Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 164 Women's Things

I know that Bao Zi Xuan, who can't hide, will promise Dong Hao Yun, then pay the action. Thinking that it may be more than anyone here. But to say that drinking, no matter who is still in this life, it really didn't take anything. Today, I will use the wine to deepen your impression, I read Bunxuan from this area or a small person's mentality, the real business tycoon impossible to have this idea.

In fact, the identity and status of these people, usually drink alcohol and some red wine. It is a bottle of red wine to be a month, but today I heard Dong Haoyun called Bao Zixuan alone to drink 10 people, this is not a laughter to laugh.

Huo Yingdong: "Since everyone has this interest, then I start. How to be a small boy, we drink a cup first."

Bao Zi Xuan: "You can't." After I got a wine glass in front of him, I took a drink with Huo Yingdong.

Seeing Huo Yingdong put down the body, everyone is welcome. May now Bunzuan is young, but we are not older than you. Soon these tycons have drank with Bunzi Xuan.

Women have curious psychology, this curious and age, identity, and status have no major relationship. This time I came to Dongfu to participate in the birthday banquet, I came over with my wife. This is a polite problem.

So it is fun is that the male's side is 11 people, and there is only 10 people here. Bao Zixuan is a person who came over and did not say a lady at all.

Seeing this situation, everyone can't help but ask Mrs. Mrs., I can't help but the lady of Zheng Yurong. After all, her daughter has some relationship with this kid, and the relationship with Bunzi Xuan is particularly good. Today, today's newspaper said that Bunxuan is what people have. He really didn't believe it, because Zheng Yu, Zheng Yu, came back last night, said this. I know that Bunzi Xuan has suffered an innocent disaster, but today, this kid is so calm, and there is no more tension with her husband, this is very rare.

Looking at Bao Zixuan although not particularly handsome, but looked at the sun, the most important thing is to say completely, if you give yourself a lottery is also a good choice.

Zheng Zhou Yue, asked: "Mrs. Dong, that is the young man who is a black cloud group Bao Zixuan, which is the young man who is passing."

Bao Zixuan hit a greetings with Dong Hao Yun, who had just came in. And Dong Haoyun also introduced it. I replied: "Yes, it is indeed the black cloud group boy Bao Xuan, I am also the first time today, you know that I usually participate in business things. How do Zheng Mrs is interested in Bunxuan, I know Your daughter is similar to her age, it is very common. "

At this time, the wife said: "Zheng Tai, I listen to our old bags. This little birth is inviting your family in the Governor's banquet, but it seems to be rejected. Do you have a boyfriend? Otherwise how can it be able to refuse this world-class diamond king old five. "

That day, the Governor's banquet was over, Bunzi Xuan and Zheng Jiajia's income steel and the family said it. Originally, it is impossible to be so gossip in the identity and status of the boat king. But that day, it was relaxed at home at home, and suddenly I suddenly chatted the daughter choices. He said that the Dao shark's daughter is really like him, saying that the bunxuan refuses, this is a master.

Dong said: "There is still such a thing, we don't know. Or your family is high, our older is often praised this young man. Whether it is the attitude towards employees, the responsibility of partners, and It is a rare talent to the persistence of science and technology. "

"Most mainly don't have it, most of the newspapers are all fake. According to my knowledge, there is no girlfriend now, who can find such a lottery is also good."

"Since the little boy likes your family Jia Jia, you have to take a look at the daughter.

In fact, Zheng Zhou Yue has some heart. After all, Bao Zi Xuan is now the rivers' richest. With your own daughter, whether it is age or identity. However, it is a bit wrong with the eyes of these ladies to see Bunxuan. Everyone can be a daughter. It seems that things don't think so simple.

Zheng Zhou Yue: "Our daughter, I can't come, now I am very big. Lao Zheng promised their love freedom, our parents did not interfere. Everything still looks!"

When Baozi Xuan didn't know that he was stared by a group of mother-in-law, saying something inappropriate. Anyway, a lot of daughters have the idea of ​​pulling him to be a son-in-law.

Now Bun Zixuan is not stopping with everyone, this is really a big. One person confesses 10 people, thinking that this helper usually hurts, and the wine is definitely not. I didn't expect to drink, but now I have been on the shelf, how can I rush forward.

In this way, the two waiters are frequently pouring the wine for the Bunxuan one person. After seeing this situation, the other tycons are also shocked. Now Bun Zixuan has a lot of drinking, but it is still awake.

Dong Haoyun has some regrets, why do you say that the Bunzi Xuan is against 10 people! This kid is now too young to be able to pick it up. If you drink bad, you can explain.

Dong Hao Yun: "Small bag! Your sincerity, I know, but pay attention to the body's strength. Don't drink more."

Everyone is a smart person, heard Dong Haoyun said that it has reacted. Yes! Why is it like this, it doesn't make sense.

Bao Zixuan also regretted, and later did not make this mistake. Now these tycons are better, if you encounter the head of state in the future, then you will really have a problem.

It seems that I am still too young, and this time is too smooth. Some forget, so it is too dangerous. Fortunately Dong Haoyun reminded himself, or maybe it will make mistakes today.

At this time, the two sons of Dongjia began to toast. This is a change to the bag. Otherwise, today is really hard to returns, but it is still not drinking, no matter how it is done.

Next, everyone talked about some business topics. Punjie steel saw the opportunity to come to Bunzu Xuan said: "Little Banner, the sinking is coming over today, regrets this HSBC championship. He wants to get your understanding, HSBC can pay some benefits."

Bunzi Xuan: "Banheng is a person, you can tell Shen Wei, I am not so be careful. I can do it. I am a small injury. But HSBC wants to save the impact is not my statement. It is possible to solve, or rely on HSBC itself. If you are still so many people attend, I don't say anything.

"I said that I said, this time I have passed. I will not pursue, and I am not a little less than a little money. It is the most important thing to do business with the black cloud group. It is not to let partners because of my injury. And the loss, that is, it is also a time, it will not last forever. Don't conform to the black cloud value. "

Listening to Dao Bao Xuan said that all people in the venue are extremely emotional. It is no wonder that this young man will succeed, that is, the average person is not reached.

Punction steel: "Little boy, teach. I will convey to Shen Wei."

After this, let Bun Zixuan add a lot in this helper, and let their wife say that they can use the buns Xuan as a son-in-law.

Women don't understand very well, especially this older woman, but after a certain age, the descendants are considered. Many people have moved the minds of Bao Zixuan, and a son-in-law is a good choice.

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