Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1561 Gathering Fucha Ila Four

Although there are different expressions, there are too many information about treasure, but you need to ask well. But everyone understands that first of all, we must confirm what is going on. Since it is the Treasure Land of Association, no one has discovered why for so many years. Even if you can tolerate it, it is impossible to place for thousands of years. "World News", Iran's influential Persian Daily. Founded by Senator Mustafa Mesbach Zadhe in 1941. After the Iranian *** revolution in 1979, it was taken over by the "Poor Foundation". It is the leader of the editorial committee composed of 6 people in Iran's largest newspaper group. Published every afternoon, 12 versions, with a daily circulation of 350,000 copies. It can be said that this is the most influential Persian newspaper at present, and it is also their turn to ask questions. The World News reporter stood up and asked: "Since it is the treasure of the Association sect, why did they not take it out?" In fact, many people, including the Assistant sect, do not want to mention it, so those who know are not many. Unless it is a professional who really studies history, there are very few ordinary people. After all, being an assassin is not a glorious thing in itself. Coupled with the current situation in Iran, no one will report them; the most important thing is dare not. Bao Zixuan: "Professor Nichabur knew this question, and he would answer questions next." At present, the United States has always been sanctioned by Iran, and inviting Iranian media to come over is also risky. However, during the excavation of the treasure, Professor Nichabur contributed the most. And many unreasonable places were made up by him. In addition, it is also promised that the other party will help apply for a trip to Iran, and it must show some sincerity first. Inviting Iranian media is one of them, and it is also expressing goodwill to Iran. After all, the two countries look at each other across the sea. If they do not do a good relationship, they are not necessarily an opponent with the strength of Fucha Irah. Even if you win, it is estimated that domestic buildings may not be left. Hearing the familiar Persian, Professor Nisaber was very excited. The elderly who have not returned to China for more than 60 years suddenly heard the voice of my hometown, and my mood can be imagined. Nichabur said with excitement: "The Association of Association has been created as a heresy that has always been regarded as ***, and the castle they live in is also called" sacrifice nest. " Old people in the mountains; but they are not swordsmen with high force, but they rely on their own thoughts and ideas to establish supreme authority within the Association in the Association. All the teachers use Sabach as the highest leader, and the will of the leadership will be everyone. The abandonment and even the body are eliminated. "" Although the Assin School lives in the deep mountains, it does not make a living for hunting and grazing. Their main "making money" channels are to assassinate and receive protection fees. It ’s so fierce. They scraped the Arab Empire boldly, and they killed without the protection fee." "1251,

Meng Ge met with Judge Gazwin City, Shamsinin; when he saw him wearing a lock armor, he felt strange and asked him why. The judge told him that he was wearing a locks to prevent the killer of the Assassin, and told Monei the bad trace of these people. "

"Coupled with the extortion of the Mongolians of the Association of Association in the past, Mongolia finally made Mongolian determination to destroy this Sasher who disrespectful to Mongolia. On the killing, who dares to say that he can surpass the Mongolians! Not to mention a one! There are no assassins who do not even have the army. "

"In 1256, Xu Lie Wu Feng Meng Ge's life led the Mongolian iron riding through the Amu River and advanced to Persia; the Er'er Khanate was established in Persia and Iraq. At the same time Can guarantee its life safety. "

"The last old man in the mountains, Rukerinin, was deterred by the power of the Mongolian army and led all the surrender. After Xu Liewu collected their weapons, he ordered the castle base; Let it go. "

"In this way, the Assassin Organization, which has been raging in Eurasia for nearly 200 years, was annihilated. However, although Xu Liewu did things that did the matter at the time, there was still someone who had performed the task abroad without being beaten by a net. The assassin still escaped. "

"But the fish that missed the net is not a core member. With such a huge family treasure, insiders must be the core figure. That is to say, no one knows the whereabouts of these treasures; those who know have become dead people who have become dead people. ","

"I think you should know what the Mongolians are, and they are all the masters of killing without blinking. Therefore, not only these treasures. After investigation, they found that many treasures of Treasures in the Association sect were not found."

