Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 219, you sing, I am debut.

Baozi Xuan At this time, the gods of the gods will introduce the IBM representatives introduced their new laptops, for this giant enterprise. Anyone is impossible to despise, this is an absolute authoritative enterprise in the computer.

Large computer market share has reached more than 70%, that is also the cause of people who are afraid of monopoly investigation. Otherwise the market share is absolutely more than 90%, or it is still a business of different Chinese countries.

IBM saw the Black Cloud Group called the air on the laptop, and it was very hot in the United States. Many people have forgotten them. IBM immediately set up its own laptop research and development department, and other companies have to purchase patents in black clouds. This era has 45 people in the top 100 computers in the world, and they have worked in IBM, and they quickly woked the black cloud on laptop. Patent barriers.

I develop another route yourself, although there are now many features are not very perfect. However, this is also enough to let the consumers pay the consumer, this is the heritage and strength of the enterprise.

IBM laptop performance is comparable to Black Cloud Video 1200, but they have a huge advantage in the price. The price of IBM laptops is only $ 3188, that is because all components are their own production. Only they have such strengths in the world, and other companies are at least 50% of parts to be purchased.

This is the power of big companies, as long as they want to occupy the market. If you don't want a means, even some radicals. However, this is also the most effective way to occupy the market, absolutely a hundred trials.

It is not a black cloud now, but it is RB Toshiba. Their price and product performance are closest to IBM. And the production cost is similar, after all, RB is relatively cheaper.

As IBM representatives have been introduced, the new recommended link of the Berlin Electronic Consumer Product Exhibition Committee ends. Next, when you have their own strength, you can see how many orders per enterprise can receive. This is related to the life of the company in the second half of the company, no one dares to hit the horse.

The number of people's exhibition halls is slightly reduced in the morning. After all, many people are going to IBM. Their laptop is the cheapest price, and the position of the company does not match. But now who will care now, everyone wants to get the goods in the first time; this is a cooperation with IBM, which is ignored to your business before.

After the introduction of IBM products after Baozi Xuan, there is a general understanding. Although the overall support is not very strong, but performance can be fully meticulous.

Microsoft's software licenses that have been brought to black clouds make more rapidly growing than previously developed. And the first big customer is still IBM, after all, some people have to return.

Bun Zixuan If you don't see this laptop, you may have to forget yourself or Microsoft's 3rd shareholder, and now it seems that many things have changed. The black cloud software has got too many patents that belong to Microsoft and Apple, and the rise is inevitable. But there is still something to worry, that is, the US business department is suppressed against the black cloud. Once the anti-monopoly investigation is launched, this small feature can not help.

The exhibition has entered a large number of transaction models, and the customer has been probably understood by all products for two days. To choose what can be said to have a clear goal, there is still a contract.

Although the Black Cloud Group has a lot of competitors, it has been in the show last year. In addition, this buffet service also attracted a lot of customers, and the overall transaction volume is still considerable.

However, because the black clouds have not launched new products, there is no other company to conduct patents and authorized negotiations. This is also in line with Bunxuan. You can serve our customers, you can negotiate and sign up.

After a week, the Berlin Electronic Technology Exhibition ended. The Black Cloud Group is the first place in this time,

The sales of Black Clouds reached 530 million US dollars, and the results did not think so good. This is a big relationship with Baozi Xuan's authorization, after all, is not a black cloud to make exclusive business.

The best in this performance is IBM, and they first use civil products to Berlin to participate in the exhibition. And the main thing is a laptop product, and I didn't expect to sell $ 23 million. It can be said that many major dealers have purchased the laptop, which makes the RB companies are very angry, especially Toshiba is more obvious. Originally, their share is ridiculous by the US big brother. The most important thing is to argance, I can only take off the teeth in my stomach.

At this show, you can say that all flowers are quieted, and hundreds of contenders, and you have the meaning of you. Although Black Cloud Group employees are somewhat embarrassed, but the results of the first place in sales This exhibition can be said to be very difficult.

Bun Zixuan did not expect anything, or to give the staff 7-day salary holiday in accordance with the practice of the exhibition. During the period, the cost is borne by the Ministry, which cannot be cold, this is hard to work hard.

But as a boss, he did not live so much, he came to Dongde once. This time, he is not just to go to Carl Zeiss, but also further excavate the industrial treasure of Dongde.

In the West Germany you want to leak, it is impossible, people will not care about you. However, Dongde is different. Bunxuan's main purpose is for large mechanical equipment.

With the advancement of Huaxia reform and opening up, the basic construction is increasing every day. This is a chance to make a chance. If the black cloud does not do this, then it will only be cheap foreigners.

In the early history, the reform and opening up, the Huaxia Industrial Technology is behind. It causes many large projects to be subject to people, and Bunxuan will not let this matter happen.

Bao Zixuan's entry information was first known by the intelligence department, but this time did not intentional trial. After coming to Callai, I saw the factory's appearance has been renewed. It has changed a lot more than last year, and the workers' face is a lot.

Seeing Bunz Xuan, Bach-Kara smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, hello! Welcome to Cal Zeiss again."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Kara, you have changed more than a year ago!"

Bach - Kara: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Bao, since then after cooperation with the black cloud. We received a lot of other corporate orders, and now custom digital camera cameras for several companies."

Black Cloud took so many engineers and senior mechanics from Dongdekar Zeas. Such a benefit is a lot of enterprises to enter digital cameras, if they have no optical lens technology reserves. Searching with Carl Zeiss is the best choice, which makes the East German Zeiss also follow the boat.

Bao Zixuan: "This is the advantage of Carl Zeiss technology, I just play a point of catalytic effect. There are two purposes this time, the first is to increase the cooperation between us. Second hope kara Mr. give me a few East Germany industry production enterprises and engineers. "

Bach - Kara: "There is no problem in the first point. After all, we have been very happy with the black cloud. But the second point is to introduce the heavy industry enterprises, Mr. Bao can find a foreign trade committee. This is their work category, you don't Learn about East Germany, here I can do a good job, I will love other people. "

Bunzi Xuan: "I like to explore technology with engineers, don't want to have too many intersections with politicians. People I want to be pure engineers, only in this way can understand the technical terms of our exchange. Policy where to know professional engineering equipment How to make it, so come over to find you. "

"As the most famous optical Thai, Dongde, I think you should know many of these engineers and scientists."

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