A bonfire party makes relationships more familiar. And through the recent contact, I found that Bao Zixuan was the same as rumors. Never interfere with the work of subordinates, there are not many caves. In addition to the first day, it came to find the Solomon Temple drawing gold and the holy grail. Although the rest of the time is on the island; they are busy working by themselves; in fact, they are also well understood. After all, they are top engineers. Maybe in the design of some kind of technology products, it may be pleasant to the world in the future. No wonder the grade is gently, and the business can make the business so much; the courage alone does not have it. You know not to say that every piece of cultural relics are valuable to the city, but at least one casual one is a museum -level collection. Rest assured to them, it is estimated that few people in the world can really do it. Professor Nisaber suddenly said: "Mr. Bao, there is a discounted request underneath. I don't know if the press conference can take me around the Persian Bay. Although I have left at the age of 3. But I can come back, I still want to see what my hometown looks like. "As a royal family once a country, it can also be said to be a prince. Based on the current situation of Iran, it is definitely inconvenient to go back. But looking at it across the sea is also a thought. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. When I arrange the ship at that time, let you take a good look. If you need it, I can communicate with Iran, maybe I can go back to see it." Promise this simple requirement, Nishabul, Neshabul, No accident; after all, this requirement is not very excessive. But go back and see, but it is very rare. In Iran's current situation and system, he is really not so suitable to go back. But the other party can say it, it must have absolute confidence. Although Iran once believed that Bao Zixuan was a confidant. But now the two parties cooperate well; and in the future, we want economic development and scientific and technological progress; they really need to rely on their riches. At the same time, if two countries are united, the entire Persian Bay can be blocked in an instant. No matter who that, you have to give face. In fact, Bao Zixuan said so, there are still some confidence. If he is a member of the royal family of the Palestinian dynasty, because of the short abdication time; there are still many residual forces in China, maybe Iran will have some scruples. The royal family members of the Kaiga dynasty have been too far away to leave this country. It is estimated that those who can remember them should be 70 years younger. Those who really took power at that time, who would know them if they lived to 100 years old. Although Iranians are crazy,

But it is not a lunatic, of course, knowing to increase the influence and let more well -known people speak for them. As a former member of the royal family and now he is now a university professor. It can be said that status is very suitable, if he can fight for his support; then it is greatly beneficial to the improvement of the national image.

Bao Zixuan can really communicate well. When you go back to Iran, the safety must be guaranteed. It was really an opportunity, so Nichabul said excitedly: "Of course the best if there is a chance, but don't need to be too strong."

In the appraisal of this treasure, Professor Nisaber is definitely the biggest forces. In addition, five people absolutely recognize this statement, at least in terms of knowledge reserves of the history and humanities in the Middle East, it is much stronger than them. The old man explained many issues very clearly, but made Bao Zixuan save a lot of trouble.

The rationality of the treasure also needs to rely on others; so of course give some sweetness.

When Bao Zixuan and others cleared the cultural relics on the island, the staff of Heiyun Group did not idle. They are issuing invitation letters, and there are many reporters invited this time; as long as they are media in the world's influence, they basically get invitations.

Of course, there are also focus that Israeli domestic media, Jewish -controlled news agencies, and Roman newspapers are particularly invited. Although everyone is a bit of a circle, they can receive the invitation of Heiyun Group, and no institution will refuse.

The first richest man in Bao, who had disappeared for a long time, was finally ready to go out of the mountain. And as soon as he appeared, he invited so many news institutions at the same time. You must know that the first rich in the bag is definitely not a target person, such a great movement; there must be any results that shocked the world or discovered to the outside world.

It has been a while to come to Jerusalem when Angila Roschild came to Jerusalem. During the period, he called Bao Zixuan and the other party said he was busy. It will not appear in the public view in a short time, hoping to understand. The woman didn't say anything about this. After all, the two were just lovers, and they were not so reliable at all.

