Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1570 Unwilling to show weakness

The Jews were struggling in Tel Aviv. As another protagonist of the story, Christianity could not be placed out of the case. The Holy Grail appeared, and if they did not show no, then how to explain to believers. At this moment, we must also organize people to prepare to negotiate with Bao Zixuan in the past. And all this requires the Pope of the Vatican to decide, after all, he is the supreme leader of Christianity. The Vatican's full name "Vatican City", where the Holy See is located on the Vatican highland in the northwest of Roman, with an area of ​​0.44 square kilometers, with a permanent population of about 800 people, most of which are clergy. The Vatican was originally the center of the Middle Ages. After the Pope's territory was merged into Italy in 1870, the Pope retreated to the Vatican; in 1929, he agreed to the signing of the Ratland Treaty in 1929 to become an independent country. The Vatican is the country with the smallest territory and the least population in the world. Although the area is the smallest in the world, the happiness index is estimated to shake several streets in other countries. The per capita wealth people have not been announced. If it is public, it is estimated that it is the first world. Perhaps the Pope was not as great as the Middle Ages at this time, but the strength must not be underestimated. After all, the Vatican Pope claims that he is the representative of Christ's alien, and has the supreme rights, and is the spiritual leader of Catholics. At the same time, the Pope is also a well -known person, a respected person, and has a permanent term. In addition, the Pope also has the highest legislative power and judicial power, which can be promulgated or abolished by church regulations; the appointed personnel formed the Holy See, established the diocene, appointed the bishop, and "there is no mistake in morality and faith." It can be seen that the Vatican Pope is very powerful, but the Pope is not who can do it. The Vatican's requirements for the Pope's candidates are very strict. First of all, they need to go through multiple levels of formal learning and many years of training. Then you must obtain a certificate from the Vatican Institute of Bible, and then need to be the great bishop of the parish. It is not easy to become the master of the Diocese. First of all, the elections around the world are held, and then 117 Grand Bishops gathered separately in the Sistine church to participate in the election. Only those who obtain two -thirds of the most red bishop can be elected. The appearance of the Holy Grail directly let the pope be valued. Suddenly, the main red bishop and other related personnel were convened to meet; see how to welcome the Holy Grail. As a pope, there must be more secrets than others. Best historical data records were that the Temple Knights took the Middle East of the past with the Holy Grail, and the whereabouts have been unknown since then. It can be said that these can be right, so the Holy Grail is likely to be true. Although the excavations participating in the treasure are all experts in the Middle East,

The identification of the Holy Grail is not authoritative. But their academic achievements are still unquestionable. And even if it is not a real Holy Grail, it is related to the Templar Knights; it must be an important Christian cultural relic, so in any case, it must be brought back to the Vatican.

After all, the Templar Knights is a topic that cannot be around for Christianity. Even if they have disappeared for hundreds of years, they still have a great influence.

The Knights of the Temple, also translated the Temple Knights, officially named "Poor Cavaliers of Christ and Solomon Temple". It was one of the three famous Cavaliers in the Middle Ages.

In 1119, the French aristocracy Hugo-De-Pacing and Geffrey De San Omo set up a monk as a base in the Aksa Mosque of Temple to defend the security of pilgrims and attack the pilgrims. The temple was built on the ruins of the former Solomon Temple.

In 1129, the Knights of the Temple were officially supported by the Holy See and had many special rights, and quickly increased its scale, forces and wealth, and even developed the earliest banking industry.

In 1307, many members were arrested in France. After cruel interrogation, he was punished with heresy. In 1312, the Pope Crame V, who was in the Holy See of Avi Nong, was pressured by Philip IV and announced the dissolution of the Temple Knights.

In fact, the real Templar Knights did not completely disappear. Instead, the development of underground secrets, of course, these outsiders are certainly unknown.

