Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1545 Operation Start Four

Although it is located in the desert island, under the strong logistics support; the food is definitely not bad, even better than they usually eat. In terms of catering, the richest wealth of Bao has never been disappointed! But there is no mood of eating and drinking at this moment. It is the most important thing to study the cultural relics in front of you as soon as possible. One day's work ended quickly, and six experts wanted to work overtime. But Bao Zixuan Ming was banned, what was joking. According to this speed, it may not be able to classify a month. It has just begun, and the climate of the Middle East is no better than other places; it is not very adaptable in itself. In addition, I am so old, but I dare not make them tired. After dinner, Bao Zixuan said: "I can understand the mood of you, but before you come; we signed the agreement, so I hope everyone can follow. If there is something violated, I can't blame me for being fierce. But through today's understanding; add 2,000 people to patrol and guard. "" Wait until returning to Fucha Ila, I will hold a press conference. Six can be participated. What do you want to say? It will be blocked. For the Middle East cultural relics, it may be in your heart; it is extremely sacred. But in my eyes, it is just an ordinary object. Therefore, everything can be talked about, as long as the price is appropriate; Speaking that golden cabinet is so important, I will put it with myself. I hope everyone can understand, and at the same time this time will only be more. "" After the work is over, everyone can choose a cultural relic that is not particularly excessive; as a gift; as a gift It is also my heart. "I heard that another 2,000 soldiers came over and spoke in public; not only to protect the cultural relics, but also to prevent them from running away. After all, it is too big to involve things, and now we dare not conclude the ownership of the cultural relics. When it comes to Solomon Treasure, if it is not handled well, it will inevitably meet with Jews. Bao Zixuan wants to run in Fucha Ila, and does not want to offend too much enemy. In fact, everyone knows that it is a trouble for everyone to belong to. The original owner was a Jewish, but the cultural relics were robbed by the Association sects. In addition, this island belongs to Oman before; it was not recently occupied by Fucha Ila. Although Fucha Irala has a great autonomy, it belongs to the UAE after all. Now there are Black Cloud Group and Bao Zixuan. He is from Xiangjiang, and Heiyun Group is also a Xiangjiang enterprise. That is, the British can also participate. In short, this matter is very reviewed. And there are not only the Rosen Temple cultural relics, there are also a lot of Arab and Persian cultural relics. There will inevitably be countless countries that announce their ownership of these cultural relics; it is estimated that the press conference must be very lively. In fact, the only one who wants to pass the news is only Farley and Holway; after all, the core cultural relics here,

All from the Solomon Temple. And there is the first Jewish relic -Golden Cabinet. As for the other four, but it feels nothing. The boss took the money to invite them to come over, and signed a confidentiality agreement, and did not dare to make violations of professional ethics; then it was difficult to mix in the circle in the future. It will even become a lifelong stain. In Europe and the United States, personal reputation is very important.

As for the Jews, if the news can be sent out; even if their personal reputation is lost, they will still do it. If you can get a golden cabinet, even if your personal reputation is damaged; what is the relationship, they can still become a national hero. This is an extremely lofty achievement in the Jewish historical textbooks.

But now Bao Zixuan has clearly understood the words, and has already said. You can send a piece of cultural relics for them as a separate remuneration. If you want to move your mind, then it is too much.

The place to sleep at night is some simple rooms. But looking at simple, the internal function is not bad at all. After all, in the recent period, the wealthy wealthy will also live here, and the conditions cannot be worse.

Hallway came to Fararel's room. Of course, the two had to communicate well; what I saw today and heard has exceeded cognition. No one expected that the golden cabinet could appear here. The so -called Solomon Islands, the Templar Palace Joya, and Ethiopia have been overturned.

It turned out that 1,000 years ago, Golden Course had left Israel and came to this small island. But fortunately, the assassin organization of the Association sect, otherwise it will definitely be taken away by other countries.

According to the current situation, if the Arab country or Iran get a golden -covered cabinet; it is estimated that they would rather be destroyed and will not return it to the Jews.

Seeing that Professor Horwe came over, Fararel said with a smile: "If you don't pass it, I will definitely find you. What do you think of today, I haven't fully reacted yet. It's hard to imagine. "

"However, according to my personal experience and the scrutiny of historical records. Golden Cabinet can basically be determined that it is true. Even if it is not a real thing, it is also an object imitated during the Solomon period. Abstract; I don't know how you think. "

Both are Jewish, so there is no need to test each other. The Jews have experienced thousands of years of wandering and a large -scale massacre during World War II; there is no need to worry about internal unity. As long as it is a Jewish, he will think of building Israel into a powerful country.

And this is still a nation with faith, basically believes in Judaism. Seeing the first sanctuary of the Jewish nation appeared in front of it, no one could be indifferent.

Of course, we must discuss each other and see what methods are used to bring the golden cabinet back to Israel. If possible, the first temple should be rebuilt.

Hallway: "I have carefully checked it, and I also think that the golden cabinet is no doubt. And there are too many cultural relics with the Loremen Temple with the Golden Cabinet."

"The pair of candlesticks that we first got first, whether it is style or cytoplasm; and other aspects, is in line with the production process. And there are historical materials as a reference, regardless of whether they are recognized or not; Jerusalem. And their time in the city is not short, there are too much time to find treasures. "

"Assassin organization is different from Saladin, and the latter will also think of long -term occupation of Jerusalem; it will not destroy the overall city planning and building layout."

"But the assassin organization is immediately leaving as soon as possible. They are very clear that they have no strength and ability to guard the city; then they will definitely want to grab and dig, and then leave with treasures."

"This is in line with the assassin's mentality. It is estimated that they are also clear that their strength is not as good as Saladin. Therefore, even if they find the grade of the golden cabinet, they dare not fight. I dare not say it. If they really announce it to the world, they get golden covers from the Solomon Temple and a large push treasure. "

"It will inevitably be discussed all over the world. As an assassin organization, they must not want to be exposed to the bright side. They can't even resist the Mongolians, how can they sin the risk of offend the world in order to make a reputation. "

"Assassins walking in the darkness usually don't like to show up."

Two people are convinced of themselves, otherwise they will explain differently at all. I wouldn't think of dreaming that Bao Zixuan came to move flowers to pick up flowers. No one dares to doubt it in this regard.

Fararel: "It seems that our opinions are consistent, so we must start negotiations around the Golden Cabinet with Bao Zixuan. But this matter, the two of us do not have that strength at all."

"Strictly speaking, Bao Zixuan is our boss at present. Now things are not well done, and they are not qualified to talk to the boss at all. And our funds are nothing in front of others."

"Therefore, when a journalist enrolls, more Jews must be involved. Even if you pay a large price, you must also bring the golden cabinet; and other Treasure Temples of Solomon to bring back to Israel."

"They have left for 1,000 years and they must not continue to be put in other countries. I don't know where it was before, but it doesn't matter; now the name is in the hands, don't you want to get it back. Then our generation is The sinner of the nation. "

It can be said that at this point, the opinions of the two reached an agreement again. In any case, let the golden covenant and other holy objects return to Israel.


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