Another day of nothing, was there really nothing under the temple mountain. This is the most authentic idea of ​​Angela Roschild at this moment. After all, this time it brought many professional equipment. Although they are willing to believe in Baozixuan, there are great differences in the East and West culture; therefore, for the grave robbing industry, I can still understand the underground space through thunder. But the information can be obtained from another aspect, that is the instrument. I spent a lot of professional devices in the United States. Because I did not arrive before, I didn't find any discovery. Now it is different. The equipment is definitely the latest existence in the world. If this is not found, it proves that the Solomon Temple Palace does not exist at all, just a legend. But what this woman doesn't know is that her every move is under the monitoring of Mosad and the Middle East Arab intelligence organization; it is absolutely transparent, but there is basically no secret at all. Suddenly received a call from Grandpa, was it a bit anxious at home. Old Roschild was polite and said directly, "I don't let you be as low as possible, how can I still detect Temple Mountain." I did not expect that Grandpa knew that who leaked the news. The person who brought this time was his own confidant; did you have two or five. As Angila Roschild thought about it, Old Rothschild dispelled his doubts, and then said, "What you did in Temple Mountain, Mosad already knew." "Just Israeli President Haha Im Herzog has called me and listened to his tone. It is not only that Moshard knows that even the Arabs already know. At present, it seems that the plan is temporarily stranded, otherwise it is trouble for yourself. " Angela also wanted to justify, but Old Roschild did not give her a chance, but continued: "Some time ago, the Israeli authorities were suspected to be what we did. The core members of the family have been notified to meet. "The wind is not necessary. At present, the family is complicated, and everyone has different ideas. You pay attention there, and I will go in person later. "Stop all movements now, otherwise the consequences are not something you can bear. "It turned out that it was a lot of heart, and no one beside him told him; Moshard found out that he told the family. Although he was not reconciled, he also knew that his arms could not twist your thighs, and now he still converges. In severe, it seems that I still have to pass the Facha Ila as soon as possible.

Sneezing on the island constantly, thinking about who was thinking of him.

Before Angella Roschild called, he was currently very busy as an excuse; but he also said at the time that once the matter was busy, he would call her as soon as possible.

It has been more than half a month, and there is no news at all; women are embarrassed to disturb him, and of course there will be resentment in her heart.

At present, the core members of the Roschild family are in the UK. The power of the European continent is basically nothing.

During the Civil War, they felt that there was no future in the United States and chose to withdraw. It has not been involved in the US financial market since then, but this has given Morgan and Rockefeller's opportunities. Even if you want to return to the US market from now on, it is not so easy. At least different JP Morgan and Rockefeller greeted, basically it is difficult to develop much.

How could the Rosechild family stand to the former younger brother. The main market is still in the UK. Of course, in other countries, many influential companies are also controlled; but the size of assets is far worse than investing in the UK.

The British itself was not large, and the patriarch convened a meeting, and the core members were still present.

The Roschild family really has the right to speak is the descendants of the Roche Five Tigers.

Old Roschild is the descendant of the third old Nathan, which is also the fundamental reason why he can become the patriarch. Each Roschild family is selected from Nathan.

Who made Nathan Roschild's richest and strongest strength. Therefore, the shares naturally occupy more, and it is reasonable to become the patriarch.

As for the husband of Angela Roschild, Normana Rothschild could not fulfill their rights and obligations because of a stroke. The wife is abroad, and can only listen to the call by encryption.

This kind of thing often happens, and everyone does not cause any disgusting.

After several other people came here, Old Roschild said: "I just passed the phone with Israel President Hairim Herzog, and Israel suspected to bombard Jerusalem and organize the Palestinian riots some time ago. Do it. "

"Although there is no explicit, the meaning is almost the same."

Recently, due to age and body reasons. I am not as detailed as family affairs. But I didn't expect people to doubt us on our heads, I want to know; whether anyone did something in the back and the family did not know.

I heard that Israel's officials actually carried the shells of Jerusalem and the riot incident to the Rothschild family's head; the other three were very atmospheric. But now I dare not guarantee that it has nothing to do with them. Human hearts want to make some achievements; it is unknown to make some extreme things.

At this time, a middle -aged man first said: "Is there any evidence in Israel! Still it is not capable, and he can't find the murderer, and then want to find someone to pay the bag."

"We have never done this, I can guarantee this."

When someone said, the other two also said that they were definitely not what they did.

Everyone's statement, Old Roschild didn't find anything. Is it a granddaughter, and it is not without this. It seems that in the past, Jerusalem should be asked clearly that although the Roschild family is powerful, it is also a complementary existence with Israel.

The reason why the British dare not move them is not just their strong strength. It also has a lot to do with the rise of Israel. At least Buckingham Palace and Tangning Street know that the Roche family still has retreat. Now you can only coax them. If you really force people; if you make a big deal, it will definitely be the British Empire that will be lost.

The economy is not very good in Britain, but dare not take any risks. Moreover, the Roschild family evacuated, and many industries in the UK would be paralyzed. It can be said that there is no royal family in the UK and can operate normally; but if Roschild is lost, it is estimated that people's lives will become difficult.

Old Roschild: "Since it is not that we can do it, then this black pot cannot be recalled. Recently, I will pass Israel, and the problem must be investigated clearly, and the family must not be unpopular."

"At the same time, I hope that you are telling the truth. If anyone shames, then I will not let him be better."

"Actually it was just a small problem, and it was a big deal next."

"Since 200 years ago, the family started. Rothschild has experienced too many things. From European countries to fight against Napoleon in France, to the United States of Northern and South War, Pushing of France, First World War, Second World War, Second World War, Second World War. In the war, we can say that we have witnessed the rise and fall of too many royal family and politicians. "

"But the family is still the family and has never changed. Even if many local assets are confiscated and members are killed, they have not let the family fall down."

"From the Meyer era, the family has always wanted to become a noble, or even the royal family. But this goal has not been achieved. In modern society, it will be difficult to build a country from a new country to build a country."

"But Bao Zixuan's success in Fucha Ila, can't you explain the problem yet!"

"Either the Middle East or Africa! There are still many small countries, which really can't let their male members disappear. Then family members can marry the most qualified princess who is qualified to inherit the throne."

"Don't talk about principles now. If you want the family to develop for a long time, you must have your own territory. I used to think that Europe was the mainstream. Now I think it is ridiculous. The traffic is so developed. As long it's the same."

"Bao Zixuan is able to operate Facha Ila well, and the Rothschild family should have no problem. To let go of selfishness and prejudice, only family members work together to make Roschild stronger."

"Every family makes a plan, and when I come back from the Middle East, I will discuss it. Then choose the best solution and go all out to implement it."

"This is related to the family's development in the next century, you should know what I mean."

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