, solar power generation equipment has just been paved. In other words, electricity is sufficient.

So the workers began to fill the sand from the Solomon Palace under a order. The employees of the Heiyun Group, especially under the confidant, have a little better. Even if the command is unreasonable, it will definitely execute it. Although the amount of engineering is very large, it is not for construction after all; it is just filled with sand, and there are modern equipment, the speed is definitely not slow.

Weapon conflict lasted for half a month. This makes Israel very depressed, they all want to know, so many advanced weapons and equipment; and they are all US -made weapons, how the Palestinians get. Is it that Americans secretly support, and it is not without this.

Domestic Jews in the United States are strong, but they cannot do a unique family. From serving as the president of the United States, you can see that Jews can be seen; the people's attitude towards Jews is also a heart.

But it should not be so strongly supported by Palestine, this conflict; even more than war between the previous countries, there are more soldiers. Be sure to investigate clearly, and it has been learned from the Palestinian population; it is planned to be planned by the Arab rich organization, and must be found.

However, it is destined to disappoint the Israeli side, because the so -called Arabic rich and strong will no longer appear. Of course, there are Arabs who do things under the name, but more borrowed a name; let everyone believe in their strength, it has nothing to do with Black Cloud Group and Bao Zixuan.

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