Six experts, he heard that each person could get two additional gold coins, and was overjoyed. At the same time, I also lamented that this trip was really not in vain. Especially the two Jewish experts, Solomon Temple gold coins, but it was the object that dared to think about before. Now Bao Zixuan is given directly, and it is estimated that no one will be so bold except for the one in front of him. It is good to get extra gold coins. Although I also want the golden -handed cabinet and the Holy Grail, they also need to agree. The other party does not understand, but a person can do business so much, which is by no means a panter. If it is so easy to be deceived, it is estimated that it has long been bankrupt. You can't see others as humble, and you don't know anything. Perhaps the professional knowledge is not strong, but from the ability to master such a multi -national language, it means that the other party just does not say. About gold coins; almost all Jews know that King Solomon has a very romantic love story. The story tells that King Solomon proposes to Queen Queen Baba; but the proud queen did not easily agree, but gave King Solomon a problem. She called the servant to hold two bowls in, of which — one containing 10 gold coins and the other with 10 silver coins of the same size. The Queen told King Solomon: "I want to blindly your eyes, and then I change the two bowls on the table, and then please choose a bowl at will and take out a coin from it. I will marry you; if you choose the silver coin, then you have to ask you to give up. "King Solomon bowed his head and meditated — for a while, and then asked Queen Queen Queen:" Dear Queen, I promise you, I promise you, It is just that before touching the gold coin, let's adjust the combination of the two bowls of these two bowls. "The queen thought about it, the number of gold coins in the two bowls is the same as the number of silver coins, and the probability of choosing the gold coin in the common sense of the common sense is 50%= 1/2. Even if he mixes the gold and silver coins in the two bowls and then divides it, that is, put 5 gold coins and 5 silver coins in each bowl, then the probability of choosing gold coins is still 1/2. So Queen Baba agreed to the proposal of King Solomon. King Solomon put 1 gold coin in a bowl, and 9 other gold coins and 10 silver coins were placed in the B bowl. The purpose of him is to increase the probability of choosing gold coins. Obviously, the probability of his pumping — a bowl is 1/2. Then analyze the following situation: If he gets a bowl of A bowl, there is only one gold coin in it, then the probability of winning the gold coin in A bowl is 100%. At this time, the probability of winning the gold coin is 1/2 × 1 = 1/2; If he hit the B bowl,

There are 19 coins in it, of which there are 9 gold coins, so the probability of winning the gold coin in B bowl is 9/19. At this time, the probability of winning gold coins is 9/19 × 1/2 = 9/38.

Then add the probability of winning the gold coin from the two bowls of A and B, 1/2+9/38 = 14/19 ≈ 0.736 8. This is the total probability of winning the gold coin by King Solomon, which is almost equal to 3/4 Essence

King Solomon was very clear: even if this did, he couldn't guarantee that he must touch the gold coin. You need to know that if you must touch the gold coin, the probability should be 1 = 100%, but at least it can increase the possibility of touching the gold coin. This possibility increases from 1/2 to 3/4. From this point of view, King Solomon is indeed a smart person.

The gold coin comes from the Solomon Temple, so it is likely to be used by Solomon. Maybe the Hollywood screenwriter can write a story based on this matter, in that case; it is estimated that the value of gold coins will inevitably become a geometric multiplier growth.

Fararel thought about it and said, "Mr. Bao, I don't know when we can go out; when the ban can be lifted. In fact, the most important thing is that we want to know; when can we know the discovery of the golden cabinet and Solomon Templar Treasure, Talk about the same family. "

Who is Bao Zixuan? At this time, you must not be able to fight with others. It is better to speak out directly, so it is good for everyone. If you secretly engage in small movements, the other party will definitely find it. If so, use a little means; don't say that you will be unlucky, it is estimated that your family will also suffer.

As a historian, especially the study of Jewish history. He has seen too many introductions in this regard. Any successful and great merchant is a general generation. Capital has a bloody smell since ancient times.

Take the treasure in front of him, I don't know how many Jews died to protect them; I believe that real data is only known.

As a Jew, it is normal to report the message out. And for so many days, six people are still unique. Except for work every day, there is no move to the outside world. It may be to avoid suspicion, except for the cave, it is basically staying in the room.

Even if the seaside was not gone, the bonfire party tonight; perhaps they did not stay in the room for the first time.

The Temple of Solomon Temple, coupled with the golden covenant, is estimated that the entire Jewish world will be crazy. But Fararel also knew the depth and did not mention the Holy Grail. It is estimated that he also knew that although the Jews were not weak; it was unrealistic to bring both holy relics back to Israel.

Rome will never allow this kind of thing to happen, and the most important thing they can't afford that person.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I have already arranged people now. After ashore, a journalist enrollment will be held for the first time. It is not that I can believe everyone. First of all, we must put the message out. Only in this way can we maximize the benefits."

"And Fushara's reception ability is limited. Too many people come over at one time, and they must not receive it. It will have a huge impact on the entire country and it will have a huge impact."

"Therefore, it can only let reporters come first, and wait until the reporter leaves; it is the time to negotiate with various organizations and wealthy merchants. I hope you will not disrupt my plan, otherwise things will be difficult to do."

"At the same time, I promised two solemn promises to the treasure of the Solomon Temple; before the Israeli government came to negotiate, it would never reach an agreement with any family or business."

Who is Bao Zixuan? The two of them just did not want the Treasure Temple of Solomon and the golden cabinet; eventually fell into the hands of their outsiders. And such a big thing, the Israeli government will inevitably come forward.

If the Israeli government does not come forward, it is estimated that Jews around the world will not agree.

Horwe said with a smile: "Mr. Bao can say so, we can rest assured. To be honest, although the Golden Covenant once belonged to Israel, it must be attributed to you now; no one dares to deny this. Therefore How do you need to cooperate, I will go all out to go all out. "

Although not forced by the situation, Jewish experts are also clear. If you want to get a golden -covered cabinet from Bao Zixuan, you must pay a huge price. If nothing means, solving the diplomatic channels is tantamount to dreaming.

And several of them can prove that the Golden Cabinet was discovered on the island on the Persian Gulf belonging to the island of Ficha Ira; the location is very clear, and there is no controversy at all.

At the same time, I have to admire Bao Zixuan. The six people they chose this time can prove that the treasure belongs. The three main races of the Middle East are all present. Although the six of them are not wealth, they have a high social status. At least in the history of the Middle East, it is an authoritative figure.

In other words, six people have collectively endorsed; the identity certificate of these treasures is clear and clear.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Thanks to Professor Horwe, so that everyone can save a lot of trouble. I am afraid that some people who have ulterior motives and do not want to do things every day, and give others trouble."

"I don't need to cooperate with it, just to tell the truth. After all, we have been on the island for so many days, it is a good proof in itself."

"I don't understand the matter in cultural relics. But I believe that there are several identifications, so the authenticity must be guaranteed. Therefore, I can announce it to the outside world according to all the real products; ","

Hearing this, everyone laughed. It is like a joke, but it is also recognition of them. And being able to participate in the appraisal of Solomon Temple Treasure, Golden Cabinet and Holy Grail is definitely a huge achievement.

They are all top -level historians who believe that through this time; in terms of popularity, it will inevitably be greatly improved. Back to college, don't say that it is valued, I believe reporters will definitely keep staring at them.

A historian, a university professor; of course, the media needs to be promoted. These can be transformed into interests, and it must be a favorite. It will even cooperate very well, and you will never reject it.


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