Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1563 Gathering Fucha Ila Six

King Solomon is definitely a capable of collecting wealth. Of course, from the descendants, it can be seen that the clue can be seen. In Solomon Temple Palace, not only gets a lot of gold coins, but also a larger silver coin. The number of gold coins exceeds 100,000, and the number of silver coins is more than one million. For more than 3,000 years of currency, it is important to look at the currency itself. History is very important. Therefore, Solomon Temple silver coins, a single price of more than 2,000 US dollars, is still not a problem. This is still considered that the price reduction after so much silver coins is discovered; if it is before, a single price will definitely exceed $ 10,000. It is said that Bao Zixuan is generous, and now it seems that people are really at all. The number of reporters this time has more than a thousand people. At this time, millions of dollars spent. In fact, this also wants the Jews to see. Everything can be talked about. He didn't take these cultural relics seriously at all. If you come up with sincerity, or can impress his conditions, then everything is good. To say that Bao Zixuan's words can be discussed to exchange cultural relics, the happiest is Sotheby's and Christie's two heads. The auction house was originally a middleman, and the exchange of cultural relics also belongs to the category of middlemen. The Jewish and Bao Zixuan are rich owners; the fees generated by the exchange of both parties are definitely an astronomical figure. So as auction house, as long as you take a little cost, you will make a lot of money. However, such a good business will definitely have some harsh conditions. It's not when you are happy, but you have made a decision in your heart; you must get the right to transaction and strive to promote the cooperation. The press conference continues again, after all, there are too many questions that need to be unlocked slowly. The Times is an old acquaintance of Bao Zixuan. As the most influential newspaper in the UK, of course, he will be invited. In the UK, everyone enjoys religious freedom. Therefore, a variety of different religious beliefs have been formed in the central regions of the UK. There are two official churches in the UK: the England Church and the Scotland Church. In addition, various religions and countless denominations can find their own representatives in the UK. However, most British people still believe in Christianity. Although there are not many believers who are currently worshiped by churches, the number is still more than one million. Another product of a distant and diverse religious history in the UK is the amazing churches, temples and monastery buildings throughout the British. Glas Dunbre Monastery is the place where Celtics had held religious activities in the past, and once played an important role in King Arthur's legendary story; Five years later from Rome, five years later, he hosted the Cathedral Cathedral. There are many distinctive historical figures that are born in Britain's religious history.

These include Henry VIII, which launch the reform of Protestantism in the UK, and Santa Patrick, full of mysterious colors, now celebrate his festival every year; and the famous lion heart king Richar in the story of the famous Robinham of Robin Han and so on.

And the British have always been arrogant, although it is no longer a period of sunset in the British Empire; but many people still think that they are still very powerful. In addition, the Holy Grail also has a deep historical source with the United Kingdom. It is also a good choice to bring the Holy Grail back to England.

The Times reporter asked: "It is rumored that the Holy Grail was once belonged to King Arthur. Will you think about exchanging some cultural relics with the British side with the Holy Grail!"

This problem made the Italian reporter next to it very unhappy. Although they have no affiliation with the Vatican, the Vatican is in the center of Rome. When the Holy Grail returns to the Vatican, it is bound to attract more pilgrims. The Vatican is small, and there is no supporting facility. The pilgrims can only live and live in Rome, so it is a huge promotion for Rome's economic prosperity; and the tourism industry is a huge promotion.

If you want to bring the Holy Grail to Britain now, it is tantamount to breaking the financial path of Roman City. Broken people's wealth, like killing parents. I would like to ask Roman reporters to be happy.

Arthur Pandillan, also translated Arthur Pandillan, known as King Arthur, is the legendary great king with the legendary legendary color in the legend. People know more about his mythology and medieval wild history literature. Legend has it that he is the leader of the Cavaliers of the Table, a nearly mythical legend, known as the "Eternal King".

After King Arthur defeated the Roman Empire's king, his interest shifted to finding the relic. What caused his interest was various anecdotes encountered on the way to Europe.

According to legend, the Holy Grail was used by Jesus Christ in the last dinner and carved from jade. When Jesus was crucified, his disciple Joseph used this cup to catch the blood under Jesus flowing. But in the legendary story of King Arthur, the Holy Grail was all golden.

The earliest appearance of the Holy Grail was when I traveled to King Berles in Lancelot to dinner. There was a beautiful girl who came to King Berles with a beautiful girl holding a golden cup. Burryce said that if the Holy Grail appeared one day, the round table was destined to be destroyed.

The idea of ​​looking for the Holy Grail was at a round table party. After a flash of lightning thunder, a ray of sunshine flashed; the Holy Grail appeared, and disappeared after the tour, giving all the unprecedented pleasure experiences. So all the knights vowed to go out to find the Holy Grail. The Cavaliers either set foot on the journey of looking for the Holy Grail out of voluntary or accepting the king. One hundred and fifty round table knights went away most of this. The destruction of the round table in the prophecy probably means that.

In the Cavaliers who finally found the Holy Grail, the three knights: the most secular Boss, the simplest Passifer and the purest Galahard, but only Galahard could hold it- "Between your hands is like the same hands like the same hands like With the Eucharist of Christ ", at the moment he held the Holy Grail, countless glorious angels came to welcome his soul into heaven. This Garahad is the son of Cavaliers Lancelot.

It can be said that the Holy Grail has a little relationship with the British, and the reporter said so, it is not unreasonable. But it was a matter of 2000, and there was no verification at all. Is it because of a legendary story that let the British take the Holy Grail away, there is really no such truth in the world.

Although the strength is not weak at present, there are still too many business in Xiangjiang; the British can not offend and try not to offend.

Bao Zixuan: "Regarding the Holy Grail, I dare not be sure whether it is true or not; therefore, before the Vatican identification, there will never be any transactions. Of course, the Vatican gives up, so we can only solve the problem of the final attribution of the Holy Grail through other channels."

"If the British recognition, the two parties can reach an agreement. What is impossible?"

Hearing Bao Zixuan's answer, Christians at the scene were still very satisfied. At the same time, the British arrogance feels atmosphere. In most Christians, the Vatican must be the most orthodox. If the Holy Grail is the genuine, then put it in the UK, what's going on.

Bone, Christian icon, Christian beetle.

But Golden Cabinet is also a Jewish relic, if anyone dares to compete with Israel. It is estimated that Jews in the world will find you trouble. Even the Vatican, pay attention to the impact, at least dare not force the Jews to be too ruthless.

The real cross was broken by Saladin, and it was impossible to find it.

The Temple Knights can bring the real cross to the Middle East, and it is reasonable to have a Holy Grail. As a Christian relic, the Vatican will never give up. Even if it is a fake, it is estimated that it will not be fake.

As a Christian attraction all over the world, there seems to be no holy object. It is estimated that this is also the eternal pain in the Vatican's heart. Now I find the Holy Grail, and of course it cannot be let go.

Suppose that the Holy Grail is really in the Vatican, its influence and sensation; it must not be ignored.

The reporters are quickly recording every sentence Bao Zixuan said, afraid of leaking any details.

Fortunately, everything goes smoothly at the press conference, and at the same time, it has reached the goal of the first riches. The wind has been released, so just wait for the fat fish to come over to negotiate. The initiative this time is exactly in his hands.

The Jews are so rich that each household has a lot of good things; they must definitely let them spit out.


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