Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 218, I sing, I am debut.

As the RCA product introduction is completed, all activities in the morning are all noted in paragraphs. The Black Cloud Exhibition Hall once again became everyone gathered. Seeing the black cloud only prepared some buffets and pastries, you can attract so many customers. Many exhibitors have been in my heart silently, and they will be absolutely like this. This is a typical representative of spending a big matter, and coming over the exhibition is a multinational corporate, and there is no one cares about this.

Black Cloud employees have become the busiest people in the pavilion. They not only have to arrange the customer's dinner, but also prepare contract guarantees to sign with customers at any time.

At this time, Bunzi Xuan once saw Phil Hawkins with two beautiful women. It is quite close to Dewi-Rockefeller's expected date of birth, and I didn't expect this time. I really can't understand it when I have a foreigner, and my physical style is really awkward.

Phil Hawkins: "Pack, you can always think about some people can't think of some ideas. How do old companies to put you, you are still you. Customers are still so much, it is enviable."

Bun Zixuan: "I said, Phil. Now that the state of Louis, you still dare to bring her out, the heart can be big."

Phil Hawkins: "I don't want, but no one can manage it. Fortunately, we will take a private plane, otherwise Europe will not allow us to enter."

"It is necessary to born for about half a month or so, as a wedding, and also bear the responsibility of the child's godfather, the gift can not be too cold."

Bun Zixuan: "Who said that the companion is to become a child's godfather, I have no wife if I have no wife!"

Phil Hawkins: "We don't have your Xiangjiang people so much rules. I said that you are you. As a godfather, you can't be small."

Bun Zixuan: "No problem, I will give the child a car. According to the compared to the column, let him open the luxury car from small, and handmade."

When I saw the Louis tummy, Bun Zixuan thought of narrowing the black cloud now. Create electric children's cars and guarantee the original production, there is absolutely market, and there is also a collection value in the future.

Seeing Bunzu Xuan's smiling expression, Phil Hawkins said: "You don't think about what is good idea, or something good product."

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is a product suitable for children, I want to promote it, there should be a market."

Phil Hawkins: "You always give people surprises, but you have made a plan with me last time. Do you have anything to add, if you have no problem, we can go to the horse. "

Bao Zi Xuancounted Project Plan said: "I will watch it carefully, that is, you don't participate in me. If your solution can touch me, you can implement it according to your program. If there is no new, then I can Don't take you to play. You are still recovering and. "

After I said, I also looked at Diana Rockefeller in the back, I knew that the three people who fled Bunxuan's eyes smiled. Lu Shi-Rockefeller said: "Bao, how can I give a chance, I believe our solution will make you satisfied."

Three people have left, after all, the body of Louis is .

Baozi Xuan also entered the speech mode, looked at Bun Zixuan did not tell himself. Diana Rockefeller is very uncomfortable, thinking that it is necessary to find a chance to bring the game back.

In the afternoon, there are two companies to do new product recommendations, the first Bao Zi Xuan did not expect. It is actually Carl Zeiss, but is the West Germany Callai Co., Ltd. They actually launched their own digital cameras, which makes many people surprised.

Carl Zeiss Co., Ltd. can say that this will be, they know a lot of companies that enter digital cameras. But as the most powerful optical giants in the world,

Carl Zeiss did not be an old camera company, and the first production of digital products actually made a 8 million pixel products. This is the height of any enterprises all over the world, and I saw that Bao Zixuan knows. There are more and more competitors of the black cloud, and it is also more powerful.

If you want to develop rapidly, you should continue to launch new products and be more reluctant in scientific research. Carl Zeiss's digital camera is more expensive than black clouds, but a hundred years of brand deposit a lot of people will pay for this difference.

The digital camera prices of Carl Zeiss Co., Ltd. were placed with $ 3188, which is a 8 megapixel digital camera. Cost-effective can be said to be high, but Bao Zi Xuan knows that now the strength of the other party has not fully played. It is absolutely better to have a better thing with Carl Zeiss's technical reserves, which may be because there is no face market in cost.

Carl Zeiss's digital camera will definitely take a part of the customer, and it will not affect the overall situation. However, everyone has to pay attention to the next enterprise to appear.

