At this moment, the richest wealthy of the baggage did not know that he operated some columns of Fucha Ira. It actually directly affected the Roschild family decision -making, and pointed out the direction for the development and planning of their family. It turned out to be found to be a royal family, and there was no need to occupy a country directly, and it was completely strange. The chiefs such as Fucha Ila do not show mountains or leakage. There are no resources in itself, and the most position is better; in a large area, it is the kind of uninterrupted. In addition, there are no strong enemies in the surroundings. There are many backward areas in the world. I believe that as long as they are carefully looking for; the Roschild family is still hopeful to control a country. With its own territory, not to mention what you want, at least the living space will become wider. Basically, there is a destination, and Africa is a good choice for the mainland. The Roche family's connection with Africa can be traced back to 100 years ago. It has such a good foundation; if it is not used well, it is a waste. I do n’t know what the Roschild family thinks is. It is true that there is no way to change. Unless you want to formally start a war, there is no need to hinder people's development at all. Moreover, Roschild's development in Africa in the past is still a good thing for the richest wealthy. Because of Israel's relationship, the Jews will definitely not support the Rothschild family, and their strength will inevitably suffer some losses. If you dare to get up with a moth, the two sides start war. The Jews are too united, and whether it is economic strength; or in other aspects, there are no shortcomings at all. The strength of the Heiyun Group is gradually becoming strong, and Fucha Ila is also developing rapidly. There are only so many resources around the world. If it continues to develop, there must be conflicts with the Jews. Competition is inevitable, and even war may occur. If Roschild and all Jews around the world, Baozixuan is definitely not an opponent. But now they stand their own portals and even become a royal family; in the hearts of Jews, they are definitely selfish performance, and they will inevitably be recognized and supported. Then the Jewish power will be scattered, and the threat to itself is getting smaller and smaller. The top priority now is to hold a press conference; not only to invite the media, but also to invite the world's most well -known auction houses in the world. Sotheby's auction house, world -renowned art auction house. Founded by British Baker in London, UK in 1744. It is known for auctioned art and cultural relics. At the beginning, the special auction of British literature works twice a year will continue to expand the auction business, involving more than 70 varieties. 1778,

Mr. Baker's nephew John Sotheby became a partner of this auction house and made the business of the auction house a higher level. In 1843, a German journalist described John Sotheby's son-Sam Lee-Sotheby's hostering the scene of a book auction: "Whenever Sothebya raises precious documents,”,  The reputation of the home auction house is rising. As a result, "Sotheby's" became the company's golden signboard. Although the relationship between Sotheby's family and auction houses ended in 1863, its name has been reserved so far and has become part of the company's assets.

At present, the auction center is located in New York and London, U.S., and 90 cities in 40 countries are distributed in the office. Auction will be held regularly at more than 10 places around the world each year.

As a auction house that has been established for more than 200 years, the reputation is definitely guaranteed. Suddenly received invitations from Fucha Ila, so that the oldest auction house in the world had to pay attention to it.

The price of cultural relics in the Middle East was not particularly high; it may be an exception in Egypt and Israel. After all, Egypt's historical fame is too great. Because of the relationship between Jewish, the price of cultural relics will not be low.

However, as more and more areas are discovered, the wealth of the Middle East country is extremely improved. I have been robbed before, and now I have to buy the ancestors. This makes the Middle East, especially the Arab countries, and rises. When auction, it can basically be higher than expected.

Facha Irala's history is not high, but the invited people must not be paid attention to. Bao Zixuan, chairman of Heiyun Group, has become the largest customer of Sotheby's in recent years; in the impression, he invited the auction house for his chassis for the first time. Is there any major discovery, thinking about it can be basically determined. With the personality of the other party, I wo n’t find you to play in the past.

Disti Sotheby's, the current head of Sotheby's auction house. He is no stranger to Bao Zixuan, but it is strange to say that the two have never seen it. Although Heiyun Group often comes to buy cultural relics, these things are responsible for their men, and Bao Zixuan will never attend.

As the company's largest customer, and it is a super rich. Of course, it will pay special attention to it, so the news about Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan will report to him as soon as possible.

The invitation letter from Bao Zixuan himself can be said to be the first time.

The assistant I saw, and also his daughter, Susanna-Sotheby's, came over, and Distiti Sothebye had an idea. His daughter is his assistant, and he will never rely on a tape. He graduated from the Art Department of Oxford University, and has a very high sense of inscription on antique calligraphy and painting. It seems that he is born to eat this bowl of rice.

It can be said that this kind of DNA is absolutely not required, and this species is inherited by the family.

Susana-Susfubi said with a smile: "The chairman should be confused about the invitation letter sent by Bao Zixuan!"

This is in the company, of course, it cannot be called Dad, which is not conducive to company management. If a company wants to make bigger, it can be bigger; it has become a century -old enterprise, and must come in accordance with the rules.

When you see Dad's expression, you know what's going on. Susana Sotheby continued: "More than a month ago, Bao Zixuan invited the world's top historians to Facha Ila in the past. There was basically no news in the past month. ; Even the so -called archeology is nearing the end. "

Daughter is not only very proficient in the appraisal of art, but also very good for corporate management. At the same time, the study of Bao Zixuan has never stopped.

Maybe the other party is the largest customer of the auction house or a woman, who simply appreciates men. However, these are irrelevant. As long as they do not cross the border, the daughter should have her own ideas.

Disti Sotheby said with a smile: "So, Bao Zixuan must have any major discovery in Fucha Irala; or want to entrust us to auction and auction some artworks."

Hearing this, Susana was speechless for a while. Dad pretending to be confused in front of himself, or it was really unclear. Who is Bao Zixuan, who wanted to build the Black Cloud Museum before. How could it be possible to sell cultural relics unless the other party was really short of money. However, combined with the current situation and the analysis of the operation status of the Heiyun Group, there is no funding problem at all.

So obviously, to endorse the Sotheby's auction house. Cultural relics need to be inherited in an orderly manner, so that the price will not only increase the price accordingly, but also avoid many disputes.

Many artworks are plundered from various countries, saying that it is not stolen. But because of historical relationships and other factors; even the earliest country of cultural relics, it is impossible to recover them.

However, there are also great risks in the auction of this cultural relic. Although it cannot be recovered, internationally related laws are not allowed to auction.

At this time, it is the time to test the auction house ability. Grasp the loopholes of laws and regulations to make cultural relics legally trade. Although Bao Zixuan does not need a transaction, he also hopes to prove it for it.

Susana Susofby said with a smile: "In the Middle East, the war has never been interrupted. Bao Zixuan invited so many historians at the same time, and has been closed for more than a month; the number of cultural relics discovered is definitely not small."

"Among them, there must be some sensitive objects that need to endorse the major auctions. Or find a huge single product, of course, you will also commission the auction."

"In short, we must pass this time, and we must also bring the best expert in Middle East cultural relics. We must not let other auction houses continue to compare, perhaps a good opportunity to establish long -term cooperation."

Hearing his daughter's analysis, Disti Sotheby's was pleased. Said a smile: "In this case, you arrange it, let's set off together."

This is a recognition of things and shows the plan to agree with her daughter.

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