Life has passed day by day. Recently, the world's main theme is still being discussed in a fierce discussion around the Soviet Chel Nobel incident. After all, this time has brought great impacts and losses to Europe, if the Soviets cannot come up with attitudes; and corresponding compensation, they must not give up. But I dare not ask for too much. After all, if Lao Maozi is anxious, it is estimated that nothing can be got. In fact, European countries are also good. Now the Soviet leaders want to improve the relationship with Western countries; if they are replaced by the previous one, there is really no good way except for the plan! Therefore, no one will deliberately pay attention to what Bao Zixuan and Heiyun Group are doing. However, the wealthy wealthy did not show up for a few months, which was really incredible. Fortunately, everything is normal to operate within Black Cloud Group, and Fucha Ila is stepping up construction. Bao Zixuan himself is an engineer, and maybe he is also breaking through any technical problems. As a technical boss, it may be the most normal thing to develop and develop itself. This has nothing to do with wealth, it is purely personal hobby. But acquaintances can still find it. It's just that I didn't appear in the public vision, but I didn't feel that it didn't matter. After all, it involves the overall planning in the future, so the richest man in the Bian also stayed on the island for a month with these historians. But he was not idle and worked every day. It is rare to have such a free time, and we must also sort out your own thoughts. Heiyun Group has become a behemoth. If you want to continue to develop, you must get out of a different route. The disclosure of Chel Nobeli nuclear power plant indicates that the disintegration of the Soviet Union is unavoidable. At that time, some benefits must be caught, at least the Americans are afraid. Moreover, Salad was pregnant, indicating that he had someone in Fucha Ila. Everything you do now is not just for women, but for your own children. Don't say how much he has made him, but at least he must have self -protection. In fact, it is strange to say, and I don't know what's going on. The woman who was together with him was still very smooth. Could it be that the physical fitness is good, otherwise it is really incomprehensible. At present, the ambition of Baochou's wealth is getting bigger and even unrealistic. But if you want to succeed, you often start with unrealistic ideas. Money will never be lacking in the future. So why not stick to the situation, why not do something vigorously. Even the golden covenant and the Holy Grail can be found by themselves, and nothing else can be done. Although it is also clear, it is difficult to retain these two objects with the current situation and combining their own strength. But it is easy to hand over, and it does not meet its own interests. Be sure to maximize the interests of these two holy things, at least not to easily let go of Israel and Rome. Jewish and Rome,

They are all rich Lords. There are also many cultural relics inside, and there are always no problems with exchanges. And the initiative and optional rights are also in their own hands. What you want at that time, it is estimated that the other party will not refuse, and it is more important and dare not refuse.

Seeing cultural relic statistics is about to enter the end, it is estimated that there is not much time to stay here. To go out for a press conference as soon as possible, the results must be announced to the world. It is estimated that the world will be lively, and Facha Ira's supporting facilities may not be enough.

Fortunately, after the construction in recent years, plus such a large site from Oman's hands. The Persian Gulf itself is a dense place for merchants, and it can also be emergency. However, the people who came to the negotiations of Fucha Ila were all super tycoon and national dignitaries; there must be high requirements for living conditions. You can only upgrade hotels and residential conditions at the fastest speed.

It is now necessary to carry out the overall planning of Fucha Ila. Previously, the site was small. There are no facilities such as civil airports. Of course, military airports are still no shortage. But now it is not so much, even if Dubai opposes it; at least it must ensure that more than two civil airports.

As for the military airport, of course, there will be; at the same time, each main road in the city must have the ability to take off and land. Construction is definitely at the expense of work. Now there are so many good objects in hand, and it is not a big deal to host a auction in Fucha Ila.

As for the renovation of the Solomon Temple in Fucha Ila, it is just talking about it. Bao Zixuan is not Xiaobai who doesn't understand anything. What is impossible to build, there is no need to stimulate Jews. Although I do not want to admit it, the Jewish nation is definitely the smartest, richest, and most powerful nation in the world.

The transition stimulates them, and only trouble themselves. Brother Pingtou in the Middle East is by no means a virtual name; the distance between the two countries is so close, maybe it may come to you, but it is uncomfortable. And the Israeli Air Force, there is no need to doubt the combat effectiveness. Under the same conditions, it may be more combable than the US Air Force.

It was another night and saw the time almost; Bao Zixuan decided to hold a bonfire party.

Although Arab historians are inside, they still prepare some red wine. However, the food of food will never make people pick out and destroy the national tradition.

Fresh ingredients that come from the pasture around the world; quality and taste are absolutely guaranteed.

In fact, on the island, the atmosphere is still very good.

Although the Persian Gulf is a busy channel, Fucha Ila is named after military acting; it has been blocking the sea near the island, and no ships have come to disturb. It is mainly used too many aircraft and warships.

Several people were not polite and sat next to the bonfire; eating barbecue and drinking small wine was very pleasant.

Bao Zixuan took the wine glass and said with a smile: "Thank you for your arrival, without you. To be honest, I really don't know that the cultural relics here are so important. As for the people next to me; they are ordinary soldiers. Others, let's forget it! "

"I have always wanted to build a museum in Xiangjiang, so I bought a lot of cultural relics around the world in recent years. As long as they are right, they basically pay. But most of them are Chinese cultural relics and European art. As for the Middle East cultural relics. It really doesn't involve much. "

"Everyone is the top historian in the Middle East. It is familiar to the Middle East culture and antiquities. If possible, I hope that six may become a consultant to the Fucha Irara Museum, with a year's basic salary of $ 100,000; increasing year by year. Usually there is nothing. Specific work, you can come for a month during college holidays. Of course, you find good and right objects; notify the procurement department, and then commission it according to the proportion. "

Although they are not antique vendors, they still understand the many practices of Bao Zixuan and Hei Cloud Group; As long as it is the objects that Black Cloud Group sees, it will basically not give up. Therefore, Bao Zixuan has become the world's major auction companies and favorite customers.

After all, people who buy objects never look at the price; ask such customers, which one does not like.

But now let them become a consultant to the Facha Irara Museum, indicating that this kid must build a museum, so it must be based on these cultural relics. This makes two Jewish experts feel a huge crisis.

They wanted to bring all the treasures of Solomon Temple back to Israel. It seems that this hope becomes slim. If the Golden Course is really exhibited in the Fucha Irara, the Jews want to watch, and they need to come to the Middle East. Then the entire Jewish nation will become the laughing stock of the world.

This kind of thing must not happen, so the title of consultant cannot be agreed. If you really dare to serve here, it will inevitably be unable to be allowed by the entire Jewish nation.

Seeing everyone's concerns, Bao Zixuan continued: "I know the concerns of everyone, but this matter is not in a hurry."

"I promised to give me a gift before, and now it is time to fulfill it. For the sake of fairness, each person has 2 gold coins;

To say that the most discovered cultural relics are gold coins; the total number of more than 100,000, and most of them are Jewish coins. This is a nation that has always been rich since ancient times. Moreover, King Solomon can receive a lot of golden tribute every year, and the gold coins are well understood.

If the price of a single gold coin is not found before this batch of gold coins, it may exceed $ 200,000. After all, there are very few on the market, and many collectors will treat it to Baomei.

However, so many gold coins were found from the Solomon Palace and the Assistant sect treasures; it became not so scarce at once. Even so, a single price will not be less than 50,000 US dollars; it can be said that Bao Zixuan is already very generous, and it is in line with his personality characteristics; it will never let people who help them do things suffer.


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