After the press conference, the reporters got a beautiful silver coin during the Solomon period. Everyone is very happy about this, this trip is really full. However, the priority is to quickly sort out the report. Such major news is to be returned to China as soon as possible. Jewish journalists are the most active, because they are worried about the night dreams; in case of changes in the middle, they will be too late to cry. As for Bao Zixuan, we must communicate with the two major auction house staff. It is better to help them help them this time. And at the current staff in Fushara, there is no one who knows the identification of cultural relics. At the beginning, I have already made a lot of understanding. Isn't it my own face when I arrange a professional! At the same time, everyone thought that you were prepared for a long time. As for calling his experts, just to fight a cover. The origin of these treasures will be suspected. Now try to dispel everyone's thoughts, and avoid any details that may be exposed. Although the reporter didn't want to leave, he wanted to ask a few questions. But I also know that the amount of information today is sufficient. If you are still consumed here, it is estimated that the richest man will be unhappy. It is estimated that there are still suspicions for Bao Zixuan's richest man in the world. But through this treasure excavation, no one dares to ask any questions about its wealth. It is definitely a well -deserved richest man in the world, even those who have more than a century are not opponents. Journalists, but they can't offend a super rich at the same time, and this person is still the richest man in the world. Not to mention the strength of the other party is to mix in the journalism industry. Bao Zixuan promised an interview casually, and it is estimated that you can fly yellow Tengda. At this time, the two major auction houses have been taken to the guest room. Although I saw the other person coming before, after all, for the most important competitors, no one can ignore it. Especially the two young ladies have begun to be tit -for -tat. Come here is firm cultural relics and talk about cooperation; therefore, they are all old people, only two of them. It is very beautiful in itself. Women are jealous and never doubt. Coupled with the main competitors, speaking naturally with thorns. However, it is also known that this is the site of Fucha Ila, Bao Zixuan. And coming to discuss cooperation, not to play with the same length. Seeing Bao Zixuan coming in, he immediately converged. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Sorry, because of time and confidentiality; invited the two to come over, and have not introduced the specific reason. This is Bao's sin." Sex is important. Moreover, Bao Zixuan held a press conference so much, and both understood what.

It is the fact that this is the fact that is the fact that Israel and Rome are opposed and protested. It is estimated that there is no effect.

The world knows what's going on, and it is impossible to grab it. For cultural relics, the two are absolutely authoritative agencies on this planet.

Disti Sotheby's did not speak, it seemed that this was as much as possible to show the so-called gentleman's demeanor. Then during the negotiation process, it became very normal to start. At first I let you, now grabbing your business is reasonable.

But in this regard, Kris-Christie's has not tangled, but said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, don't say that, it is important, and everyone will do this. We are engaged in auction house business. Understand. "

"And involving cultural relics such as golden cabinets and the Holy Grail, it is estimated that anyone will be cautious."

"I don't know what Mr. Bao asked us to come over. What needed help and service. As long as Christians can do it, the Jedi will not let you down."

Krise-Christie knows Bao Zixuan's personality very much, knowing that this is a man who is doing a fierce thing, never dragging water. Just now Disti Sotheby's still thought about the post-haircut, and now let you move your stones to smash your feet.

Disti Sotheby's really did not expect that this lady was so direct. But when I thought of Bao Zixuan's personality, I immediately felt bad. I just hope that the wealthy wealthy will be calm, otherwise Sotheby's will lose a lot.

On the surface, the two invited two are invited, and with the strength of the two, the business is very likely. But any business has a focus, and it is definitely impossible to be absolutely fair. Now Christie's attitude is at least the first opportunity. If you still don't speak later, you may not even drink soup in the end.

Disti Sotheby also followed: "Black Cloud Group is our largest customer in auction house, so Mr. Bao has any instructions, Sotheby's willing to work in dogs and horses."

The attitude must be put out, and Christie must not be given first.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "The two are too polite. I do business, pay attention to the eyes of the eyes, and the feelings in the previous cooperation. Although the two of you have a competitive relationship, the Black Cloud Group cooperates with both parties. Okay, so I decided to give this matter to Sotheby's and Christie's. "

"There are a lot of cultural relics discovered this time, mainly the main Teron Temple. Although the six experts have identified it, they are not very good for valuations. I hope the two can make an overall valuation of the cultural relics. "

"Then the extra part is exchanged around the world. As long as it is valuable cultural relics, the Black Cloud Group is very scarce and can be exchanged. No matter how much, I will not be too much; I hope the two are controlled."

"For Huaxia cultural relics, and European oil paintings are my favorite, so I hope that the two can be more attentive in this regard."

Many Jewish families do not lack money, so they will never agree to sell objects collected by their ancestors. The cubs were unwilling to sell Ye Tian, ​​and they were dismissive of those who were capable.

But now it involves the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple, even if they are reluctant; for the Jewish people, they must also exchang on antiques calligraphy and painting.

Bao Zixuan does not lack money at all, and has already stated that his attitude can only be exchanged and will not be sold. At this time, whoever said in the past, it is estimated that people will never care about you.

Krice-Christie's: "Thanks to Mr. Bao for his recognition and trust, Christie's is willing to cooperate with Heiyun Group. But some cultural relics still hope that Mr. Bao can handle it by himself."

"For example, the golden covenant, the holy grail, the golden film of the Solomon Temple, etc.; These cultural relics are too high, and it is of great significance. Although Christie's wants to participate, it is not allowed to be allowed; I hope you can understand it."

When she heard the woman in front of her, she said that she dared not accept objects such as golden cabinets and the Holy Grail. It seems that people are also people who know and retreat, and they know how many pounds they have.

Golden Covenant and Holy Grail are religious relics; Solomon Temple drawing, Jews will inevitably do their best. If the exchanges are in Christie's, it will inevitably become the focus of attention. At that time, who exchanges with it will be offended a large number of people. It's better to push this first, let Bao Zixuan come forward to solve it himself.

Moreover, Kris also knows that if he is Bao Zixuan, he will not interfere with outsiders.

Disti Sotheby's is also a smart person, of course, understand what Christie's meaning means. Christie's did not dare to take over, and Sotheby's courage did not have the courage to deal with these products. After all, the forces involved were too huge, and a auction house really couldn't offend them.

So I didn't speak, it was the default of this matter. But at this time, I saw her daughter eager to try; Disti Sotheby's clever eyes, Susanna-Sotheby's did not dare to say anything. What kind of personality is Dad, she is still very clear. I believe there is still a lot of great relationships here, otherwise Kris-Christie will never give up.

Seeing that her daughter didn't speak, Disti Christie's gratitude was a lot. Although her daughter did not see a lot of ways, she couldn't understand the general situation. But in terms of viewing, it is still not bad. However, this has a lot to do with age. Young people want to prove themselves, which is right. But we must do it, and we must know what strength it is.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Just do what Ms. Christie's said, and it will never be embarrassing."

In fact, Bao's richest man also understands that some important cultural relics must be negotiated by yourself. After all, there are too many benefits, and many things cannot replace them.

I'm really afraid that when I encounter a bun, it is a big deal; it means that everything can be done, so I will worry. Now this state is very good, the two auction houses know what can be done; what can be done, there are many troubles left.


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