The country that pays attention to the richest man is Americans. Some British scholars used to Facha Ira, of course, Tangning Street knew the news. But it was just a professor of history, and he didn't care too much. Professor of history, nothing more than digging the grave and grave in the past. Perhaps Bao Zixuan's wealth can be added, but for a country, it is not necessarily important. And since Americans enter the Middle East, the influence of the British; worse and worse. Now many countries have not taken them seriously. In fact, since the outbreak of World War II, Britain's strength in the Middle East has begun to decline. To ensure the security of the Middle East, the United States must vigorously assist Britain. Before participating in the war, Americans have already assumed a large number of arms and supplies of the supplies of supplies of the Middle East British authorities. After the official participation, the United States directly sent land, sea, and air forces directly into many areas of the Middle East. It can be seen that during World War II, the United States had been sitting equally with the United Kingdom in the Middle East and enjoyed the same power. The United States took the opportunity to start to establish its own position on the one hand, forcing Britain to make concessions and gain more rights. Representatives in the United States in the Middle East began to send representatives to each Middle East, expand the contact of the United States, and enter the UK's strictly controlled economic field. According to statistics, the United States exports to the Middle East twice more in the Middle East in the short -term order, which greatly exceeds Britain. On the other hand, it teachs sympathetic colonial people to oppose the struggle of British colonial rule; try to expand its political influence in the Middle East. American officials criticize British colonial behavior everywhere and sympathize with national self -determination. When Roosevelt visited North Africa and Iran, he expressed sympathy for the Sultan of Morocco, the King of Egypt and the King of Iran; and supported their national requirements, greatly improving the political influence of the United States in the Middle East. However, under the resistance of the United Kingdom, it is not realistic that the United States wants to completely control the Middle East. In 1941, the conflict broke out, and the United States adopted a two -sided approach. On the one hand, the US envoy provides Britain with action information about the Iraqi army; on the other hand, it expresses its recognition of the Iraqi nationalist government and conduct private contact; understand its political intentions and prepare to decide the next step. After the end of World War II, Britain's influence in the Middle East has been weakened by the United States. In addition, the Americans would not let go of the Middle East countries' successive discovery of oil. Americans have always been known for their democratic guardians and opposed colonial rule; of course, countries in the Middle East do not want to accept British colonial rule. Coupled with the end of World War II, the strength of all aspects of the United States has exceeded Britain. Even if you want to find the boss, you have to find a powerful boss. Therefore, countries in the Middle East have turned to make good friends with the United States. Make Britain's influence in the Middle East. So for Bao Zixuan to invite historians to Facha Ila in the past,

Even if the British know that there are treasures; there is no way and ability to stop.

Although Tangning Street didn't care much, the Roschild family has always been concerned about Bao Zixuan and the situation in the Middle East. Even if things are very secretive, they do not find direct evidence, but they will inevitably have doubts. After all, things are too coincidentally, and the plans revealed by Bao Zixuan are very similar; there is no difference at all.

Therefore, Old Roschild called his granddaughter and wanted to know what Bao Zixuan meant. Is it not possible to leave the Roschild family alone. And looking at the posture, it is already done. You must understand the situation, otherwise it will become very passive.

Suppose Bao Zixuan really succeeded, the Roschild family paid a big price, and had to get the golden cabinet.

Angela Roschild is also paying attention to Baozixuan, although the man was not leaking to her. But I also know that the other party should have started to act. And this time Pakistani conflict may be his plan. There is no direct evidence at present, even if there is evidence, I dare not disclose to Israel.

The Roschild family has long known where the Golden Cabinet is and why not report to the government. If you say before World War II, it is okay to understand. Now Israel has founded the country, so not only is the golden cabinet; the treasure of the entire Solomon Temple should be attributed to Israel. Israel represents the interests of all the Jewish people, which is beyond doubt.

Old Rosechild said with a smile: "Have you contacted Bao Zixuan recently? This time he called a lot of well -known historians, in the past Fachaira. Is there any unknown secret here, or he still him, or he still him, or he still him, or he? Already get the treasure in the Solomon Temple. "

In fact, she and Grandpa knew that the content was almost the same. However, the three nations, six well -known historians; gathered Fucha Ila, will inevitably make people doubt.

Angela Rothschild: "It's not clear at this time, but I think it should not be so fast. First of all, the Solomon Temple Palace, whether there are two the same existence; even if there is, the protection is very strict. Unless the army leads the army into Jerusalem, Otherwise there is no chance at all. "

"As for entering from underground, the technical aspect may not be able to reach. Bao Zixuan said that the Soviet Union has related equipment. If the Soviet Union really has similar equipment, it is estimated that it has been excavated in the world. Reset a nuclear bomb. "

"If you want to really enter the Solomon Temple Palace, you start digging from it, or use shield machines from the side. Large shield machine, which is more than 100 meters, and the progress is very slow. . Bao Zixuan is the ability to do with heaven. It is estimated that it is difficult to do before solving technical problems. "

"Jerusalem has been fighting, the more richer people are, the more afraid of death. In addition, people have been in Saudi Arabia recently, and they have not left at all. As for inviting so many historians, it must be what they have discovered in Fucha Irara. ","

"Now the entire Fucha Irara is a huge site, and the underground is basically hollowed out. Then find some treasures, or the mausoleum is reasonable. After all, the Persian Gulf has always been the main way of cultural exchanges."

Hearing the explanation of the granddaughter, Old Roschild still feels very reasonable. Although Bao Zixuan's ability is strong, the strength of the Roschild family is not weak at all. I have not got the desired results for so many years. Could the other party be able to do things in a few months.

If that's the case, don't compare with others in the future, it is definitely not an opponent.

But I still have to do it, at least to do it.

Old Roschild said with a smile: "You still make sense, even if you have a strong ability; what to do, it takes a process. And recently, people have been staying in Saudi Arabia; there is no time to pay attention to other things to pay attention to other things ","

"The treasures in the Solomon Temple should be Jewish relics. It is impossible to find Arab and Persian scholars to participate; this common sense, he should have."

"It is likely to be in Fucha Ila and discovered some treasures left by some pirates. After all, the Persian Gulf has always been the main point of traffic in the Middle East. But you'd better have a trip in the past. So prepare for ahead. "

In fact, in the past, Facha Ila, Angela Roschild is not very exclusive. After all, it is also a pleasure to see Bao Zixuan. But at this time, the purpose is too strong to make people look low.

Bao Zixuan does not say very well, but she also knows what the other person is. If a woman is with him, the purpose is too strong. Then it will definitely be far away; after all, as his identity and status, it is very easy for a woman to find. But Grandpa's order cannot be violated, mainly because there is no strength now.

Angela Roschild: "I pack up and go to Israel immediately;

Hearing the granddaughter's statement, Old Roschild was still very happy. I am really afraid that this granddaughter has too many ideas and does not obey the discipline. As the most powerful family chief in Europe, it is absolutely not allowed to have any opposition, especially in the family.

A person's desire for power may never change. Even if he is old, the same is true. I always want to control everything, perhaps the most authentic idea of ​​Old Rosechild.

As for other countries, it feels nothing. Perhaps Israel will pay attention to it, but their primary task is to investigate how the Arabic rich and strong organizations are. After all, national security is much more important than a few cultural relics. Of course, because the Golden Covenant was in the hands of Bao Zixuan, otherwise there would never be this idea.


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