"Although the Mongolians searched a lot of gold and silver treasures in the castle, compared with the accumulation of two hundred years of assisted in Association, they were simply a little witch. However, some of these wealth were discovered, and some were drowned in the long history. "

"As for this batch of treasures, it is because it is too troublesome to transport it back; maybe there is still selfishness."

"Before the Association sects had sent people to assassinate Saladin; although they were eliminated by the Crusaders and occupied Jerusalem. However, it was difficult to eliminate the gap between the two sides."

"It is estimated that the elderly in the mountains are also clear that even if the protection is tight; there must be Saladin tightly in the castle. If you see so many gold and silver treasures, then Saladin will definitely be dissatisfied."

"After all, the Crusades or the Jerusalem army is mainly the Saladin army attacking. The Association sect is just responsible for assassination of core members. Although the credit is not small; People are convinced. "

"And this time they also excavated the Solomon Temple, and even found the legendary Joya secretary; and brought the golden cabinet back. If the Jews knew, it was an endless situation. Therefore, for its own safety, at the same time Don't want Saladin and Jews to be suspicious; decide to hide the wealth of the plunder in the middle. And we have to admit that the caves we have found on the island are inherently a great place for treasure, the Middle East; it is difficult to be in the Middle East; it is difficult to be in the Middle East; it is difficult to be in the Middle East; Find a more suitable place than where. "

"At the same time, I can tell the positions responsible. These are not guessing. Instead, we found a few sheepskin rolls in the cave. ","

Hearing such a twisting story, the reporter at the scene was also trapped. Persian culture has always been known for mystery, and outsiders really don't know very well.

This one in front of me is definitely the authoritative figures of Persian culture and historical research; at least in the field of Persian culture, no one dares to say more proficient than him.

The origin of the treasure has already been introduced very clearly. Bao Zixuan's effect is this effect, and Israel must not be suspected of being on his head.

Before the Jews always firmly believed that the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and the Golden Cabinet were kept in Israel and under the site of the Solomon Temple, which is the dark road of Yia.

It is now discovered directly in the Persian Gulf, and everyone can accept it.

At that time, Roosevelt once said: There were only more than 200 companies that decided to fate in the United States, and only six or seven Jews were controlled by these companies. This sentence reflects the worries of President Roosevelt, which is not a good thing to get such a great influence to a niche group. To this day, the Jewish influence has become greater. They not only control Wall Street, but also control multiple key areas through capital operations.

Therefore, you can not offend, or not conflict with the Jewish group. Now this result is very good, at least he will not doubt that he personally digs the Square Shengding site in person.

Arab News was founded by Hisham Harfz and his younger brother Mohammed Hafitz on April 20, 1975.

Because of the support of the royal family, although the establishment time is still short; it is quite influential in the Middle East. At present, Facha Ila has no media institutions; after all, it is the Middle East after all, and it must take care of the emotions of the Arabs. Therefore, inviting Saudi media is reasonable.

The newspaper reporter stood up and asked, "Why do there be so many Arabic cultural relics in the treasure?"

The Association sects were combated with Saladin, and even the Arabs were robbed; Saladin looked at it, and people who did not understand would certainly be confused.

Bao Zixuan: "Professor McGide will give specific answers."

After talking about a gesture, Maggid said very seriously: "As for why there are so many Arab national cultural relics, this is well understood. Jerusalem has been the place of prosperity in business since ancient times, so where the Arabs, Persians, and Jews live. . Unlike the Saladin army to live in Jerusalem; the Association sect knows clearly that they must not stay here for too long. "

"After all, the great Saladin will not be allowed, so they can only grab the property most. They must not dare to start with the Arabs in the city.

"Then the final result can only be Jewish unlucky, so these Arabic cultural relics, including Persian cultural relics; they are robbed from the Jewish hands. There are clear records on these sheepskin rolls. Mr. Bao Zixuan has agreed to publish specific content. Reflected in papers and books. "

This made the Jews at the scene very unhappy, what was unlucky in Jews. The ancestors were too difficult, and they understood; without strong defense, they could only be the Lord of Ren people.


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