Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1340 Amazing the Intelligence Department once again

Hearing Bao Zixuan said that he had discovered a group of cultural relics, and there was nothing special about six people. Before coming, I have basically guess. If you don't find something, you will definitely not invite them from thousands of miles. But it was beyond imagination in Bao Zixuan's mouth, and even to build a museum. Then it fully shows that the number of cultural relics is absolutely not small. It also involves three ethnic groups, and there is no doubt at all. For professors who have studied history and culture, there may be no news that can be more excited than this. Don't say that you can get a generous revenge, just don't give money, it doesn't matter. But before that, they all need to sign a confidentiality agreement. At the same time, it is stipulated that during this period, it cannot be left; until the research work is over. There is no opinion on this. Although they are in the Middle East, they are basically living in European and American countries. They are no stranger to these. Bao Zixuan not only invited six top scholars, but also strengthened security work around the island. The weapons and equipment that took over from the Soviets have begun. At least the surrounding Arab countries must not act lightly. As for the United States and the Soviet Union, in order to maintain a strategic balance, the current size of the Persian Gulf is not very large. Even if there are, people are laying in their own sea, it has nothing to do with them. Bao Zixuan, who finally stopped for a while, tossed the static. At the same time, six top historical experts were invited to build a large -scale construction of Fucha Ira; basically confirmed that it was found to be particularly important treasures or ancient tombs. The Director of the CIA William Joseph Casey was once again called to the White House. President Reagan wanted to listen to him in person. For Bao Zixuan, the director of the CIA is speechless. This boy can not stop for a day, how can he always find trouble for himself. It is now necessary to send agents to monitor him, and it is not too close to it, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Reagan: "What's the matter with Israel and Palestine, why is it suddenly fire?" The situation in the Middle East is related to the US Petroleum and US dollar status; therefore, the president of the United States will certainly pay special attention. As a president in American history, Reagan, of course, will pay special attention. And now he has no desire; successful re -election. Hope to suppress the Soviet Union and develop the domestic economy. But suppressing the Soviet Union, the Middle East is an absolutely inevitable topic. After all, where to determine the world's oil prices, if there is something wrong, it is equivalent to returning blood to the Soviets. Regarding Pakistani conflict, don't say the president of the United States; you may ask a child around the world, knowing that the two countries often war. When not fighting, it feels wrong. But this time it was very sudden, and even the Israeli side was not ready. The Central Love Bureau is also very passive; fortunately, it has been operating for so long, and the intelligence network in the Middle East is not disappointing. In fact, since the early 1970s,

Israel has settled in Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967. In 1979, the Security Council and the conference violated Israel's violations of international law -the 1949 "Geneva Fourth Convention" and the United Nations decision to establish a settlement point on the occupied Palestinian territory. In the resolution, the Security Council decided that the policy and practices of settings in Palestinian territory and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 did not have any legal effect, which seriously hindered to achieve comprehensive, fair and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The Security Council has set up a committee through this proposal, which consists of three very important directors: Bolivia, Portugal, and Zambia to review and establish a settlement point on the occupied soil including Jerusalem. Although the committee issued many appeals, it failed to be cooperated by the Israeli government when performing the task.

The consequences of the committee's discussion in the report and Israel's settlement policy to the local Arabians, such as the displacement of the Arabs, the land and water resources of the land and the water, the house was destroyed, the residents were expelled, and they were constantly relocated to the new settlers in order to be the new settlers. The place where the Palestinian daily life was left out of the place where the Palestinian people stayed, the serious adverse changes in the economic and social forms of the Palestinian people fundamentally changed the geographical and population nature of the affected territory, and violated the Geneva Fourth Convention.

The committee submitted a second report to the Security Council. In the conclusion of the report, the committee reiterated that Israel does not meet the decisions of the Security Council and the settlement of the settlement of the Council of the Security Council. In the third report, the committee reiterated all the conclusions of its first two reports and emphasized that Israel's natural resources of the occupied territory were explained. The Security Council has never reviewed the report.

