Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1562 Gathering Fucha Ila Five

Everyone has a strong interest in the mention of sheepskin rolls. This is the best proof of history. After all, the Mongolians' destruction and destructive power of civilization is too terrifying. The historical data of Association sects are very scarce, and it can be said that there is almost no. These sheepskin rolls brought people to that bloody era, and at the same time, they can better study that history. It can be said that this information is more important for any cultural relics for the Middle East. Although Iran does not pay attention to any history now, I also want to know how powerful Persia is in history. As for the Arabs, I also wanted to understand how Saladin captured Jerusalem and defeated the Jews. As for the Jews, although they want to get the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and the golden cabinet; they must also figure out. At that time, what exactly did the Association sects do to Jerusalem, where is the Baya secretary; there is nothing to know about it. Fortunately, Professor McDID's answer is still satisfied with reporters. After all, it will be reflected in the dissertation and books. In other words, they got the exclusive authorization of Bao Zixuan, and it is estimated that after the publication of the books; it will inevitably push the Middle East culture to a brand new height. At present, the ins and outs of the treasure have basically figured out. It was the cultural relics that Saladin fought with the Crusades, and then the Association sects took the opportunity to snatch back. But the issue of cultural relics is a very difficult thing. These cultural relics were originally Jewish and should be owned by Israel. But 1,000 years ago, it was brought back to the Persons Gulf by Association. The location found is indeed the territory of the Fucha Ila; the discoverer is also the Facha Irara. So no matter what aspect, the issue of cultural relics is not controversial. But that is the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and Golden Cabinet. If it really puts it in Fucha Ila, this Arab country; it is estimated that Jews around the world cannot accept it. Of course, the same is true for Europeans. The Holy Grail has disappeared for thousands of years; now that it has been found, it will definitely bring back to the Vatican. The Convention on the International Unified Private Law on theft or illegal export cultural relics will not be negotiated until ten years; even after it takes effect, many countries will not observe. If it is implemented in accordance with this Convention, it is estimated that the world's so -called four major museums; basically no objects can be exhibited. Although Bao Zixuan looked very good, it was because he did not violate his core interests. If you do n’t pay anything, you will forcibly ask for cultural relics, and it is estimated that the other party will never agree. Does it seem to have no such sense to attack the Fucha Irala directly. And this kid has a good relationship with the Soviets, but it is not easy to end. The New York Times is sometimes referred to as the "Times" is a daily published in New York, USA. It has a high influence in the world. It has a very high influence. Essence Due to the serious style,

It is sometimes nicknamed "Gray Lady". Its original name was "New York Daily Times", the founders were Henry Jarvis Raymond and George Jones.

The boss of this newspaper is a Jewish; and the reporter sent this time also has Jewish descent. Of course, I want to know how Bao Zixuan is preparing to deal with these cultural relics.

The New York Times reporter stood up and asked, "How to deal with this batch of cultural relics, Fucha Ila is prepared."

No one dares to innocently think that the cultural relics are returned to Israel. There is no reason and basis at all, and the Jews cannot be so shameless.

The Assomen Temple was robbed by the Association sect, but was discovered by Bao Zixuan. And the ultimate location is in Fucha Irah. Several historical experts, including two Jewish scholars, can prove. If you still want to say that cultural relics belong to the issue, the whole world will be messy.

There are too many classic cases in history to recover issues in history!

More than 200 years ago, at the Paton Temple in Greece; a group of exquisite marble sculptures was removed by Earl Elkin in the United Kingdom and shipped back to the UK, transferred to the British Museum, and so far. The Greek national treasure became the treasure of the Town Pavilion of the British Museum. For decades, Greece has repeatedly demanded Britain to return these sculptures, which have been rejected by Britain.

Paton Temple marble is from Athens Acropolis, Greece, and has a history of more than 2,500 years. In 1982, Melina Milkry, then the Minister of Culture of Greece, proposed a proposal at the UNESCO conference to ask the British Museum to return the stone carving of the Paton Temple to Greece. This requirement is supported by most members of the participants, but the voting results are not binding to Britain. Since then, Greece has been asking Britain to return stone carvings, but has been rejected by Britain.

The British and Greek relations are pretty good, but even so; the other party still refuses to return to Greece's cultural relics, and you really have no way to take others.

However, there are two time points for pursuing cultural relics: one is to file a lawsuit within three years after discovering the losses of cultural relic holders and the location of the cultural relics; Essence Another difficulty is that in order to recover the cultural relics lost because of the war, individuals, organizations, or countries who need cultural relics to recognize them to prove that these cultural relics are predated. In addition, due to the age, the loss of cultural relics has been transferred several times; it is difficult to legalize the holding of cultural relics to be held "illegal".

Solomon Temple's cultural relics have been lost for more than 1,000 years; if you want to take it back, it is estimated that no one can do it.

Internationally, the pursuit of cultural relics has always been a long -term and complex process. The current ways to pursue the loss of cultural relics overseas mainly include pursuit, commercial repurchase, diplomatic negotiations and donations. Among them, the most difficult to pursue according to law. Commercial repurchase is a helpless move. Intergovernmental diplomatic negotiations and donations are also more common ways to return to cultural relics.

The legal basis is basically untenable, so it can only be solved through diplomatic channels and business negotiations. Fortunately, Bao Zixuan is a businessman, and the Jews themselves are not bad; I believe that some cultural relics will return to Israel.

At this time, everyone at the scene focused on Bao Zixuan. After all, the cultural relics finally moved between his thoughts.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "To be honest, I didn't expect it at first; these cultural relics would be so important. It just felt a lot, and the production was more exquisite."

"At the beginning, I found that the golden cabinet was a normal gold cabinet, and there was nothing special. At that time, the men also said that they could be a dowry for their daughters. After all, in Huaxia, there is a tradition of dowry gold and cabinet. Although the child is very small, but Generally, I start to prepare from the birth. "

"As for the drawings of Solomon Temple, it is even more whimsical. I want to copy one new one from Futa Ila. However, after these days, after communicating and communicating with six experts, I find how unrealistic these ideas are."

"Golden Cabinet, originally belonged to the Solomon Temple, should be returned to his original place. But I am a businessman, and I can't make a loss of money. Therefore, I hope to exchange a batch of cultural relics."

"After all, the Black Cloud Group has begun to build a museum, and the Fucha Irara also has the idea of ​​establishing a museum."

"As for the other cultural relics of the Solomon Temple, the same method will be taken. For example, this time has received a lot of gold coins during the Solomon period, and the number of more than 100,000. It is useless to stay too much; Lack of that money. "

"You can get other cultural relics through exchanges. And I have decided to transfer cultural relics to Sotheby's and Christie's. This is the root cause of inviting them to come over. Professionals should be responsible for professional matters."

"I am a scientific researcher, I have no interest, and I have no time to deal with cultural relics every day."

"As for the Holy Grail, I dare not be sure whether it is true or false. After all, the six experts around me are not particularly acting for the appraisal of Christian relics. The Vatican comes to identify; if the identification is authentic, then how can the two parties be friendly and negotiated how to solve this matter. "

"If the appraisal is a fake, you can only keep it by yourself. At the same time, you will also take out some objects and give it to employees, relatives and friends. I am not a person who keeps avish. The reporter friends who pull will not come in vain; everyone will get a silver coin during Solomon, which is a memorial. "

Bao Zixuan's answer, not to mention the seamless clothes, but at least it can't pick any problems. Moreover, reporters can get a silver coin, which can be regarded as a bad trip; but I dare not ask some questions that deliberately stimulate each other.


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