After reading the whole article, Farareli and Horwe have been excited. If the drawing and introduction are based on the golden films, the Solomon Temple can reproduce the world. 2500 years ago, the Solomon Temple was destroyed. If the Jews were newly created from the temple after 2500 years, they were the heroes of the Jewish nation. The Solomon Temple is not only a building, but also about the Jewish inner belief. Jerusalem's meaning in Hebrew means "the capital of peace". However, peace seems far away for Jerusalem. For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem is accompanied by war, killing, disputes, destruction and reconstruction, which makes Jerusalem full of mysterious history. One thousand years ago, Solomon, the son of Jewish David King Solomon, took 7 years and used 200,000 people to build the most gorgeous temple on the most famous temple mountain in Jerusalem. It is the most famous Temple of Jerusalem. In 586 BC, the Babylonian army captured Jerusalem and the first temple was destroyed. Later, the Jews rebuilt the temple twice, but they were destroyed twice during the Roman occupation period. In 37 BC, the first temple built by Herod I in Solomon was re -built on the original ruins. In 70 AD, the ancient Roman Titus Army destroyed the hall again. Since then, the Jews used a 52 -meter -long and 19 -meter -high wall on the ruins of the original Jewish Temple. It was called the "West Wall" and the Jews called the "crying wall". Today, it has already become the most important worship of Jewish religion today, regarding the wall as the first holy place. For thousands of years, some Jews, who have been in all corners of the world, returned to Jerusalem in the Holy City; they would come to this stone wall to pray and cry, and cried their suffering of their exile. It can be said that Solomon's first temple is the most sacred place in the hearts of the Jews, and none of them. Although I had thought about rebuilding the first temple before, many people at the time opposed it. After all, what the temple is like, no one knows. Sporadic historical materials are not enough to support such a huge project. But now the drawings of the Solomon Temple reappear on the world, plus the golden cabinet this world; definitely find a place to place it. Wherever the golden cabinet is placed, the Jews will not be satisfied. If an imitation of the same Solomon Temple is not different from the first temple of the first temple 3000 years ago; it is estimated that no Jew will oppose it and place the golden cabinet in the reconstructed temple. Moreover, there are so many Corolumen Temple cultural relics, and some items will not be bad. The effect will not be bad. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Say that,

This is the structural renderings of the Temple of the Romen Temple 3000 years ago. "

Now it must be unable to hide people, and it is better to admit it generously. In front of these gold films, the status is only lower than the Golden Cabinet, which is definitely a Jewish to Treasure.

Professor Horwe said very seriously: "Mr. Bao, you are right. This is indeed the renderings of Solomon's first temple. It can't even be said to be a renderings, because the size and structure; the labeling is very clear. It is the construction drawing. "

"If this drawing is followed, you can successfully copy the first Temple of the Loton; the most sacred place in this Jewish heart."

In fact, I also doubted that these gold films were the drawings of the Solomon Temple, but they were not so deep in cultural research. And I didn't expect to stitch them at the time. If so, it would be counterproductive.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "After the founding of Israel, did you always want to rebuild the First Temple! Why is it in the end? If they are not ready to build, Fucha Ila can be considered."

Hearing this, not only two Jewish experts, the others were speechless for a while. If you want to build the first temple of Solomon in Fucha Ila, such crazy ideas, it is estimated that only Bao Zixuan can think of it.

This cannot be said to sprinkle salt on the Jewish wound. More accurate is to ride on people's heads to shit more appropriately. The most sacred existence in the hearts of Jews around the world is to be built in the Arabs control area. Isn't that slamming! And now the Golden Cabinet is also in the hands of this boy, and do you want to place the golden cabinet here.

At least I already have this idea, mainly because people also have this financial resources. It is estimated that after being built, the Jews really couldn't come over to destroy, so they felt sorry for their ancestors.

But Jews around the world became a joke instantly. So such things must not happen.

Fararel said seriously: "Mr. Bao, we respect you; at the same time, we don't doubt that you have this strength. But this idea is best not to have it."

"Solomon Temple, in the hearts of the Jewish nation, is not only as simple as a building, but also a spiritual sustenance. Except for building it on the Temple of Jerusalem, it is not possible anywhere."

"This drawing, I hope you can sell it to the Jews, we are willing to pay any price."

In fact, for Israel, there is also a trouble for rebuilding the temple. Twenty years ago, the ruined neighborhood where the "crying wall" was located had been demolished, and it became a wide paving square; the devout Jewish believers eagerly hoped to rebuild this temple. But it is impossible at all, because it will mean the *** sanctuary that is later built on the site.

In other words, rebuilding the first temple must destroy the core architecture of the Arabs. If the Jews really dare to do that, it will inevitably intensify the contradiction.

But now there are drawings, it is not built; then most Jews are definitely unacceptable.

This is a very contradictory issue, but as a historian, it must not control these. At present, the only thing that can be done is to let Bao Zixuan's idea of ​​building the first temple in Fucha Irara, and at the same time hand over the drawings to Israel.

Whether you spend money or other means. In short; the 30 gold films in front of you; be sure to return to Israel and hand in the hands of Jews.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also knows that if it really does it; it will definitely become the enemy of all Jews in the world, and the contradiction will be inseparable. Just for acting, since the performance, it must be done.

Regardless of whether the other party guesses or not, one in short must make it clear. He really did not understand so many things Jews before, in line with a pure science and engineering man's personality characteristics and knowledge reserves.

Although so far, the plan is perfect; there is almost no flaw. But not afraid of 10,000, just in case. If you miss a little bit, you will inevitably abandon the past. If the Jews knew, he dared to dig the Solomon Temple. And for this reason, he raised the war between Israel and Palestine; even if the relationship was good before, he would definitely find you trouble.

Bao Zixuan: "Just have this idea. Don't be excited. I am a businessman, so I will definitely respect the history and traditions of various nations."

"I have a lot of investment in Israel, and I can even be said to be a businessman who dares to invest in the industry. Of course, I will not offend a nation and country. Never change. "

The Heiyun Town Museum is about to be completed. It can be said that whether it is security facilities or scale; in the world, it is the premier. And for this museum, the richest wealth of Bao spent a lot of money. Almost all the major auctions in the world have the shadow of the Black Cloud Group, and they are often slaughtered by people.

However, after Fucha Ila stands firmly, it must not invest too much elsewhere. Limited energy is one aspect, and of course there are other concerns.

Now I found so many Middle East cultural relics, which is a good opportunity to increase influence. Establishing a museum in Fucha Ila can definitely make a good reputation.

These cultural relics in front of them are enough to form a museum. Of course, the richest man in the package is also clear, similar to the objects like golden cabinets; it must not be kept, unless you want to fight against the Jews. Even if the brain is hard, it is estimated that the strength will not reach. Using the cultural relics in the Solomon Temple to exchange with Jewish collectors, it is estimated that they will definitely not object.

Coupled with so many cultural relics, I believe that the Fucha Ila Museum will definitely occupy a place in the world. As for the Black Cloud Museum, it will only be based on Huaxia cultural relics in the future; it will not be constructed as the focus.


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