The cultural relics of the Golden Course and the Solomon Temple were discovered in Fucha Irara, which is not a secret for the entire world. No one knows, but it is not much worse. So the world is paying attention to Israel and Jews. But so many Jewish rich gathered in Tempav, still shocked the world. It also proves that the cohesion of this nation is too terrifying. However, it may have a lot to do with their experience in why Jews have such a strong cohesion. Maybe only by suffering from suffering, can we know that the happy life is not easy! In 1028 BC, the Jews established the monarchy; in 1000 BC into the kingdom of Israel and the Jewish kingdom. In 723 BC, the Kingdom of Israel was occupied by the Assyrian; the Jewish Uprising in 168 BC was rebuilt the Jewish Kingdom again. In 70 BC, the Romans were destroyed, and the second temple was burned. The Jews began to flow in Europe and the world for more than 2,000 years. For so many years of wandering, it can still maintain such cohesion, which is directly related to the inherent characteristics of Jewish races. The Jews have a thunderous religious belief, that is, Jewish religion, and it is well passed down, including culture and language well. As long as a nation still has its own beliefs and culture, it will basically not disappear. Especially for a nation that has been wandering in the world after being destroyed for thousands of years, national culture and beliefs have made national cohesion very strong. Since the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed, the Jews were wandering around the world, but most Jewish lived in Europe. The Jews were asking for life in European countries. Without their own land, they could only engage in other occupations. Most Jews chose to do business. Merchants are profitable, and business activities are very easy to gather wealth. Especially Jews engaged in usury are very disgusted by Europeans. This emotion is reflected in Shakespeare's "Venice Merchant". Jewish wealth began to plunder the Jews. Therefore, Hitler's row and looting Jews have long traditions in Europe, and the most powerful in modern times is Tsarist Russia. The Jews were restricted and separated everywhere in Europe. The Jews themselves had to gather, live alone, hold a group, and isolate from other European ethnic groups. Therefore, they have not really integrated into other European ethnic groups. Established in loneliness and suffering. The national inheritance standards of the Jewish are not the same as other ethnic groups. Most of the other ethnic groups are patriarchal inheritance, while the Jews are maternal heritage. It means that as long as the mother of a person is a Jew, he is the Jews; this greatly expands the scale of ethnic groups, so that the black Jews appeared in Ethiopia, Africa. The ethnic group has expanded, a clear sense of national identity; plus a single ethnic belief,

The condensation power must be bursting.

Most people know that the Jews were slaughtered by millions of people in Germany during World War II, and they were deeply imprinted in the painful memory of the Jewish nation. It was because of such suffering that the Jews had to be more united. It belongs to its own country and protects its own nation. The painful lesson of World War II also made the Jews aware of it; without a powerful country, they were just a roots. Big powers are more useful to use them, and they have not accepted and recognized them from the bottom of their hearts.

The national cohesion becomes stronger in the painful memory, after all, there is pain to the bone marrow. But until the 1920s, the Jews spent huge sums of money and purchased a large number of wastelands that are considered to be in vain from the Arab landlords and British. On May 14, 1948, the country of Israel was announced; Israel received 14,900 square kilometers, and Palestine received 11,200 square kilometers.

Later, several wars with the Arabs were definitely sacrificed by bleeding, so that the people occupied a place.

As a wandering nation, more than 6 million people were slaughtered during World War II, accounting for more than half of the entire ethnic group. Make Jewish unity unity, making the faith in their bones never change.

With such cohesion, national beliefs are first ranked first. The first sacred object of Jewish religion is now the world. It is to spend a lot of money, and it is necessary to bring the holy object back to Israel. In addition, Israel wants to unite Jews around the world, and must bring back the cultural relics and golden cabinets of Solomon Temple.

If Bao Zixuan said, the Golden Cabinet was placed in the Arabian region in the construction of the Solomon Temple in Fucha Ira. Then the orthodox status of the Israeli Jews will be questioned. After all, the golden cabinet is related to God's agreement with Jews, which can be said to be the fundamental foundation of Judaism.

Seeing so many super rich and family coming, Prime Minister Izak Shamir was very emotional; the Jews were really upset at critical moments. The entire ethnic group work together.

After all, Hayim Herzog was nominal head of state, and he must have to say a few words on this occasion. As an old man who has experienced World War II, of course, he knows what the tribe has experienced. And he has participated in the Middle East War. Before the founding of Israel, he had been serving the tribe.

Unexpectedly, during his term when he became the president, he found the Cultural Relics and Golden Cabinet of Solomon Temple. So as a veteran, although he cannot go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. But you can use the influence to let everyone unite; jointly welcome the golden cabinet back to Israel.

Hiham Herzog said very seriously: "Everyone, Golden Cabinet and Solomon Temple Treasure appeared in Focusa. Presumably everyone should already know."

"At present, the holder of the holy relics Heiyun Group Bao Zixuan is very clear and will not accept cash purchase. It can only be exchanged by equivalent cultural relics, after all, the other party is not short of money."

"In Israel, there are no decent cultural relics at all, so there is no way to meet the requirements of the other party. I hope you can see the same group of the same family and help Israel once. Only all Jews work together Cultural relics are brought back to Israel. "

"As for the specific situation, I would like to introduce it to you."

At this time, Professor Farareli was involved in the excavation and appraisal of the treasure. And for the authenticity of the holy objects, you can give opinions. He has been temporarily appointed as the general consultant of the Council of the Holy Protocol. Although this committee is very high, the person in charge is President Hikiham Herzog. But everyone is not rewarded, and they have to admire them.

If you still want to pay for it at this time, it is estimated that it will be sprayed to death by the tribe.

Farelli sorted out his thoughts and said very seriously: "This time, I was with Professor Horwe's whole process of the excavation of the treasure; it can be said that the two of us participated in the whole process and did not let go of any details."

"Treasure was 1,000 years ago, and the Assistant sects snatched from Jerusalem's Jewish wealth; there is no doubt about this. And the Association sect found the legendary Yia secret. There is a clear record on the sheepskin rolls. The authenticity of the sheepskin rolls, the six professors participating in the excavation are considered to be objects 1,000 years ago. And using the Royal Persian secret language, the whole world can know no more than 5 people. Once a member of the royal family. "

Professor Fararel said that he also wanted everyone not to doubt anything. Many people had questioned before, thinking that Bao Zixuan found treasures from other places, and then moved flowers to pick up wood. It was even thought that the treasure was always in Temple Mountain and never left.

But if you talk with this emotion with others, then you will definitely not be comfortable with Bao Zixuan's personality. The recent more than a month of contact made the professor clearly know. The richest man Bao is a master who is soft and not hard. If you talk about it well, then you can talk about everything. But if it is questioned or hard, I am so embarrassed; you will definitely take advantage of any cheap.

The priority is to bring the Golden Cabinet and Solomon Templar back to Israel. As for other things, you still have to put it. It is not necessary to think about it. Some thoughts and words that are not conducive to the return of the holy things must not be.

At the same time, Fararel is also maintaining his professional ethics. After all, he collects money; and also gets additional gifts, he must do his best to protect the interests of the boss. And this is an objective and fair comment, and it does not violate conscience.

Later, the types of cultural relics and specific values ​​were introduced to the scene Jewish rich. It is basically fulfilling its own mission, and the next step is the things that Israeli high -level and rich Jewish businessmen need to consider. A university professor, but without that ability and financial resources, buy even any large cultural relics.


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