Two Jewish scholars are still very recognized for Nichabul. Everyone works in the United States, and it is much deeper than them. Coupled with its special identity, it is estimated that there have been more things that others know from childhood. With such a huge assassin organization, if there is no official or royal support, it will definitely not develop to such a scale. But everyone has selfishness, and where is the reputation of the Solomon Temple. After thinking about going back, how much can I get the treasures that I have worked hard. Then you must hide it, and then leave a clue. Wait until the strength allows, or give it to future generations to dig. Professor Fararelia seriously asked: "Professor Nichabur, then why do the descendants of the Association sects; I haven't come to find this batch of treasures for thousands of years; some are not explained!" This is the shortcomings. Focusing on Jewish history research. For the Association sect, I just know that there is an assassin organization, and I did not particularly understand it. But after returning this time, we must explain to the same robe; the golden cabinet appeared here, and no one has discovered it for a thousand years. In fact, this is also the result that Bao Zixuan is willing to see is to let these experts prove each other. As a former member of the royal family, Nisaber has already seen everything. It is also a kind of achievement to be able to communicate with colleagues. So I said very seriously: "In fact, this will start from the third Western Expedition in Mongolia; just to have time in the lunch break, let's discuss together." The Western March Army set off. In fact, the Mongolian army's marching operations are very ruined. The first troops, the timid unrefined army, and the accompanying messenger are focusing on protecting all the pastures and grasslands that the subsequent troops will pass. And issued orders, from the area between Harry and Lin to the loss of eight miles, within the range of fifty miles; no matter who or any animal can enter. This regulation has also been implemented. "" The Western Expedition 100,000 Army was divided into three legions in order, and each legion had 10,000 riders; Formed by the arms. The mighty army advances to West Asia, passing Alima, to Turkey. "" But many people say that Xu Liewu led the luxury tour group, because from the Army from October 1254, he has been gone. For almost three years, the Western Expedition Army entered the Mu Yiyi Kingdom. This speed is indeed a bit slow; the combat style of Mongolians is serious and inconsistent! " For the castle, and practicing the assassination skills, the Association of Assassination.

Arabic means "false Taoism" or "heresy", "lost". "

"When the Crusades were east, they were called assassins because of the assassination of the Crusaders. The sectarian leaders were called" the old man in the mountains "headquarters on the top of the peak, called" nest ".

"This country that is composed of assassins is studied every day is abduction, assassination, intimidation and other assassin skills. And have a group of assassins who are dependent on death. And this assassination is often suicide; the assassin is extremely brave and crazy, so the monarchs of various countries are disturbing. "

"The frontal army is not terrible, but who is not afraid of this kind of murmm and the assassin with superb skills. Therefore, during the peak of the Association, all parties in the Middle East paid the protection fee to the elderly in the mountains in the mountains. Maybe you may not believe it, how could a king of a regime be afraid of them; do not doubt that they really sent someone to assassinate; Saladin, Genghis Khan, etc. have become their goals. It is said that the elite team composed of 400 people came The assassination of Meng Ge, so it caused Meng Ge's anger; the first goal of the third Western Expedition was Mu Yiyi. "

"It is said that Mu Yiyi built a very luxurious and beautiful garden in the deserted valley. During the pavilion and pavilion, the gold and silver treasures were decorated, and there were tube wines, honey, and milk. The garden was full of all ethnic groups Beautiful girls can sing and dance, as if the paradise recorded in classics. "

"Then they adopted a group of young children from the poor at the bottom of the poor, and carried out various fighting training since childhood. At the same time, they repeatedly brainwashed and said that they died for teachings for" old people in the mountains ", and they could rise to heaven."

"When this group of young people grows up to the age of twenty, they put the drugs in their drinks; they are lifted into the garden while they are coma, and they will do everything in the garden. Paradise Park. "

"After a while, they fascinated them down with mystery and lifted them out of the garden. After these reserve Muyi assassins were awake; the elderly in the mountains would tell them that they did their best to enter the heaven after death. After the task comes back, you can also live in heaven for a few days and then come out to lead the task; but these Muyi assassins can stay in heaven forever until the death of the war. "

"These brainwashing backup forces. In order to return to heaven to enjoy; disregard the body when performing the task, and fear of death. It makes the monarchs and nobles are very afraid of the elderly in the mountains, and they all agree with the requirements he mentioned. There is a big difference between the royal family, and their fierceness; I want to be here, I should be very clear. "

"Although the Assassin Legion is elite, of course, it is not an opponent in the face of the Mongolian formal army. And the Mongolian army general Xu Liewu, even a brave and courageous man. Thunder's sixth son, the younger brother of Mongolian Grand Mongolian brother. "

"For this once sent someone to assassinate his grandfather; and the Assistant sect of his own elder brother; it can be said to hate it. In addition, where the Mongolian army goes, it will basically not leave a living. Nadding surrendered and failed to be spared. And almost destroyed all the nests of the Association sects, which led to the "Muyi" assassin empire, which once rampant in the Middle East for 160 years, the historical materials left now are very rare. "

"In addition, the Assassin Legion is very loyal to the elderly in the mountains and acknowledge death; they are adhering to the idea of ​​fighting for the elderly in the mountains and can be promoted to heaven. Therefore, there are few surrenders, even if the assassin escaped, the Middle East will not take them. The first is that the Mongolians have issued a ban, and the second is that they are also a hatred with the Association of Association. Now they are mostly removed. For them, it may be a good thing! "

Hearing this, everyone understands what it means. All high -levels, or those who know this, are all killed. Even if future generations are estimated to be eliminated.

Although they have not carefully studied the Association sects, they still know much about the character of the Mongolians. The countries that fought with the Mongolians that year would describe them as messengers from hell, which shows their horror.

At this time, Fararel and Horwa believed that the Association sects were sinful, and they dared to fight the Solomon Temple, and now they have finally been retributed. And dare to assassinate Genghis Khan and Mongolian Ge; you must know that none of these two Mongolian men are a good master. That's not something to find themselves, but also to be unlucky.

As for the two Arabic professors of Azimu and Maged, I also feel that the Association sect deserves it. It even sent someone to assassinate the great Saladin, but it was not normal without being destroyed.

In this regard, the Arabs and Jews are rare to have a unified idea. If it is known to the world, I really don't know how to evaluate it.

Professor Fararel said with great emotion: "Then all this explained, Saladin joined the Association of Association to defeat the Crusades. Then on the way home, because of his selfishness; On this small island. And here is very close to Arabia, and it is relatively far from Persia. It is not easy to be discovered by themselves. In addition, they still have some common sense, knowing where the cultural relics need to be placed to better preservation. "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan really wanted to like the professor. If all six people recognize this speculation, the Jews will definitely not doubt that they have moved their hands and feet.

Seeing that everyone nods frequently, it is considered to recognize this speculation; the heart of the richest wealth of Bao can finally put it in the stomach.


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