When I heard Bao Zixuan want to build the first temple of Solomon, the two Jewish experts had a lot of good mood. I am really worried that this boy is stupid, or youthful and vigorous, it is not easy to end. There are so many Corolon temples in their hands. If one is unhappy, it really destroys one or two; it is estimated that it is a huge loss for the entire Jewish nation. But I also know that it is not the time to talk about the attribution of gold drawings. And this stuff itself is gold, even more than 100 pounds of weight. It can be said that its own value is not low. If there is some Romen Temple and a 3000 -year historical bonus, it must be a sky -high price. They must not afford to consume, and even ordinary businessmen are not qualified to dye. But for these, the two still have absolute confidence. After all, Jews have never lacked money since ancient times. Their wealth is definitely beyond people's imagination. As long as the Jewish merchants are willing to rebuild the Solomon Temple; and buying cultural relics in Baozixuan's hands, it is not difficult. But Bao Zixuan itself is not bad. In short, it is very difficult to do. However, the first task is to continue to classify the cultural relics. This is their job, and at the same time want to complete the task as soon as possible, and then pass the message. The leaders of the Jewish consortium must come over to Fucha Ila in person. Otherwise, with the strength and position of Bao Zixuan, things will never be talked about. It seems that the huge price is inevitable. Bao Zixuan is a businessman who will never return the cultural relics directly to Israel. You know he has to mix in the Arab world, and he dare not do so. If it is really free to give away, the Jewish will definitely offend the entire Arab world. A wine glass appeared in front of the crowd, allowing Fararel and Horwe to hold their breath again. Because the humble wine glass in front of me is the same as the legendary holy glass. It may even be genuine, but I dare not be sure now. The two immediately took out the ruler and began to measure the wine glass in front of them; the pure gold base was set with 28 pearls, 2 rubies and 2 emeralds. The cup is 5.5 cm height, 9.5 cm in diameter, and 3 mm in wall thickness. Including the base, the cup is 17 cm high and 14.5 cm wide. It can be said that all the shape specifications are right, is this the real holy grail. At present, the world is more recognized, the Holy Grail is in Spain. The sacrament eventually perched into a chapel of the Varanisian Cathedral in Spain. Although the Roman Catholic Holy See never admired it as a sacred object, they admitted that it was a wine glass blessed by Christ in the last dinner. It was used by the Pope before San Lawrence sent it to Spain. However, there are a lot about the Holy Grail in history,

Outstanding archaeologist Antonio Beltland believes that the Holy Grail seen today was produced in Penia's San Juan Monastery, and the producer was probably the goldenmith from Byzantine. The upper part of the Holy Grail is originally made in the nearby region, not Egypt's Alexander stools, and Antiok in Syria. The Holy Grail was caused by the last half of the century BC and the first half of the first century AD; this period happened to be the era of Jesus Christ.

However, the so -called holy grail of Spain is about a thousand years ago; it cannot be accepted by believers. But this one is obviously more authoritative. Two Jewish scholars, of course, are willing to believe that this is the real holy grail.

Why is it difficult to understand why in the 12th century of the Association of Association? Does the Holy Grail bring Jerusalem with the Crusades that year, because of defeat; it is not possible to be snatched by the Association sect.

The "Holy Grail" and "Covenant" are also known as the two major relics of Christianity and Judaism; at the same time, they really don't know what to say. If the cabinet is more attractive to the Jews; then the Holy Grail appears, and it is estimated that even the Roman side will pay attention.

Before, because they were not in their hands, they did not recognize the wine glass. But now I have the opportunity to get, Bao Zixuan is not a believer itself. Coupled with Golden Cabinet, Rome will definitely pay special attention to it.

If Israel gets a golden account and Rome does not take the Holy Grail; then believers all over the world will not agree.

I really don't know what the boy's life is in front of him, and he can get two relics at the same time. It can even be said to be the most supreme treasure of Christianity and Jewish education; and there is still no one that can be compared with these two.

Fararel said excitedly: "How do I feel, this one in my hand is better than Spain; it is closer to historical records."

Although it has not been recognized by believers all over the world, the Holy Grail in Spain has been recognized by a huge majority. As for the final determination, it is just a matter of time.

But found this holy grail here seems to be more selling. Any details, no record of historical materials.

Hallway: "I also feel the same, but this cup is not like a golden cabinet; he has been in Europe, how can he come to the Middle East."

Without Nichabur's explanation, Fararel would not be sure. But now it can be determined why the Holy Grail is here.

Fararel: "The earliest story about the Holy Grail actually did not appear until the 12th century. The story tells that the hateful Joseph escorted the Holy Grail from the Romans, and finally fled to the UK. As Joseph's death, the Holy Grail disappeared. . King Arthur and the Round Table Knight once met the Holy Grail. After it disappeared, they sent 154 knights to find it. Finally, the Holy Grail was found by the Cavaliers Gulahai, but Gulahai did not want people to fight for it, so they went together to go together I have seen it. No one has seen it. However, in another legend, the Templar Knight has received this cup and assumed the task that protects it. It went to Britain, but the British denied it. Therefore, the "Mystery of the Holy Grail" became the first of the seven mysteries of the global archeological community. "

"The Crusades are mainly based on the Templar Knights. Then the Holy Grail is likely to be brought to the Middle East. At that time, he would never think of the problem of defeat, because for so many years, they never lost."

"But this time facing the powerful Saladin, and the sinister and cunning, the assassination of the Assosun sects. The final result historical data has been recorded; Saladin has won the victory and successfully occupied Jerusalem."

"The Temple Knights must lose heavy losses, and the loss of the Holy Grail is reasonable."

"The Assistant sects don't know much about Christian relics. I haven't had much contact before, so naturally I will not take the Holy Grail seriously. I just think it is ordinary jewelry, so I put it here together."

In fact, the two people's analysis still makes sense. This so -called holy grail is really not dug out of the Solomon Temple. It was put here in itself, but the wealthy wealthy would not expect, it would be so important. If it is a legendary holy grail, it is estimated that the entire world will fall into crazy.

Nichabul: "Professor Fararel's analysis is very reasonable. I have grown up in Europe since I was a child; I have also heard the story of the Holy Grail. Many historical materials can be proven; the Holy Grail was brought to the Middle East by the Crusaders and then disappeared. And for 1000 years, no one knows his whereabouts. "

"The Association sects are good at assassination of the enemy's senior generals. They do have this tradition. They dare to do it at Saladin, Genghis Khan, and Monteo, not to mention the senior executives of the Knights of the Temple."

"The Holy Grail must be protected by the core members, and the Assassin of the Assistor is responsible for hunting the enemy's core members. With their greedy personality, after the action is successful; even if the cup is in front of you, it is not the Holy Grail. Made with gold, pearls, and gems; it is enough to show that it is not ordinary objects, it must be very valuable. "

"Bring it here, it's reasonable."

Through these days of contact and academic achievements in their own; Farareli and Holway have fully recognized Professor Nisaber. After all, they are willing to communicate more with the Persians than the Arabs.

Moreover, the old man's understanding of the history of the Middle East and the history of the world is indeed remarkable. To be precise, it is much stronger than them.

Then it is basically confirmed that it is the Templar Knights; bring the Holy Grail from Europe to the Middle East. And was seized by the enemy. You know that they always think that Lao Tzu is the first in the world, but he did not expect that there was such a shame. It seems that it cannot be blinded by the appearance. Some organizations are just aspirations.

If the Templar Knight knows how many experts on the scene think so, you don't know what you feel!


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