No companies in the world can account for their market share in the industry, or if the United States has anti-monopoly survey estimates now they can fly.

Baozi Xuan also watched the situation on the stage in the first time, he would get first-hand information. This opponent is really too strong, and I have no friend's situation.

The history of IBM can be traced back for decades before the development of the electronic computer, before the development of the electronic computer, it operates a perforated card data processing equipment. IBM was registered as CTR from New York, New York, June 15, 1911. Three independent companies have built CTR, which are: List machines (founded in Washington in 1896), calculate the company (founded in Ohio, Ohio) and the International Times Record Company (founded in New York "in 1900 Dicte. At that time, the president of the listing machine is also the founder is Herman Hollerith. The key figures behind the merger are the financial household Charles Flint, and he convened the founder of the three companies to make mergers, and retired until 1930 until 1930.

Thomas J. Watson is the founder of IBM. In 1914, he served as General Manager of CTR and held as president in 1915. In 1917, CTR entered the Canadian market with International Commercial Machinery Co., Ltd., and the name of International Commercial Machinery (IBM) was renamed on February 14, 1924.

Companies merge into CTR manufacturing various products, including employee timing systems, scales, automatic cutting machines, and most importantly develop computers, perforated card equipment. For a while, CTR concentrate on the perforated card, no longer participate in other activities.

IBM puts the first corporate laboratory of huge investment in 1932, this laboratory has led IBM's technology products throughout the 30-year research. During the entire economic depression, IBM has been investing in R & D and new products. Its products are better, faster, more reliable, therefore won exclusive agent, Roosevelt New Government, which. In 1935, IBM's card statistics machine products have occupied 85.7% of the US market. IBM has accumulated strong financial and powerful sales service capabilities due to a large number of card machines, and laid an important foundation for the main assessment of the computer field. .

IBM and China have a long history. As early as 1934, IBM installed the first commercial processor for Beijing Union Hospital. In 1936, IBM established in Shanghai in the first office in the Far East, laid the foundation for its layout development in China and the entire East Asia. In 1937, China's first Yueyang phone was allocated from the IBM Shanghai Office, which has opened up new ways to connect China and the world.

In the 1960s, IBM is the largest company in the eight major computer companies (UNIVAC, urban life, scientific data system, control data company, General Electric, US Radio, Honeywell). People are talking about "IBM and seven stars", because other companies or their computer sectors are small. Only urban life, UNIVAC, NCR, and Honeywell producers, thereafter, some people say "IBM and Bunch" today, most IBM's competitors have long no longer exist, except for the Urid Systems, this is because many merges include UNIVAC and city. life. NCR, Honeywell abandoned the general host, small sector and focused on a favorable mapful product market, NCR did the cash register (so the name is the national cashier), Honeywell became the leading market leading. General Electric is still the world's largest company, but it is no longer working in the computer market. At that time, the IBM computer series won the status in the market, and now it is still growing. It is called IBM System / 360, host ").

As the semiconductor integrated circuit appears, IBM actively puts the production of a third-generation integrated circuit computer. In 1964, IBM launched an epoch-making System / 360 large computer, which announced the coming of the large machine era. The advent of the System / 360, a common language representing the world, all of which share the operating system of the OS / 360 (rather than each product is used in the OS). Since then, almost all of the world's computer development and development are based on the IBM360 series system, becoming an important trend in the world.

The success of IBM in the mid-1960s has made the US Department of Justice in the investigation of IBM violation of anti-las, January 17, 1969. Cases proposed to complaint US IBM in the US District Court New York City. The lawsuit claims that IBM violates the monopoly or attempt to monopolize universal digital electronic computer systems, especially commercially designed computers in violation of Shermana. The lawsuit has continued until 1983, and the company's practice has had a major impact.

In 1975, the number of computers produced by IBM was 4 times the total computer produced by all other computer manufacturers, and became a joint enterprise integrating scientific research, production, sales, technical services and education and training.

In the 1960s and 1970s, IBM promoted the rapid development of computer business, in order to promote the development of all aspects of society, such as assisting the US Space Agency to establish Apollo 11444, complete space people to log in to the moon plan; Establish a bank cross-bank trading system; set up the largest online ticketing system in the air industry.

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