And she is also a woman who knows and retreat, but when a man is busy to you, it may be true. But it is more unwilling to disturb. If you can't even see this, it will only make people annoying.

But now that you come to Jerusalem, you must not return empty -handed. She also thought about the Temple Mountain to detect it. Whether Bao Zixuan said is feasible, although it is unclear, you can try it.

And he won't invite any grave robbers, this method is really incredible. Modern detection tools will never lack for the Roschild family.

However, what Angela Roschild didn't know was that all her actions were under the monitoring of Mosht, Israel. It was a bit incredible twice recently, and there must be a strong force to promote it behind. Otherwise, how can the Palestinians get so many advanced weapons and equipment, and even three 155 -caliber howitzers.

Although it was produced in Germany during World War II, the power was not comparable to ordinary rifles. And in the hands of the Palestinians, there are not only heavy artillery, but also many other advanced light weapons and equipment. With the Palestinian ability, it must not be able to come in. It is very likely to help themselves, so in recent times, Mossad's monitoring of Jerusalem is very strict. The high -level pressure gives them a lot of pressure. With so much funding every year, it is definitely necessary to make a result.

Not only do you have any achievements, you have not found anything. As one of the four major intelligence organizations in the world, Mossad can’t lose this person

Miss Roschild comes here at this time; what is the intention of Israel must have doubts. When I saw this young lady, I actually took the equipment to explore the temple mountain.

The Roschild family's peeping of the Temple Mountain Temple Temple is no longer a day or two. Is it true that they deliberately support the Palestinians and make trouble for the people of their own people.

In the current temple mountains, no one dares to excavate a lot. Not only do you have the site of the Rosen Temple, but also many well -known buildings. If you don't want to intensify contradictions, you must not act lightly. Now the situation is relatively stable, and the military strength of the Arab countries is continuously enhanced.

If Israel dares to start with Temple Mountain, then it can only be war. Even if the war has never been afraid, no one wants to take the initiative to provoke the incident.

Iraq has a stealth fighter, and it is absolutely uncomfortable.

Miss Roschild, who thinks it is very hidden, does not know; every move is monitoring.

The news soon reported to the Israeli Prime Minister's Palace, and Izak Shamir was very atmospheric after knowing it. However, when it comes to the Roschild family, many things are not easy to say; after all, this family does not contribute and support Israel; everyone is a Jewish, and it is not easy to make the relationship.

There is no way, I can only find the current President Hayhhhhhhg.

Israel is a state -owned state, and the parliament is the highest authority; the president is a symbolic head of state, and its functions are basically etiquette.

Even if you have any dissatisfaction with the Rothschild family; but to communicate with it, it is best to come forward. As soon as the prime minister opens, it means that there is basically no room for things.

Izak Shamir: "Things about Jerusalem can basically be determined; information shows the shadow of the Rothschild family. At present, Angela Roschild is in a generation of Temple Mountain. ","

"It is estimated that they want to create convenient conditions for themselves through Jerusalem. The Roschild family has contributed a great contribution to Israel's founding of the country;

"The data shows that in the 1930s, their family started in the temple mountain generation. Maybe it was the clue of the Solomon Temple ruins, or it was unknown to know where the Joya Dark Road was."

"But just say nothing, it is clear that you want to occupy the cultural relics of Solomon Temple as your own, or there are other secrets that cannot be sued."

Mossad also wanted to find a person who was a pot. At this time, when he saw Angela Roschild with the equipment, she would definitely buckle the shit basin on her head.

In fact, I also blame himself not to listen to the old man's words, and Old Rosechild told her; the current situation in the Middle East is very reviewed, and it is not suitable to do too many small actions. Therefore, just turn around, the most important thing is to understand the movement of Bao Zixuan.

But the young lady felt that she was okay, so she took people and equipment to Jerusalem. It happened to be caught by one, and it can be said that he was invisible to Bao Zixuan with a black pot.


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