Early the next morning, the six professors got up very early. After all, there are too many surprises waiting for them, but you can't waste even a little time. Especially the two Jewish scholars, although they talked very late last night; but this morning, I felt full of energy. The main reason is that it is too excited to keep them from resting; even turn your face with you! It is related to the Solomon Temple, the highest -level building in the hearts of the Jews. Now the golden cabinet has been found, so other relics should also be here. It must be found well, and you must not let any details. Bao Zixuan is not good at saying, after all, this group of people is working for him. It is not possible to crack down on others' enthusiasm, and there is no need to find it. In this way, the six experts get up early in the morning every morning; after the week, they have never been lazy. With the in -depth understanding and constant discovery, Persian and Arabic cultural relics are basically cleaned up. After all, the cultural relics of the two ethnic groups are many; but the importance is more than one level compared to Solomon Temple. It is indeed a top -level expert, and they classify each cultural relic; the records are very detailed, and they even write their age and source. It can be said that these cultural relics at this moment already have identity proof. Although it is not officially launched, it will be recognized by most countries and individuals in the world; most countries and individuals will definitely recognize it. As for the two Jewish experts, although the daily working hours are longer than the other four; but because there are too many cultural relics, it is definitely difficult to complete in a short time. As for their work, even more seriously than teaching at school, dare not have a hint of sloppy. After all, every piece of cultural relics are vital existence in the hearts of the Jewish people. Several large gold medals appear in front of everyone, saying that it is a gold medal; the title of practical gold may be more appropriate. After all, the thickness of each piece of gold is only less than one centimeter, but the area exceeds 0.5 square meters. And each piece has a very beautiful pattern and text engraved, looking at it seems to be a puzzle. Bao Zixuan was also feeling that 3000 years ago, the Jews had such skills. Even if the gold is very plastic, there is no large -scale processing tool at the time; it can only be made by craftsmen, and its difficulty can be imagined. 30 gold films appear in front of everyone, and now they can't care about so much. They must spell it first. Although I don't want to let the other people participate, they also know; let Futa's soldiers help it, it is easy to have problems. How to say the other four are top -level cultural relics experts. Although Jewish cultural relics do not know so much, the treatment methods are similar. Know what to pay attention to and not destroy the cultural relics. Experts are different, and the 30 gold films were stitched soon. After seeing the pattern, everyone was incredible. A majestic palace,

Before appearing in front of everyone. And not only the exquisite pattern, but the most important size labeling is very detailed. It can be said that this is a picture, which is simply the construction drawing.

With these gold films, you can build the palace in front of you one by one.

As a top expert in Jewish ancient architecture, Horwa started thinking about the pattern.

First of all, it must be studied in text, Gu Siberi is coming; the two most proficient people in the world are here at this time.

Hallway started to translate the text content on the golden film, and read it: "480 years after the Israelites out of Egypt, Solomon was the fourth year of King Israel to build the Hall of the Lord. The palace built is sixty elbows, 20 elbows wide, and 30 elbows. The corridor in front of the temple has twenty elbows, like the wide and narrow halls, and a wide elbow; The wall of the palace, surrounded by the inside of the hall, built a three -story side house; the lower floor is wide and five elbows, the middle layer is wide six elbows, and the upper layer is wide.

"The temple is a stone cut in the mountains. When the temple was built, the hammer, ax, and the sound of other ironware were not heard. There is a door with a door in the side house on the right side of the temple, and there is a staircase in the door. On the second floor, from the second floor to the third floor. Solomon builds the palace, places the pillar of citron wood, and is covered with a fragrant cypress. The pillar is on the wall of the hall. "

"Use olive wood to make two Kilu Bo, each tall elbow, and in the inner hall. This Kilu Bo has two wings, each with five elbows, from the tip of this wings to the tip of the wing. The two wings of Keluo are also ten elbows, and the size and image of the two Kelubo are the same. "

"On the walls around the inner hall, the walls, brown trees, and the first flowers are engraved on the walls. The door frame; one -fifth of the wall at the door. The two fans made of olive wood are engraved with Ji Lubo, brown trees, and flowers that are first opened. A quarter of the wall. "

"Two fans with pine woods. This is divided into two folds, which are folded; the two fans are divided into two folds. There are golden loses, brown trees, and first flowers engraved on it. He used the three floors of the stones and the inner courtyard of the building on the first floor. Solomon was in the fourth year of Severye, and the foundation of the Lord's Hall. Caused by style. "

"Solomon built a palace for himself and was only caused by 13 years. He also built the Lebanon Forest Palace with a long elbow, fifty elbows wide, 30 elbows, three lines with fragrant cypress pillar, and fragrant cypress wooden beams on the column. On the cover, there are fifteen columns in each line, with a total of forty -five roots. There are three floors of windows, and windows and windows are opposite. "

"All the door frames are thick woody, there are three floors of windows, and windows and windows are opposite. And built a pillar corridor, with fifty elbows and 30 elbows in front of this gallery. . Another corridor, where the trial seats are set up. This gallery is covered with fragrant pyrius from the ground to the top. Solomon built a palace for the daughter of Fa -priest, the practice is the same as the gallery. "

"All the stones used to build this are precious. They are cut by size and are sawn with a saw inside. There are ten elbows and eight elbows on the stones; there are fragrant cypress wood and a valuable stone that is chossed into the size. There are three layers of stones cut around the courtyard, one layer of fragrant cypress wood. The style of the courtyard and hall gallery. "

"Make two copper columns, each height of eighteen elbows, around twelve elbows; two pillars are cast on the pillar with copper, each of which is five elbows on the top. There are seven tops of chain. There are two lines of pomegranate covering the top of the column around the net, and the two pillars are the same. Son, there are two lines of pomegranate, there are two hundred lines in two lines. "

"Two pillars stand in front of the gallery: one stands on the right, named Yajin; one stands on the left, named Boiace. Carved a lily on the top of the pillar."

"A bronze sea is cast again. The style is round, with five elbows, ten elbows, and thirty elbows. Under the seaside, there are wild melon styles around the sea; Casting. There are twelve copper cows and sea: three towards north, three towards west, three to the south, three to the east; the sea is on the cow, the ox tail is inward. The cup is like a lily, which can be available for two thousand. "

"Make ten pots with copper, each with four elbows, wide four elbows, and three elbows. ; There are small seats on the side, there are littering below the lion and beef. There are four copper wheels and copper axes in each pot. The four corners of the small seat are below the basin, there are potted racks, and there are crickets next to them. "

"The small seat is one elbow, the mouth is round, as if the style of the seat, one and a half elbows, there are carvings on the mouth, the heart is square. The four wheels are below the heart, and the wheel shaft is connected to the seat. . The styles of the wheels are like wheels; shafts, , spokes, and hub are all cast. There are pot frames on the four corners of each seat, which are cast with the seat. Zi and Xinzi are cast with the seat. "

"There are Kelu Bo, Lion, and Brown Trees on the supporting son and Xinzi. There are ten pots around. The ten pots are the same. The casting, size, and style are the same. Rong Forty. The basin of the basin is four elbows. On those ten seats, each seat is set up. Five people are on the right side of the temple door, and five are placed on the left side of the temple door; On the right side, the south. "

“ Plate, mule, tuning, fire Ding, and the gate of the sanctuary, the gate of the inner hall, and the gate of the outside hall. "

The text on the four golden pieces of the surrounding area has introduced this huge palace very detailed. Even those who do not understand history know that this is the drawing of the Solomon Temple. According to the drawings and introductions; you can absolutely copy the Temple of Losen.


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