Dong Haoyun started very early, in this era, Xiangjiang belongs to the business world absolute senior. Every year, Dongjia banquet will have a lot of people to participate, this year, Mrs. Dong Lady 66 is more.

Before Bao Zixuan, I bought a jade as a congratulatory ceremony. At present, there is only Dongjia who is really in Xiangjiang. So today, Mrs. Dong Lady has to show it.

Dong Jia lived in Taiping Mountain, here is the rich area in the rich area of ​​Xiangjiang. Bao Zixuan also made the company's people asked here. Once there is a house and land for sale in the first time. He is also preparing to buy or build a luxury home here. Now there is something inconvenient in the Taigu City Community.

Director Damo has been in a business trip, Baozi Xuan has not seen it. However, the two masses have come to the Black Cloud Group with Dong Haoyun. After seeing Bao Zi Xuan, I laughed and said: "Banheng, welcome you, I heard that you hurt yesterday, nothing!" Then I introduced the side Dongjia Mon.

Baozi Xuan looked at this time in Dongjia's most difficult time, but also a man who also reinvigorates, and also a man in the political world. Now I can't see it. When everyone thinks that Dong Jia wants to withdraw from the richest rigorous class, Dong Jiagong is hard to help with some business partners. This is a very capable person, and future achievements are not limited.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Big Banzi, Second Mon, you are good! It is not a big problem, but everyone is worried."

The big master did not expect this youth to be a person who has been pushing from the father. He knows that his father is looking at people, so many years have almost missed.

Gongzi: "Hello! Banheng, I am very happy to meet you."

After Baozi Xuan gave a gift to the big master, the service staff pointed to him. Dongjia's house was very famous in Xiangjiang, the earliest is built by an English aristocratic. Later, after returning to China, Dong Haoyun had huge money to buy, and the large-scale rectification after picking up, and the overall floor area reached 30,000 flat. It looks very magnificent, Dongfu has more than 200 people.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan thought later, it was absolutely necessary to build a big home than this, so it was worthwhile to walk from the new.

Dong Haoyun saw Bao Zi Xuan, asked: "Small bag, you are coming. How to hurt."

Looking at Dong Haoyun's eyes, Bao Zi Xuan knows that the other party is really concerned about himself. Let him feel very touched, this has exceeded partnerships.

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is nothing serious, just skin trauma. It is almost good now."

Dong Hao Yun: "It is you young, the wound healing is fast! But the next time you have to pay attention, what is the young people still don't impulsive."

Bao Zixuan: "I usually have bodyguards around you. Who can think of HSBC banquets come in. It seems that the banquet like HSBC is still pushing it! The people who come are too miscellaneous, or Dong Dong, you are here. Look at it. "

In fact, this is also a bunxuan intentionally, so that some people present will pass the words to Shen. It is necessary to use this thing to take a look at you, and then give yourself more benefits.

Since injuries are no longer saved, it is better to bring some benefits to the black cloud. This time he wants to let HSBC have a blood, or you can't do your own wound.

Dong Haoyun: "Who is not! HSBC has invited so many people every time, there is only one. It will only pull down its own grade. Well, don't say them, wait you to drink a few more cups."

Today, Dong Hao Yun called the Yuegang Restaurant, the chef came from home, put 10 tables. Invited people are business partners and corporate managers. The overall quality of the staff is still very high. In addition to the tycoon in all fields in Xiangjiang, it is their family, after all, today, the lady is paying attention to the reputation.

Huo Yingdong said: "Little boy,

Bunzi Xuan: "Let Huzon laugh, small hurt, just wipe the skin."

Yesterday Huo Yingdong did not go, after all, his position HSBC will not like it. However, I still heard the following people reported the matter of the banquet, and I know that Bunzi Xuan was hit when it was eating. Seeing a girl was injured after being bullied, Huo Yingdong knew it in the corner to eat. Don't say that HSBC is in the Governor Banquet, this is what he is visible.

After I talked for a while, I saw the guests arrived. The Dongjia suddenly changed, Bao Zi Xuan et al. Was arranged to stand on the position.

The people who came out came out of Dong Haoyun in the influence of Xiangjiang, and all the familiar people were attended with their ladies. However, many people see that Bunzi Xuan sits at the home desk. After all, he is young and not like. People who know well, people who don't know, think that this kid is eligible to sit in these tycons, this is the honor of Du Du Mong.

The left side of Baozi Xuan is Li Chao, and the right side is a wrapped steel. These two when the world is really uncomfortable in the middle, which can be a strong person in the history of Xiangjiang.

It is very happy to see such arrangements, Punction Steel and Li Chao people are very happy. After all, they all have things to find buns, so they arrange them very satisfied.

Dong Haoyun saw that the wine cup stood up and said: "Today is the 66-year birthday of my lady, we have gone for more than 40 years. No matter where I went in more than 40 years; no matter what my business is It is good or bad; whether it is face-to-face. My lady has always firmly stood behind me, and the husband teaches. "

"I want to say thank you, you have worked hard. I can come over today is my good friend and subordinates. I am grateful to your arrival. It is your arrival to make Dong Jia feel bright."

"I went to a cup with my wife, thank you." When I finished, I killed the wine glass, and my wife, the woman's downtown, also responded to the wine.

At this time, Dong Haoyun said: "The small bag, I have heard that you can drink! Today, you must have a good drink, and our table, you are the smallest, is it a cup of everyone. There is a certain rule, that is How much is we drink, how much is your packet, how much you drink. "

Bao Zi Xuan knows that many things can't run, doing everyone in this table, seeing his eyes. Some doubts, some are curious, some relieved.

After all, people on the table are the most important Chinese richers in Xiangjiang, and people who have to hide in Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang Real Estate Five Tigers, Three Boat Kings, gambling kings, Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan. In addition to Bunzi Xuan, everyone is very familiar, and his age and this helper are too much, it is difficult to remember.

Bunzi Xuan: "Dong, you are not afraid that I am defeated the guard. Then I can be true."

Dong Haoyun: "The small bag, you let go of it. Although you are here for the first time, don't see it. Just as your own home, drink is enough! Everyone can know that you ordered in the north. Many good wine, if I have no wine, I will go to you, how! "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since Dong Lao said, then I respect the life. But first, I can say it, how much drink, take care of the body is the first."

Huo Yingdong is also a little curious, Dong Haoyun means. Many of them come over from bitter days, and the wine is not bad. Now it is a person who is called Bunz Xuan. It is really good.

Not only Huo Yingdong curious, many tycons are somewhat curious. After all, it is the age of 10 to 1, if it is lost, it is too shameful. And how can everyone do this little young in the personality that you don't care. You are still true, let you see ginger or old spicy, at this time, everyone is angry.

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