In fact, this is obviously to cope with the errand; otherwise it will not make such a weak country that forms a so -called committee. To be a referee, it is very important for your own strength. Mainly a strong country, do not want to participate, no one wants to offend Americans.

Therefore, for the conflict between the two countries, the United States, as the initiator, is of course clear. But some words must not be clearly said that if Israel does not seize Palestinian land, squeeze the living space of the Arab people; people will definitely not take the initiative to find things. But many things have acquiesced in the United States, otherwise Israel has long been dead.

But for the sudden conflict, it must be known as the president of the United States. Although I also understand that Israel can get it itself. But I don't want to have any unstable factors. After all, Israel's land area is too small and there is no strategic depth. And surrounded by Arabia surrounded by Arabia, one accidental will cause the dead country.

Director Casey is always concerned about the situation in the Middle East. The important position of the Middle East, as the director of the CPC, naturally knows what's going on.

As soon as the Pakistani conflict ended, the agent of the CIA had already figured out the problem.

Casey: "In fact, the most important reason is history."

"But this time there is a newly established Arabic rich organization. At present, it is not very clear about the members of this organization and the power behind it. , And before; it also provided it with 155 -caliber howitzer produced during World War II in the Second World War of Germany. "

"At that time, only a few artillery shells were fired, and the three -door grenade cannon was seized by the Israelites. Palestine itself did not have a professional artillery. In addition, the power of the shell was not powerful, and there was basically no substantial damage."

"But about one month apart, this group of people once again funded Nasser; asked them to attack the Israeli army, the purpose was to create chaos and find trouble for the Jews."

"This time the Jews had a heavy loss, even more than the number of casualties in the Middle East war; however, the Palestinians did not take advantage of it. Many militants were killed and some escaped from Jerusalem. In a short time, Israel could not be threatened."

"At present, Mosht and we are trying to find the so -called Arabic rich organizations, there are many Palestinians like Nasser; if no one funds, their threat is not great."

Hearing this, Reagan certainly understands what it means. In modern society, if there is no funding, everything is white. Therefore, the investigation ideas and directions of the CIA are definitely right.

Reagan: "I heard that Bao Zixuan invited a lot of historical experts, in the past Facha Ila. What this kid is doing recently, Is Israel's things, he has participated."

In fact, Director Casey also had doubts. After all, the last time he liberated the Oman People's Camp was supporting him behind. Although not in contact, many weapons and equipment were given in the early stage. Even now, the Oman army has not fully recovered. Heavy fire power is disabled by Fucha Ila, and the upgrade of the opponent's weapons and equipment has a lot to do.

However, Bao Zixuan should not participate in the issue of Israel and Palestine, he is not stupid; there is a large investment in Israel, and there is no reason and motivation at all.

Coupled with the romantic affairs in Saudi Arabia, there seems to be no time and energy.

William Joseph Casey: "There is no evidence to show that Bao Zixuan has participated in the matter. As for him, he has been in Saudi Arabia recently. Prince Sultan's daughter, Princess Asha; gave him a pair of twins, for this, Baozixuan Mother Li Yulin stayed in Saudi Arabia for more than a month. "

"Recently, basically staying in Saudi Arabia to take care of Aisa and children. But unfortunately, both children are daughters, and Bao Zixuan's mother is not particularly happy. The heirs can't. "

"In addition, according to intelligence, the Female Emperor Female Emperor Salad has also been pregnant; this kid has lived very happily in recent times."

"As for the invitation of well -known historians, in the past, Fucha Ila; it should be discovered by the tomb or treasure. Fucha Ila is now a huge construction site, and the whole country is building; it is not surprising to dig out anything."

Reagan was born in Hollywood, and it is no wonder about these. However, I also admire this kid's life. Women are willing to follow him. The most important girls have a family and background.

Even if Howard Hughes then, it was the prototype of Iron Man; it was estimated that he had not been chic.


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