Mainly the existence of the Temple Knights threatened the interests of too many countries. If you are collectively opposed and jointly attacked by various countries, if you do not want a little way; or transfer to underground development, then you may really leave anything.

Now the Templar Cavaliers Fernon-Campla also came to the conference room; after all, many things need to be reported in person in person.

After seeing the people all arrived, John Paul II first said: "What do you think of the news of the Holy Grail of Fushara."

At this time, everyone looked at the reconstructed Templar Cavaliers, the head of the Templar Cavaliers-Fernando-Campla, and the authenticity of the Holy Grail needs to be determined. But if you want to say that the person who knows the most, it must be him.

In fact, Fernando-Campla also has difficulty in saying. The core members were all killed, and the rest were ordinary knights who performed tasks outside. Therefore, there are not many understanding of core secrets. It's just different from the Association denominations and was killed by the enemy.

The Knights of the Temple is a former ally; or if you are killed, you may feel more deeply deep inside. However, the Pope has asked questions and must answer.

And recently, the Templar Cavaliers have almost become a street mouse, and everyone shouts. After all, there are few holy relics in the whole Christianity. However, the Temple Knights fell well and brought two pieces in the past; one was destroyed and one became a warrior. No matter what the believers are, they only know that they have lost the sacred object; this crime alone is not small.

However, in order to find evidence, it is precisely to effectively refute Bunzi and Arabs. The head of the regiment specially looked at historical data. But the result is disappointing, although there are not many information left; but it is enough to prove that the Arabs are not wrong.

Fernando-Campla: "In early July 1187, the Sadadin Army and the Templars of the Temple in the Middle East war; the result was similar to the Arabs introduced."

"Fight to the end; the Templar Cavaliers centered on the real cross frame and organized a square array to resist. Many of the remaining knights could have killed the siege by virtue of fast horses, but in order to protect the real cross, they all fought until In the end, Saladin ordered the stop of the slaughter. The army of Jerusalem was almost overwhelmed, and the Christian relics were also taken away by the Arabs. I don't know why; Saladin actually let go of the leader of Geelide. "

"Since Jerusalem lost almost all the army, it was quickly overcome by Saladin."

"According to Jelide, the head of the big group returning to Europe from the Holy City, when they set off at the time; they indeed bring two holy things to inspire morale. One is a real cross and the other is the Holy Grail. After the Saladin war, it was rumored that the true cross was broken by the Arab army, and the Sacred Grail's whereabouts were unknown since then. "

"Therefore, it is basically determined that the holy grail discovered in Fucha Ila is likely to be true. After all, all historical materials are worthy, and there are two Jewish scholars identified."

"I have investigated the information of these two Jews, and their academic achievements are still worthy of recognition. In addition, there are other historians' proof, so that the authenticity of the Holy Grail is basically no doubt."

"It was the holy relic of the Knights of the Temple, so I hope that we will bring the Holy Grail back in the past in the past."

Hearing this, John Paul II fell into thought; he was also weighing the advantages and disadvantages, allowing the Templar Knights to go out of the mountain, whether it was beneficial to himself and the Vatican.

After all, an organization that disappeared for hundreds of years suddenly appeared in the world again, and it was difficult for believers to accept it. But Fernando-Campla still makes sense, after all, they have lost the holy relics; now they bring them back and are reasonable.

In fact, why do many historians have inconsistent views in the Middle East. As a flag and symbol, this is well understood; after all, it can be reflected from the costumes of the Temple Knights. But the Holy Grail is useless.

Perhaps the effect in the heart is greater. At that time, many people's mission of the Holy Grail was magical. If you are injured, drink the water of the Holy Grail; you will not feel pain immediately, and will accelerate the wound healing speed. Of course, from the perspective of modern people, it is very unscientific; but at that time, the Temple Knights were convinced.

At present, it is not the problem of why he brought the Holy Grail to the Middle East, and he was in charge; he quickly exchanged the Holy Grail from Bao Zixuan.

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