No one expected that two sages related to God were found on a Persian Bay Island. Although I dare not make final determination, it is also inseparable. It can be said that this is the greatest archeological discovery in the history of the 20th century, or even the entire human history. If the news is announced, it will definitely cause the world to be crazy. At the same time, the entire Fucha Ila will inevitably push to the cusp. Various organizations, mysterious associations, and powerful families in the world want to negotiate with Bao Zixuan to discuss the issue of belonging. If an ordinary person gets these, it must not be kept. But the man in front of him really has the ability to compete with any agency and family. Even Rome and Israel didn't dare to do things too much. If the man in front of him is anxious, it will not be good if you make a big deal. At least it can be able to achieve fair transactions. It can be said that this time Fucha Ila, or Bao Zixuan will definitely make a lot of money. Perhaps this world itself is like this. Rich people will only get more and more richer. It was another day's work, and everyone returned to the room to rest. This is the 30th day they came to the island. At this time, the cultural relics were basically sorted out, and all the work was left. Professor Horwe naturally came to Professor Fararel's room. It seems that it has now become something that must be done every day after work. Although the logistics support is good, it cannot communicate with the outside world. These have been signed before, and have found so many cultural relics that have important significance, they must be kept confidential. Since you cannot communicate with the outside world, there should be no problem in internal communication. Professor Horwe poured two glasses of red wine, and he was used to it here. Professor Farley never said anything. Fararel: "The work here is about to end. It is really uncomfortable to see so many Jewish holy objects. After all, these are not Israel. For the people, what should we do." In fact, Hallwei's consideration has also considered it. He also has the same idea. However, the two of them are just ordinary university professors, and they may be conducting cultural relics appraisal. But in terms of strength, it is really much worse, at least in front of Bao Zixuan. The cultural relics of Solomon Temple indeed belonged to the Jews 3000 years ago. But since the cultural relics left Jerusalem, they have not been controlled by the Jewish nation. Fortunately, in Bao Zixuan, a businessman's hands. If the Arabs are discovered, it is estimated that it would rather be destroyed or sold to you. Horwe said with emotion: "Actually, why not, but Bao Zixuan does not lack money at all. Even if you buy money, it will inevitably be an astronomical number. Now we can only be responsible for the true and false cultural relics. Endent the cultural relics. "" After knowing that we endorse, the price of those utensils will be tens of times, or even dozens of times; but there are no other ways at all,

Someone always do this. "

"It's really unwilling to think about it. Although the Jews are rich. However, it is not this kind of flower. I just hope that Bao Zixuan will not be so dark, and the price can be fixed."

No one will be willing to give fate to the opponent. But the current situation is so, and the Jews have no other choices.

Fararel: "Actually, I always feel very puzzled. Persian history and Arabic civilization are not much worse than us. But why, there are so many cultural relics in Solomon Temple; the other two add up, and they can't keep up with Jewish cultural relics."

"The Association sect belongs to Persia, and they snatched our cultural relics alone; it should be said that Persian cultural relics should be more right."

In fact, their doubts still make sense, after all, Jewish cultural relics are indeed much more than the other two. It stands to reason that this is the Treasure of the Assistant sect. Persian cultural relics must be more, at least three of them should be almost right.

In fact, there is no way. If you want to make the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple legal, you must have a certificate. Bao Zixuan must not be able to open it by himself, so he can only transport all the excavated cultural relics.

There are too many cultural relics that are transported, of course, more than the other two. The two were hard to think about, so they found Professor Nishabur together.

Although I do n’t want to doubt anything, as a researcher; I have doubts in my heart, and I may have to figure it out, otherwise it is difficult to conduct the next research work.

After hearing the intentions of the two, Nishabul said with a smile: "In fact, you have complicated the problem."

"The Assistantist headquarters is in Iran, but this is the middle position of Israel and Iran. That is to say, after the war, they did not bring this treasure back to Iran's headquarters, and they were hidden halfway. After all, they brought it back. But share it with nobles and other important figures. "

"And also worried that such a multi -treasure thing is this world, it is bound to make people jealous and jealous. Don't say that keeping wealth, you may not be able to keep your life."

"And this time it is a joint operation with Saladin, and I never dare to move any crooked to the Arabs. So the main goal and precise is the only goal, it must be the Jews. Cultural relics are other Persian and Arabic cultural relics; they are also obtained from Jerusalem, so everything is explained. "

"Jerusalem was the place of intersection of the three continents at that time, but it has witnessed the cultural exchanges of the East and the West; and as the most important hub city, it is normal to have treasures of all ethnic groups."

"But Jerusalem is dominated by Jews after all, and it has been controlled by Jews by AD. In addition, the Assyinists have been mistakenly hit and successfully entered the Joya Dark. Therefore, there is the most Jewish cultural relics here."

Still this old man has knowledge, and more thorough analysis. And it sounds very reasonable, it can be said that everything can be explained now.

The Association sect is no matter how courage is, in the sinister; it is necessary to worry about the influence. They were Saladin, and they asked the Crusades and Jewish forces in Jerusalem; there were already two powerful enemies in themselves. If they dared to start with the Arabs at this time, then Saladin would definitely not agree.

At the same time, the Association sects should be very clear that they must not be the opponents of the Crusades and Saladin alone. Compared to Saladin, the Crusades may be more threatened.

After all, I do n’t know what the other person is, and I know how much Saladin. As an assassin organization, their task is to be responsible for special operations and assassinate the enemy's senior generals and core members. Even if the loss is not great. On the other hand, Saladin is to be positive hard steel with the enemy.

The Crusades themselves are a strong opponent, as for the local Jewish forces in Jerusalem; in order to defend the home, it will inevitably glow for strong combat effectiveness. The two sides do not say that you can fight for you, but it is almost the same.

Then even if the Saladin army wins, it will inevitably pay a heavy price. Now for Association, Saladin is an ally, but after defeating the enemy, the two sides will become an enemy. This is an indisputable fact, after all, one mountain cannot be tolerated; and before Association has sent someone to assassinate it.

The contradiction is just a lifetime, it has not been completely resolved at all, and it cannot be solved.

Professor Fararel said with a smile: "Professor Nishabur is indeed a top scholar in the Middle East history. This time it really benefited me waiting for a lot. Back to the United States, I hope to communicate with you more."

The Jews are not only friends in the Middle East, but they can even be said to be enemies. It is just a different degree, but I did not expect that it would say that. It seems that the other party sincerely recognizes the historical knowledge and academic achievements.

People have released goodwill, and no one can refuse.

Nishabur said with a smile: "Fortunately, after returning to the United States this time; preparing to write a book around this discovery, and two help for Jewish history,"

For top scholars, it can be so major discovery; of course, it will continue to study. In fact, not only Nichabul, the other people are the same. It is just that the angle is different, but it will inevitably make the discovery more legendary; at the same time, it can also make Fucha Ila a world focus.

If a country or city wants to develop, it is definitely impossible to rely on one industry. The tourism industry can definitely feed a lot of people. There is no minerals around Fucha Irah. Then take the opportunity of discovering the island of treasure, which will inevitably make more people want to come and find out.

When I came to Facha Ira, Bao Zixuan could not spend money to entertain. The coming person can only invest by themselves, which can definitely increase the local economic income. And as long as the tourism industry is done well, not to mention a profit, but it will definitely be very considerable. It can even drive the surrounding industries; for the economic development of small countries, it has great benefits.


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