Hearing that the Rothschild family was doing things again, Hayim Herzog was a little embarrassed. But Prime Minister Izak Shamir came over and must have mastered conclusive evidence. At the same time, he also wanted him to coordinate with the Roschild family. You cannot live and die throughout the Jewish nation because of your own self -interest. Everyone wants to find the Solomon Templar site and get the treasure inside. But with the current situation in the Middle East, each country is watching. If you don't pay attention to it, you will bring a disaster to the country. Israel's land area is too narrow, and there is no strategic depth at all. If provoking the Arab world at this time, it is not good for Israeli countries. If the Jews do not want to be kicked off the sea, there is always a line in their heads. Only in this way can they survive on this land. The strength of the surrounding Arab countries is much stronger than before; at this time actively provoking trouble, then people will definitely retaliate. In fact, Israel is also forbearing, at least not too strong. Even if the Palestinians took the initiative to do things in Jerusalem, they just cleared the enemy in the city without performing the next step. I just don't want to intensify other countries in Arabia, but now it is good; the Roschild family turned out to be behind the scenes, do they not know the situation of Jews! Hiham Herzog said very seriously: "Can you confirm it!" Although I knew that Izak Shamir would not make such a thing, but still dare not think about it in this regard. Although the Roschild family has made a lot of injustice; as a businessman, it is understandable. However, the support of Jewish people, especially in Israel's founding, and subsequent development have made outstanding contributions. As a family who has always adhered to the Jewish tradition, they are one of the most influential supporters of the Bellford Declaration of Jewish state. The earliest Palestinian Jewish moved to the community and was sponsored by the Roche family. The declaration was basically promoted under their operation. Is it true that it is self -interest, and the entire Jewish nation lives and death. Then they are definitely the sinner of the entire Jewish nation, or they can never forgive that kind. Izak Shamir: "Although there is no direct evidence yet, it can be determined. And this kind of thing must be through the operation of the middle person. It is estimated that the so-called middleman is either executed secretly or left the Middle East. To an outsider The place that can never be discovered. "" With the style of the Roschild family, the former is more likely; there is no way to die, and no one can take them. " Exploration of Temple Mountain; what has been found, otherwise it will never do so. "" And you found no,

Recently; this young lady has come to Israel, but is it a bit frequent! "

In fact, everyone knows that if it is really done by the Roschild family, there must be no evidence. With their strength, it is easy to let a person disappear.

The Roschild family wants to get the Solomon treasure; and the golden cabinet is not a day or two. Since decades ago, they have been planning this matter. In the 1930s, Americans came to dig for treasures, which was funded by Roche later. And after the incident, the two encountered wind and waves at sea, and it was estimated that they wanted them to keep secrets forever.

Hayim Herzog thought about it and said, "What do you want me to do."

Although the president has no real power, it is a head of state after all. He came forward to talk with the Rothschild family, even if there is contradiction, there are still some room for alleviating. Moreover, Hagish Herzog has a good relationship with Old Roschild, and it belongs to being able to speak.

Izak Shamir: "At present, Israel must not make trouble with the Rothschild family. If that's it, the Arabs on the opposite side will wake up."

"The Jews cannot consume internal consumption, so I hope that the Rothschild family should not have some selfish ideas. If there is anything, you can spread it out; the back is not conducive to solidarity."

"At the same time, we must stop on the detection activities on Temple Mountain. We can find that the Arabs will not know. Now the other party has not stopped it.

"Although it is the Roschild family alone, the Arabs must think that it is Israel's authorization. Otherwise, who dares to fight the idea of ​​the temple mountains, not only the Jewish sanctuary; at the same time, it is also a sacred place for the Arab countries.

When I heard the Prime Minister said so, I was still pleased as the president. At least it shows that the other party is a mature politician and is not interested.

Hayim Herzog: "I heard that the Miss of the Rothschild family had a good relationship with the Baozixuan of Black Cloud Group. Have you participated in the bombardment of Jerusalem. "

This worry is not unreasonable, after all, the Heiyun Group is indeed because of the relationship between the Roschild family. Moreover, Bao Zixuan and Angila couldn't hide Mossad, Israel at all. Maybe the scenes of the dating of the Heiyun Industrial Zone in the evening have long known.

Izak Shamir, who has been handed over many times in the same bag, still feels unlikely. Bao Zixuan is now operating Fucha Ira. And except for meeting with Angela Rothschild, he never met with any other members of the Rothschild family.

The other party is a scientific researcher and should not have much interest in the treasures of the Solomon Temple. At the same time, it will protect yourself, and you should not participate in it.

Izak Shamir: "From the perspective of the current mastery of information, Bao Zixuan should not know what the Roschild family did. Although he has been staying in the Middle East recently, he is basically in Saudi Arabia and Fucha Ila."

"His lover in Saudi Arabia has just given him two daughters. And which female chief of Fucha Ila is pregnant. And this kid has just fought with Oman, and now he has become the target of Arabic countries."

"At this time, I never dare to do things in Israel. Most importantly, for Solomon Temple; there are no clues for outsiders."

"In order to let the Black Cloud Group come to Israel to invest, the Roschild family provided tens of billions of dollars loans for Baozixuan. After the loan expires, the Roschild family means debt -to -equity swaps; Points of the shares. "

"But Bao Zixuan was rejected directly, and all the loans and interests were paid off on the same day. This made Old Rothschild very angry. Since then, the two sides have not been in contact."

"After all, it involves Solomon Treasure, that is, Old Rothschild is lacking, and it is impossible to find outsiders. I think this principle, he still has it."

Outsiders have not participated, so things do a lot of things. As for Bao Zixuan's romantic affairs, it has nothing to do with them. A young super rich has great attraction in itself. There are more women, and it is very normal.

Hayim Herzog: "Then I will communicate with Old Roschild. It is estimated that the old guy has always wanted the Roschild family to lead the Jewish nation. Thought."

At this time, the old Rothschild, which was far away from Europe, didn't know that the family had been invisible and carried Bao Zixuan.

After Izak Shamir left, Hayham Herzog fell into thought. As an old man in charge of intelligence during the founding of Israel, he has more secrets than anyone knows. Not to mention what the Roschild family wants to do;

Although the Roschild family was once known as the sixth Empire of Europe, they were not a country. More richer than many countries royal family, but after all, it is not the royal family. Then there will be an embarrassing thing. At a critical moment, it cannot guard its own wealth.

As the source of the two World War I, Germany was once the foundation of the Roschild family. However, World War II caused a fundamental blow to their families: many family members were killed; household property in Germany and Austria was also filled. After the war, assets in Eastern Europe were nationalized by countries in Eastern Europe. It is estimated that they also realize that they want to get true rights; they must master a country by themselves, and to be plain, they become the royal family.

It is obviously trying to do articles through the Solomon Temple; let all Jews convince them. At that time, you can go to somewhere in Africa and start another stove. Roche will definitely have this ability and cost. This idea is very dangerous. It is clear that if you want to split the Jewish nation, you must give up.


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