Before and after, stay in Palestine for a month. Even so, the later work has not ended; but the Solomon Temple Palace has been filled by sand and soil; only the end of the tunnel is left. As for He Xiaobo, he returned to the Soviet Union with a combat mouse, and it was not difficult to borrow it. Zhang Zhan took the Treasure of the Solomon Temple and returned to Fucha Ila. For the golden cabinet, it is evenly transported. For safety reasons, all submarines are transported; after all, the Israelites cannot be suspicious. After expanding the follow -up work, Bao Zixuan returned to Saudi Arabia. Intentionally or unintentionally, it means that everyone knows that he has never left. Even in recent times, he often secretly returned, just worried about being discovered. The Palestinian -Israeli conflict is so powerful. At this time, Palestine has passed; and the golden cabinet is found, it is easy to make people associate. Everything is ready now, and we must think of a way; let the world know that the golden cabinet appeared in Fucha Ila. Of course, the last regret is Oman. Without this war; treasures will belong to them. There is a golden cabinet and the Cultural Relics of the Solomon Temple; what you want, it is estimated that the Jews will try to satisfy. At present, a pavement is to be played, that is, from various universities in Europe and the United States; hire a well -known professor to come to Fucha Ila jointly research. Moreover, there must be professors, Jewish well -known scholars, and the authority of Persian culture. After all, the cultural relics discovered before the Persian Gulf Island are very messy. In addition, there must be geological experts. They must conduct relevant research on the climate and conditions of the cave. This involves three national relics, which is exactly the relic. Of course, only to find the top ethnic scholars, only they can prove the authority of items. And most of them are specially recruited from the United States, which is also a kind of goodwill. That is his recognition of the American academic community, and at the same time, people will instinctively think of identity and graduation colleges. At the same time, the people are top scholars in various universities in the United States. Through this study, they will inevitably make their academic research closer. The U.S. government and the military cannot participate, but Bao Zixuan also wants Americans to know and did not conceal them. However, after all, Oxford University, his alma mater, is the number one in the world's overall ranking, and of course it must be taken care of. Professor Fararel is a Jewish professor at Duke University in the United States. The main research direction is Gu Siberi, and at the same time, there are also in -depth research on the Solomon Temple. Duke University was founded in 1838, located in Dalham, who is located in North Carolina, USA. It is a private comprehensive research university, a university in southern United States, and one of the best universities in the United States.

Duke University is a member of the Global Institute of Higher Research and a member of the American University Association.

Duke University is recognized as one of the top universities in the world today. Many disciplines include biological science, statistics, humanities, public policies, psychology, computer science, political science, engineering, etc. College, law school and medical school ranked among the top ten in the United States.

Perhaps for ordinary people, Duke University is most famous for basketball.

Duke Sports is exceptionally excellent and is a representative of a private school in the United States. The American Sports Channel ESPN commented on the top ten basketball universities in the United States. Dukel Press North Carolina University Church Mountains and Kansas University, ranking first with its absolute advantage, a well -deserved first school in basketball. Duke's students are well -known, and they are considered "Duke has the best basketball team in the world."

However, in the archeological field, Duke is also a well -deserved first school in the United States; it is even higher than Harvard ranking.

In the invitation of Heiyun Group, Professor Fararel was instinctively wanted to refuse. However, the other party said that Bao Zixuan invited him himself and promised that he would never disappoint him. At the same time, private special planes are available and can be expelled. Coupled with students, this makes Professor Fararel very excited.

If Bao Zixuan is just an ordinary businessman, it doesn't matter. But the other party's reputation in the academic world is also very well -known. Being able to invite such a formal invitation shows that it must be discovered, otherwise he will never invite him, and it will also pay such a expensive remuneration.

It is also an internship opportunity to be able to take students. At the same time, you can also pay it with Bao Zixuan.

But when I came to the airport, I saw Professor Harvard University. Make Fararel's unusual, and the two in the cultural research of Guhberi, but it is difficult to distinguish. It is both an opponent and appreciated each other at the same time; Bao Zixuan invites them two at the same time, what does it mean.

However, this also makes the two sides more curious, spending on one aspect; if it is not particularly important archeological research, they will never invite them at the same time. That is to say, in Fucha Ila, it must have discovered, and it may even be shocked by the existence of the archeological world, which makes the two sides look forward to it.

Professor Fararel said to Professor Horwe: "Hello! I haven't seen you for a long time; I did not expect that Black Cloud also invited you to go to Fucha Ila together."

In fact, Halli was also surprised by Professor Farareli. At present, the research on Jewish history and the masterpiece of Gherbiri culture are definitely the top existence of the world. At the same time, the two of them were invited, did Bao Zixuan discover any important objects, or they were so mysterious there.

Professor Horwe: "It is really strange. To be honest, the black cloud staff has issued a condition that I can't refuse me at all, otherwise I will definitely not come over. But I did not expect them to invite you. Not that simple. "

"Bao Zixuan, although a businessman. However, no one can ignore the relevant achievements in science. It can be said that he is the same as us to a certain extent, but the direction of research is different. It is strictly forbidden for science. It is doubtful; now inviting us to the two of us must be a major discovery. "

"It's not very clear now, but I heard that Fucha Irara is working hard; is it found in the ground. I heard that Bao Zixuan has an underground space below in order to build a fortress city. The underground of the country is basically dug. "

"Could it be that Jewish cultural relics are not possible. Otherwise, we will not invite us to come over, and it should still be more important utensils. After all, this time is a bit big."

Fucha Ila is doing great construction, which is not a secret in the world. Where is the old Cao who belongs to Bao Zixuan, so how to build it. Although the two are biased towards historical research, they are not old and stubborn. I still know some things that happened in the world.

Especially their main research areas, but about Jewish history; the Middle East will inevitably pay great attention.

Fararel: "You are right, otherwise you don't have to pay a lot at all. Fucha Irara is located in the Persian Gulf. Although the Jews have never been deeply deepened. But there are many Arabs who need to pass. To Israel; naturally you may bring Israeli cultural relics back to the Persian Gulf. "

This is really euphemistic or implicit. After all, in history, Jews and Arabs have been in confrontation. And there were not many Jews when the Jews were cheap. In other words, many cultural relics may be robbed by Arabs.

In addition, the Arab region has been in a state of war for a long time, even if it gets any treasures, it may not be preserved. Therefore, many Arab leaders will hide the treasures that they come over. Then leave the clues to future generations, such things often happen.

However, many Tibetan treasure maps or treasure clues basically will basically change with the dynasty, war and killing; buried in the long history. Fucha Ila may not have been so long, but the geographical location is very superior. Many people are reasonable to bury the treasures that are snatched.

At the same time, two top Jewish culture research experts in the world are invited, not to mention a big deal; but things are absolutely small. If they are all ordinary cultural relics, Bao Zixuan will definitely not do so because he can't afford that person.

With curiosity, the two embarked on the journey of Fucha Ira. To be honest, the two usually do not communicate much; after all, they belong to two different universities, and there are fewer opportunities to meet. When you meet on the plane, you can communicate well. Even though capabilities and cognition are stronger than the other party, it is historical research, paying attention to opportunities; therefore, I want to get some useful information on the other party; the road is very happy.


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