As for Bao Zixuan, he brought six professors and other accompanying personnel to the island. I just came to Fucha Ila. It is reasonable to say that the time difference is to be poured, but now let this group of professors do nothing, but just rest at the hotel, it is estimated that they will not agree. For scholars, nothing can make people feel more enthusiastic than research. Fortunately, the island is very close to the coastline, and it should be that the shipbuilding technology of that year is not good; if it is too far, you are also worried about danger. At this moment, the island was basically soldiers, and Zhang Zhan was stationed on the island in person. After all, this stuff is too important, and the wealth is moving; in case of other ideas, it must be guarded. However, education is very good. In addition, there are family members who work in Heiyun Group or the park, but they dare not have unrealistic ideas. Even if the boss personally brings it, it must be tightly investigated. This is a unified requirement, and the six professors have no displeased. It is not difficult to see from the formation; there must be major discovery here, otherwise it will never be protected so tightly. The islands in the Middle East basically have no vegetation. The off -road vehicle can pass smoothly and save a lot of trouble. Seeing more and more guards, the six top historians are more curious. However, they didn't guess long, and soon came to their destinations. At this time, Zhang Zhan came out to meet, after all, he must have a better understanding of the situation than Bao Zixuan; or he was more reassuring. However, because of the language relationship, the introduction requires Bao Zixuan to do it by himself.“Some deep. "" And the objects inside are very messy, like pirates, or utensils robbed by some organizations. "" Of course we don't understand this stuff, otherwise we will not invite you to come over. "At this moment It has been repaired by the steps, so it is still very easy to go on. And in order to cover up people's eyes, all objects are put together; they are not placed specially regularly, giving people feelings; Bao Zixuan did not take these things seriously. Bao Zixuan continued: "This time the excavation treasures are all engineering and technical personnel, or ordinary soldiers. There are no professionals, if there is a place that needs to be cooperated; or what materials are used, please also talk about It's so prepared. "At a glance, you knew that the surrounding soldiers were born; everyone didn't pay special attention to this. After all, if these people know the cultural relics, they will not come to Facha Ila to serve as soldiers.

Everyone knows that now coming to Fucha Ila must definitely need to fight. Although the salary is very high, it is a life -saving money; if there are other ways to make a living, who will take such risks.

However, for the tools for dealing with cultural relics, they are not short of; when they come, they are riding special planes, and they also know the purpose of this line, but they have also taken many professional tools.

Underground caves have set up electricity, not only have light sources; even the fan system has been arranged. Therefore, after entering the bottom, the cultural relics can be seen at a glance.

Not to mention is a well -known master, but the cultural relics have definitely seen a lot. But suddenly I saw so many cultural relics, and I still felt incredible. In particular, two Jewish scholars are even more incredible. Because of many objects, I feel very familiar, and I have always dreamed of discovering it, but I did not expect that this day would be on the island of Fucha Ila.

Without nonsense, I immediately started to identify.

After Professor Farareli took a golden candlestick, he said to Professor Horwe: "I don't know if you feel it, this is very much like the utensils in the Solomon Temple in the legend."

In fact, this pair of candlesticks are found in the cave. And it was the Association found from the Solomon Temple ruins, of course, to be placed at the forefront.

In fact, Professor Horwe also feels very similar, but he is not sure. After all, even he was incredible, Solomon Temple was not close to here.

But now listening to Professor Farley said so, I dare not doubt. Nodded to agree to his point of view, but in the end, you need to check it further.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "There are some literatures here, and you don't look at it first. Although I know Arabic and Hebrew. However, I still can't understand the content written in it, so I think of finding everyone."

When I hear a document record, then a lot of things can be done.

For the ancient Persian text, Professor Nisaber was no stranger to, and he even learned from a young age. The information has been thousands of years, but because it has been preserved in the underground space, there is no impact at all.

After taking the literature, I studied it carefully.

After research, Professor Nisaber finally understood the origin of these treasures.

Everyone teaches in European and American countries, and Bao Zixuan's English level is also professional. So communicating in English may be the best choice.

Professor Nisaber said excitedly: "This information is written in the ancient Persian Royal Royal Text. These cultural relics are all famous Assassin organizations in history; the cultural relics plundered from Jerusalem, Baghdad, and Tehran."

"Detailed introduction to the famous mountain old man in the Saisin, Lashiddin in the Shanzhong old man to help Savadin defeat the Crusades and drive the Jews out of Jerusalem. Then they began to rob the Temple of Solomon, rob the entire temple, and even secretly road I didn't let it go. "

In fact, Bao Zixuan already knew the content written above, but then the Association sect just found an underground space, and did not find the real Joya secret. It was just that they didn't know at the time. They felt that there were a lot of treasures and thought they found the core zone. There is a historical data evidence, and it is estimated that no one will doubt.

At the same time, the space was large enough, and Bao Zixuan decided to carry all Solomon treasure here. There are Assassin sects to block guns, and the Jews will only thank themselves.

Nishabur looked at the material of the sheepskin rolls and said: "Whether it is material, the degree of weathering, and special preservation techniques. It is in line with the characteristics of the Association sects a thousand years ago."

"And this kind of Royal professional text, most people do not know it at all, and it is impossible to fake."

They are all professional scholars studying the history of the Middle East. Of course, they know what the Assistant sects are. The infamous assassin organization in this history definitely has this strength. But with Saladin, two Arab scholars started to be calm. After all, it is related to the heroes of the people, and also ransacked the Solomon Temple; for the Arabs, it was very angry.

As for the two Jewish scholars, they were stupid. Just now they began to doubt that a pair of gold candlesticks came from the Solomon Temple, and there was a mark on the Temple of the Romen Temple at the base. Now there are literature comparisons; it is enough to explain that Saladin and Assrsin are united at that time; broke through Jerusalem, and then robbed the Solomon Temple. Even if the underground was not let go, it also showed that the Solomon Temple site still existed.

And it is clearly stated that the Joya Dark Road is found;

It is very likely that the two people have a glance at a big body; it is seen that too many treasures with the characteristics of the Temple of Solomon.

Golden candlesticks can't lie to people at all, as for those golden pools full of lotus; they are exactly the same as described in historical materials.

For the treasures in the Solomon Temple, it can be said that every piece is valuable; in the hearts of Jews, it is even more sacred. I just put it like this now, and I do n’t know if it is the ignorance of the Association sects, or did I do n’t take the Jews at all.

These things are Jewish history, which can bring them into 3000 years ago; the strongest period. Even in disguise, the Teron Temple really existed in history, but it was destroyed.

At this time, the two professors have already thought, even if they spend a lot of money; they must bring these cultural relics back to Israel. But the man in front of him had no shortage of money at all. There is no truth; I just hope that Jews around the world can unite to protect Solomon's relics together.

Two Persian professors and two Arabic professors felt that their ancestors were really hard. It was able to drive the Jews out of Jerusalem, and by the way, the Solomon Temple was robbed. Why is it so dull now.

Whether it is Iran or the Arab country; neither Israeli opponent. It seems that it really wants to unite.


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