Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1558 Gathering Fucha Ila

On June 1, 1987, Children's Day; the eyes of the world focused on Fucha Ila. After all, the first richest man in this time was a little bit moved, and almost all well -known media around the world were invited. At the same time, Bao Zixuan set a record in the invisible, as long as he received the invitation media and institutions; all sent someone to participate, none of them were absent. The media invited by Heiyun Group has some popularity in itself, so the strength of funds is definitely not bad. At the same time, such a big invitation is issued, there must be important events to choose from; in contrast, Bao Zixuan is still a relatively low -key person. Therefore, of course, the people around the world will look forward to it, at least they want to see what the boy is doing. As for the richest wealthy and six historical experts, on the day of June 1st, they will take a land -effective aircraft to go straight from the small island to the press conference. Similar to important cultural relics such as Golden Cabinet and Holy Grail have been put in the underground vault of Fucha Ila in advance. For your own territory, the first richest man in his own site is definitely at the expense of the work. The area of ​​the vault is very large, and it may be that there are many previous movies. Security measures will definitely make the thief collapse. The amount of steel alone exceeds 100,000 tons. As for other building materials such as cement, I don't know how much. Not only can it be anti -nuclear bombs, it is estimated that the Soviet Sandy hydrogen bomb exploded on it, and the inside of the vault may not be affected. It shows its structural strength and strict security. The underground treasury was originally the headquarters of the Fucha Ila central bank, but the bank has not yet established. The cultural relics of Solomon Temple became the first batch of valuables. However, because of the Solomon Temple and important cultural relics such as golden cabinets, security is not too tight. In addition to the news media this time, only two major international auction houses were invited. As for other rich people, and the Organization; there is no invitation. After all, the wind must be released, and then the negotiation. In the Middle East in June, the weather was already very hot. Fortunately, Heiyun Group itself is a large air -conditioning production enterprise around the world. In addition, there is no shortage of electricity, so the room will never feel a little hot. A fully closed basketball court was established before, the purpose is to allow soldiers to have a place for leisure and sports. Considering that this is already the largest single -layer place that can be taken out, it can only be placed here; it is much stronger than exposed to the outside. After workers' transformation, it has become the world's most advanced news playback hall. However, this is just a temporary borrowing. In the future, Fucha Iraq will build more professional news venues. There are only 7 chairs on the podium, which are prepared for Bao Zixuan and six experts. As for these six experts, I feel that the trip to Fucha Irah is definitely full. Not only did it get a huge amount of remuneration, the most important thing for each person also obtained two gold coins of Solomon Temple. It can be said that this is an object that cannot be purchased by money, and it is unusual in historical and cultural significance. After returning,

There will definitely be a lot of media to interview them, which can be said to be inevitable. Unexpectedly, the excavation was just over, and they made them appear in the media around the world. This is a good opportunity to increase popularity, it is estimated that in the field of culture and historical research in the Middle East; the entire world will believe that they are absolute authority.

The media will sit down in accordance with the arranged position. As for the two major auction house staff, it is a more eye -catching position. Although I do n’t know what Bao Zixuan is; but it ’s time to come; at present, you can only look at the medicine in the other gourd; it’ s not good to ask the host in front of so many people.

After Zhang Zhan's signing staff came to Qi, Bao Zixuan and others came to the podium from the back door.

They are all stuck to prevent experts from revealing news to the outside world. As soon as they stepped down the ground, they went straight to the press conference; they wanted to leak the news, and they had no time and equipment.

And it will be announced in front of the world, and there is no need to sin the risk of sin Bao Zixuan; deliberately reveal the news of no value.

Bao Zixuan is sitting in the center, three Middle East historians next to each other. This time is still very reasonable, at least a few experts can't pick any problems.

Bao Zixuan first said: "I'm very sorry, invite you to Fucha Ila on Children's Day. Let everyone miss the time of the same children; in fact, as a father, I also want to accompany the child during this time. Life is forced, and the most important thing is that if I do not announce the news as soon as possible; the six people around me will definitely pick up the pick. "

"In order to invite them to come, I paid for; but in the face of people who really have the ability, they are helpless as a boss."

Bao Zixuan's words, instantly laughed at the reporter. Even Sotheby's and Christie's two princesses are the same, and no one thinks; this super rich has such a humorous side.

After seeing everyone laughed, Bao Zixuan continued: "Some time ago, Fucha Ila suffered a sudden attack from Oman. Fortunately, the heroic Fucha Ila army, through the spirit of fearless death, superb tactics, And advanced armed equipment; defeated the enemy. The Oman people actively provoked the war; after the defeat, there was no funds for compensation. "

"Therefore, the Persian Gulf Musthamm province and the surrounding islands are given to Fucha Ila, which is a compensation for the war."

Hearing this, reporters all understood what was going on. Although this matter is also very popular, it is not enough to make such a great movement. And it is impossible to involve six historians, is it found in Musteama.

It is very likely to think about it. After all, Musrandham is located in the Persian Gulf. Since ancient times, it has been a must -have for business travel. It is normal to find some cultural relics. But if it is an ordinary cultural relics, it will not invite so many people to come; and the two major auction houses are dispatched, it is definitely worth looking forward to!

It seems that things must not be simple. Next, we must concentrate, and you must not let go of any details.

Bao Zixuan did not let everyone wait, but continued: "Invited by Fugu Irara, Black Cloud Group became developers in some regions; and I also accepted the position of Fucha Irah's senior economic adviser."

This is a bit of false, who does not know what the head of the wealthy man is related to the salad chief. However, this kind of thing cannot be clearly said that if you offend people so much, you must drive you out.

Bao Zixuan continued: "Just when it was detected on a small island, we found a lot of cultural relics on the island, and the number was absolutely beyond imagination."

"I am a study of science and engineering. No one knows the appraisal of cultural relics in the staff of Black Cloud Group in Fucha Ila. However, there are too many cultural relics.

"So I can only hire the top -level historians of the Middle East from various universities, which are the six beside me."

"Professor Fararel, from Duke University; doctoral supervisor. The top expert of Gu Xibalai, academic authority; at the same time, he has a profound research on Jewish history."

"Professor Horwe, from Harvard University; doctoral supervisor. The top expert in the history and cultural relics in the Middle East can be said to be the first person in the world today."

"Professor Nisaber, from the University of Arizona, doctoral supervisor. The world's historical and academic authority, the top expert in the Middle East history; especially for ancient Persian history, it has a very profound research; it is the first person, and no one is opposed. "

"Professor Balk, from my alma mater, Oxford University; doctoral supervisor. Ancient Persian historical research experts have made outstanding contributions to the identification and inter -generation field of cultural relics in the Middle East."

"Professor Azi Mu, from the University of Texas, doctoral supervisors. Middle East historical research experts have made outstanding contributions to ancient Arabia's historical research; at the same time, they also have unique insights on religious research in the Middle East."

"Professor Maggid, from the University of Michigan, doctoral supervisor. The top expert in the field of Arab history research; for the research of art in Arabia, he has made outstanding contributions."

"As for why you want to introduce these people around you, you don't want to waste time. I think six resumes, many people should know. After all, they are well -known professors of top universities. And they have achieved great achievements in their respective disciplines. "

"The cultural relics discovered this time are relatively mixed, involving three different ethnic groups. So I can only hire six top experts from three different ethnic groups. Because they have control each other, I believe that the appraisal work can be recognized by the public."

Bao Zixuan deliberately raised a few people's identities, and did not want to let reporters question. And it can't be said that they deliberately raised their identities, after all, they have these strengths themselves; but they just say it from the richest wealth of the bag, which is more incitement.

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