There are many auction houses in the world, of course Bao Zixuan will not only invite one. As a Christie's auction is not much worse than Sotheby's auction, of course, it is also invited. Christie's auction house was founded by James-Christie's in London in 1766 and is the oldest art auction house in the world. On December 5, 1766, James Christie's first auction was conducted in London; since then, Christie's auction house is committed to providing customers with high-quality and excellent services. James Christie's with a stable style, good words and humorous sense of humor has evolved the auction into a delicate art, and made many very important auctions from the 18th to 19th century. In the 1980s, it was the age of Christie's. In 1980, the works of the Impressionist Painters of the Ford in New York sold 6 million pounds. Since then, the impressionist painting market is optimistic, and then there is a trend. In 1984, the works of the 71 ends of the 18th century before the Great European painter hidden by Chazworth were sold for a total of £ 20 million. Among them, Raphael's work was sold 3.5 million pounds. In the same year, the auction held in the Elweden Hall of Saifak also sold 6.2 million pounds. In 1985, a "Dr. Come" by the painter Mannia in the early days of the Italian Renaissance became the most expensive among European painters in the 18th century before the auction, as high as 8.1 million pounds. Impressionist paintings are not far behind. In 1986, a "Mosna Patto Street" in Mana was sold to 7.7 million pounds, setting the highest record of Impressionist works. At present, there is a common owner, Bao Zixuan, a co -owner. It can be said that although the richest man in the package is short, it has become the largest customer of Christie's, and none of them. As long as he looks at the objects, he will never let it go. It is most suitable to describe more silly money, but no one dares to treat him as a fool. Almost all media define him as the smartest man in the world today. Is there any problem with the world's vision. A man with such a high IQ is so easy to be deceived. It's just that people like it, and it's not bad. And I have to admit that these artworks are currently increasing a lot, and Bao Zixuan really earns a lot. With the entry of Black Cloud Group, art prices in the world have increased a lot. This makes collectors who like to collect, love and hate Bao Zixuan, in short, the emotions are complicated. The price of art is high, and their original collections; but a lot of improvement, the value naturally increases. But I found that the money was not enough. After all, the current price, the good objects they see; they could not buy it at all. The biggest customer invitation, of course, Christie's dare not neglect. Krise-Christie's Delite Girl's head decided to personally go to Fucha Ila in person to see what Bao Zixuan meant. To say that this woman is definitely not a simple master; even so far, life can make a good TV series.

In 1803, James-Christie's died, and Xiaolishi had to take over the company. In the nearly 30 years of his tenure, the auction results were mediocre, but the auction house was moved from the original Paer Road to No. 8 Wangwang Street. Now it has become the headquarters of Christie's. In 1831, Xiaobei also died. A person named William Manson joined the company and in charge of the affairs.

However, during the Manson period, the auction results were not good. In 1848, the Buckingham Duke of Buckingham Duke was auctioned in 1848, but it was sold for £ 77,562. In 1859 Thomas Woods joined the company and took charge of Daquan, and the company changed its name to "Christie's, Manson and Woods Auction House".

Because of historical relations, Christie's auction house equity structure is very complicated. The Christie's family is not the controlling shareholder, so that many decisions cannot be implemented carefully.

Although Kris-Christie's is a member of Christie's, she is a woman after all; and there are two brothers and a sister. It stands to reason why she is not in power.

The family is unsure, and other shareholders will not be convinced.

But this small woman should rely on perseverance and talent; starting from a small auctioner, gradually enhance her status. Become the first female head of Christie's in the past 200 years, and the hardships are the only one who is the most clear.

Regarding Bao Zixuan's so great movement, the world invited historians to go to Fucha Ira in the past. Now invites Christie's to show that the cultural relics have been counted. How to say that Bao Zixuan is also the largest customer of auction houses, and the reason is to pass. And as the other person, you can invite you; it is also an honor, but dare not give face.

Crise-Christie's decided to take his daughter and the Middle East cultural relics appraisal experts to turn around.

Aigo-Kris-Christied, Crise Christie's daughter. But who his father is, even the Christie's family members are unclear. It is not easy for a single mother to cultivate her daughter into talents.

Aigo Kris-Christie's is currently studying at the Royal College of Britain. It can be said that he has received elite education from an early age. It is also related to learning history and art. There is a backbone of the mother's business; although it is too early to talk about this now, Krise Christie's must be cultivated in this direction.

After the Eduo Kris-Christie got off the car, she said, "Mom, how could it be so suddenly called me back."

The Royal College of Britain was founded in 1865. It is one of the largest private boarding schools in Baths in Bath. The school has a long history and complete equipment. At the same time, it provides first -class boarding services for boarding students. There are only about 900 students in the school; they are known for their first -class teaching quality and impressive test results.

The school adopts closed management. Unless it is special cases, students will never be released.

When I was in class, I was called back; it was the first time for Aigo Chris Christos. Then it shows that an important thing happens.

Although they are not old, they may not have suffered white eyes since they were young; they mature earlier than other children. Although Europe is relatively enlightened, for unmarried first pregnancy, single -parent mothers will be excluded. The illegitimate child or illegitimate daughter, generally clear it, is difficult to obtain too many resources; as for inheriting the family business, don't think about it.

The door -to -door applies to anywhere. If they are nobles, both husband and wife may be nobles. The husband looked for Primary Three and then gave birth to a child outside; in the end, he had to go out for a lot of property. Ask that woman to accept it.

Especially women with big giants have instinct to be in their instinct to illegitimate children. Kris-Christie's can send her daughter to the Royal Women's College to study, but it pays a lot of cost, at least than other parents, to pay more. Even so, her daughter will still be excluded at school; fortunately, Aido can still understand her mother's pain, and she usually performs very optimistic.

Seeing the tone of her daughter's care, Crise Christie was very pleased. At least the education is still very successful, and her daughter knows how to care for her mother.

Krice-Christie's with a smile and said, "This time is a good opportunity, and it is a knowledge that I can't learn at all. Bao Zixuan invited Christie's to get Fucha Irara to identify cultural relics. Experts will pass. "

"With Bao Zixuan's card, such formal invitations are issued; there must be major discovery, and even we think it is much bigger. Don't you always want to practice! This opportunity is very good. pull."

I heard the same mother's past Middle East, Ido Kris-Christie's is still very excited. Except for Europe and the United States, she has not been to other places. And for Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that any girl will be curious. I want to see what kind of man this is. Although marriage, the degree of popularity has never been reduced.

Both auction houses are preparing seriously, after all, not everyone can receive invitations to the richest man.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also has his own ideas for inviting two auction houses. Discover so many cultural relics, many single parts are still very large; they can be entrusted to exchange part.

Either the Black Cloud Museum, or the Fucha Ila Museum! None of the cultural relics, but can be exchanged to make items more complete. And there are so many gold coins in Solomon, which is so much useless in hand.

You can get a good object that you have not available through exchange. However, there are no channels for Heiyun Group, so they can entrust Sotheby's and Christie's. They are all more than 200 years of auction houses. The customer resources are definitely not lacking. Some money should also make money, and there is no need to be too dead.

Moreover, the two auction houses are very professional for the identification of cultural relics, whether for the reputation of the corporate or family honor; they will not take fake goods themselves, and they are not dare to do the most importantly.

For museums, the number of single cultural relics does not require so much. But the variety must be complete, otherwise it can attract tourists.

In the future, the tourism industry of Fucha Ila is not said to be a pillar industry; but it is definitely an important industry.

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