When I heard Bao Zixuan's currently mastering the Cultural Relics of the Solomon Temple, it is worth more than 100 billion US dollars. Everyone at the scene was shocked. Although most of them are super rich. However, I did not expect; Bao Zixuan's excavation successfully increased hundreds of billions of wealth. It is easy to make money by others, and it is even better than Jews. At this time, everyone's eyes looked at Old Rothschild. After all, if we are wealth, no one is comparable to others. It looks a lot of hundreds of billions of dollars, but for the Roschild family, it is really not unable to reach the number. The sixth Empire of Europe that year was by no means a virtual name. In fact, the old Rothschild has always been skeptical about Bao Zixuan's treasure. After all, how could he be so coincidentally, the granddaughter had just told him; and before, the conflict broke out. Does he really use the so -called combat mouse of the Soviet Union to hollow out the Solomon Temple; then take out the treasure and take a flower to pick up the wood. But it is not so easy to hide the sky. Six well -known university professors are not so cheating. And the two are Jewish scholars, maybe there is a trace of loopholes, and the other party will find. But there is nothing now, everything looks very reasonable. Then it can only show that this kid is good, and he encounters anything good. Everyone looks at him now, and he must say something. Although the independent founding plan has been launched, Jewish group support is still required in the future. This time, I must pay for it. To be precise; it is to take out part of the family's collections. I want to hide. The Roschild family contributed a lot of contributions to the founding of Israel. The land controlled by the first Jews in Arabia is the Roschild family to buy. Only then did the Jews a foothold in the Middle East and then stood firmly. But some things are not good, after all, the Roschild family is developing; the Jews also helped a lot. And in order to cover members of the Rothschild family, other Jewish sacrifices are also very large. If it is before, it will definitely do my best. But now I want to establish the country independently, and all the objects in Israel have nothing to do with the Roschild family. Even if the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple returned, the Golden Cabinet returned to Jerusalem. It is estimated that the Roschild family can only look at it at most. People are selfish, but after they have selfishness; they must find a back road for themselves. Old Roschild thought about it: "The most important task at present is to get in touch with Baozixuan. Works, you may not be able to buy that kind of money. Later, I will let the housekeeper pass the list, and it will never let everyone down. I believe that the boy can be satisfied with the boy. " It was a good start. 100 top -level artworks are definitely not a small number to be converted into funds.

Although Roschild has a great career, it is heavy due to the loss of the World War II; it is not as good as before! At that time, the Germans confiscated nearly 3,500 artworks collected by the Roschild family. These artworks were hidden in a salt mine in Germany until they were discovered by the Allies after the war. It is not so easy to get back in the hands of Americans. And the Jewish recovered country did not dare to offend Americans. Therefore, most of these top arts are in major museums in the United States.

The 100 items are taken out this time.

Since someone states, of course, others cannot be outside.

The representative of the Genheim family knew that they should take out their attitudes. After all, they may not be ranked in wealth, but the artwork is definitely the most one.

Golden Cabinet must return to Israel and put it in the Solomon Temple. This is the biggest dream of the Jews for thousands of years. For this goal, it is not a big deal for the loss of the family.

The Guggenheim family representative said very domineering: "I will let museums in various places come over later, as long as it is the artwork that Bao Zixuan sees it; it can be given to him to exchange the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and Golden Cabinet ","

Hearing this, everyone would respect. After all, this is the rhythm that can be lost for the Golden Cabinet and Solomon Temple Treasure.

The Genheim Museum is the general name of all museums under the Solomon-R-Genheim Foundation that it is one of the most famous private modern art museums in the world; it is also a global art venue operating in a chain. The Guggenheim Foundation was established in 1937 and is the starting show of the museum; Gu Genheim is already the world's premier multinational cultural investment group. Although the headquarters is located in New York, USA, it has 4 places in Bilbao, Venice, Italy, Berlin, Germany and Berlin, Germany.

Among them, the most famous Genheim Museum is the Gugenheim Museum in New York and the ancient Genheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.

Now let Bao Zixuan pick it up, it is full of cities. Everyone looks at the eyes of the Genheim family. If the museum does not have top arts, it means closing.

Now the Gugen Him family ignores the cultural relics of the Solomon Temple in order to welcome the cultural relics of Solomon Temple. In contrast, Old Rosechild seemed a little stingy. But just be able to take out things, many things must not be forced.

After that, the family will express artworks one after another; in short, every family and individuals will start generously, and the Jews are still in place.

Migao-Jia Daoli knows that at this time; it is reluctant, and it must be expressed. Moreover, he was not reluctant, after all, it was to welcome the golden cabinet; it was very worthwhile at a large price. So he said directly: "I still know a little about Bao Zixuan, and often cooperate between the two sides. He prefers Huaxia porcelain and calligraphy and painting. The Jiadao family is just collected and willing to take it out to exchange the cultural relics of Solomon Temple. And golden cabinet. "

The background of the Jiadao family is relatively complicated and has been living in Iraq. Then he went to India and the Chinese continent, and finally chose to take root in Xiangjiang. It can be said that the sense of identity in Israel is not so strong, at least much worse than the Jewish family living in Europe.

After all, I have not experienced a concentrated camp life, and it is still difficult to appreciate the taste. But now all the Jewish families are doing their best, and of course they can't say nothing at all.

And Huaxia porcelain and calligraphy and painting, Bao Zixuan should be interested. Coupled with the father and son, they don't like antique calligraphy and paintings in themselves. There are not so many inventory in the family.

Seeing all the Jewish rich people who came here was so generous, Hagim Herzog was very pleased. Such a strong support, what good things can't do.

Although he is the president, he now has another new identity -the person in charge of the Holy Protocol Coordination Committee. Although the cultural relics of Solomon Temple and Gold Course are of great significance to the entire Jewish people. But the Prime Minister must not come forward in person, after all, the responsibility is responsible for governing the country.

At this time, the president was the best candidate. First of all, the head of state came forward; the negotiations were negotiated in person, and Bao Zixuan couldn't say anything. It even reflects the degree of attention of Jews. Secondly, this matter has nothing to do with management government affairs. It is appropriate to negotiate whether the president of the specific affairs personally.

Hayim Herzog: "Thank you for your generosity. People say that the Jewish nation cannot defeat; that is because we are united, when we encounter difficulties, everyone will face it together. Believe in any difficulties and hardships. nationality."

"This time in the past, Facha Ila's negotiations should not be too much. First of all, I will personally pass by in person to reflect the emphasis on Israel. Secondly, Professor Farareli, after all, many cultural relics need to use his professional knowledge, and I think No one is more familiar with Solomon Templar's cultural relics and golden cabinets. "

"Then Mr. Rothschild and Mr. Genheim; the last one I want to invite Mr. Jia Daoli to go together."

"The Jia Daoli family has been doing business in Xiangjiang and has many cooperation projects with Heiyun Group. At the same time, I learned that Mr. Jiadi Li had a close personal relationship with Bao Zixuan; I believe that when the negotiations enter the stalemate stage, it can also play a buffer role."

For this arrangement, Hagis Herzog is definitely familiar. It may be the best arrangement at present, at least he can't find a more reasonable combination than this.

The president has spoke, and the combination is relatively reasonable. Of course, everyone will not have any opinions. So the members of the negotiation team were determined.


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